Coffee review

Coffee mellow Tour (XVI) Guatemalan Coffee-A mysterious smoky flavor

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, China and the United States are the main areas for the activities of the Mayans who created the Mayan civilization, and now it is really a beautiful and rich place. Mayan relics, beautiful beaches, unique plateau customs, mysterious volcanic areas all attract a large number of tourists. Guatemala's volcano and Lake Attilan are places that visitors can't miss. Today we're going to talk about volcanoes and Attites in Guatemala.

China and the United States are the main areas for the activities of the Mayans who created the Mayan civilization, and now it is really a beautiful and rich place. Mayan relics, beautiful beaches, unique plateau customs, mysterious volcanic areas. All attract a large number of tourists. Guatemala's volcano and Lake Attilan are places that visitors can't miss. Today, let's talk about the volcanoes of Guatemala and Lake Attilan.


Lake Attilan is called "the most beautiful lake". Here used to be a group of volcanoes, volcanic eruptions caused the ground to sink, and over time the lake was formed. Corn and black beans are mainly grown here, but the most important production is coffee!

The main producing areas of high-quality coffee in Guatemala are Lake Attilan and Vivette Nango. Antigua is also an important coffee producing area, where the coffee produced is full of praise from many coffee shoppers. The beautiful Lake Attilan breeds top coffee, which seems to absorb the beauty of Lake Attilan. Only hearing such a name will make people feel comfortable and beautiful.


There are many active volcanoes in Guatemala, and periodic volcanic eruptions produce large amounts of fertile ash, which makes the soil in the nearby area always full of nutrition and vitality. Thanks to this advantage, Guatemalan coffee grows well and has a unique flavor compared with coffee from other places. What are the characteristics of Guatemalan coffee?

Guatemalan coffee has a strong aroma, compared with the fruit aroma of African coffee, Guatemalan coffee is delicate and delicate floral aroma. In this aroma as if you can hear the sound of flowers, but also like entering a world of flowers intoxicated. Does such a beautiful scent of flowers remind you of the paradise-like beauty of Lake Attilan?


Although the mellowness of Guatemalan coffee is not very high, it combines perfectly with beautiful and moderate acidity. What is more unique is that the smoked taste can be vaguely felt in the meticulous sour taste, which is due to the unique flavor produced by the coffee bred by the Guatemalan volcanic ash soil. Although the overall taste of coffee is balanced and light, Guatemalan coffee has a beautiful taste, and the long and deep feeling brought by Huigan will certainly make you have better memories.


If you have a chance to go to Guatemala, don't forget to take a look at Lake Attila, the coffee that grows near the volcano, and don't forget to taste a cup of pure Guatemalan coffee. Of course, we can also have a cup of Guatemalan coffee in our spare time. To feel the beautiful scenery, the lost civilization and the bright future. Are you ready?