Coffee review

Can coffee powder be brewed directly? the correct time and method of drinking coffee how to drink coffee capsule

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) do you like coffee? Have a cup of coffee! It is a stylish and cozy pronoun, but problems such as palpitations, stomachache, insomnia and anxiety are gradually emerging. is it caused by drinking coffee? How to drink, won't hyperlipidemia? How to bake and grind beans in order to drink the most?

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Do you like the coffee? Have a cup of coffee! It is a stylish and cozy pronoun, but problems such as palpitations, stomachache, insomnia and anxiety are gradually emerging. is it caused by drinking coffee? How to drink, won't hyperlipidemia? How to bake and grind beans in order to drink the most good ingredients? Teach you to have a cup of "perfect coffee" in the right way.

The legend of coffee began as early as 1500 years ago, when the Ethiopian shepherd boy discovered that the red magic beans, which inexplicably excited the sheep, had an invigorating effect on people. At that time, he had no idea that the fruit was boiled into a slightly bitter, sour, black juice with a strong aroma, which changed world history and became one of the drinks that most people drank. Compared with Europe and the United States, Taiwanese started drinking coffee later, but in recent years they have caught up with each other at an astonishing speed.

Although drinking coffee has almost become a national sport, the ensuing palpitations, stomachache, and even doubts about blood pressure and cardiovascular health have gradually come to the table. in fact, foreign literature shows that drinking coffee has many benefits. as long as you master the knack of smart drinking, you can avoid evil and rest assured to enjoy a cup of super-perfect coffee.

What are the possible effects of drinking coffee in the morning?

There are many advantages to drinking coffee in the morning.

Enjoy a cup of good coffee in the morning light, as if all the cells in the body are awakened, and many enthusiasts regard drinking coffee as a ceremony to kick off a brand new day.

In addition to spiritual satisfaction and pleasure, drinking coffee in the morning is even more beneficial.

First of all, caffeine stimulates the central nervous system of the brain, boosts the spirit and keeps people focused, especially when they don't get enough sleep or feel drowsy from a cold the day before. This cup of coffee can briefly help the brain stay alert and be able to concentrate on work or exams.

However, for people who are used to drinking several cups of coffee every day, this morning cup of coffee may not really have much of a refreshing effect. Rogers, a professor in the Department of Experimental Psychology at the University of Bristow in the UK, has pointed out that regular coffee drinkers need more caffeine stimulation to achieve the same level of mental exhilaration, so he believes that people who drink coffee early in the morning, although they feel more energetic psychologically, in fact, caffeine just brings people back to normal.

But in any case, having a cup of coffee in the morning is always more refreshing than not drinking it at all.

In addition, because many artists and models highly advocate "drinking coffee to relieve edema" as the secret of private house maintenance, many people also try to follow suit, but in fact, coffee is beneficial to the diuretic effect and can improve the edema phenomenon. What's more, caffeine can increase the rate of calorie consumption and help control weight.

The study found that 100 milligrams of caffeine (about 1 cup of coffee) can increase the body's metabolic rate by 3mur4%, and calories can be consumed faster if you can cooperate with exercise, so exercise after drinking coffee is the secret of slimming people.

However, if you are used to adding cream and sugar to your coffee, you may not lose weight, but eat more calories. If you want to lose weight and eliminate edema, black coffee is more suitable.

Drinking coffee in the morning also has a unique benefit-─ helps defecate. Because coffee can stimulate gastrointestinal peristalsis, produce laxative effect, can improve constipation, but interestingly, the effect of drinking coffee in the morning is particularly significant, but drinking coffee at other times is not very effective.

2 can drinking coffee before or after breakfast help you lose weight?

Drink after breakfast

It is not impossible to drink coffee to help lose weight. On the one hand, caffeine can promote metabolism and accelerate fat decomposition; on the other hand, drinking coffee can also temporarily inhibit appetite.

In that case, you may intuitively think, "if you drink coffee first, you don't want to eat breakfast." the less you eat, it will certainly help you lose weight. "

It would be wrong to think so! "skip breakfast" is the blind spot for weight loss. King, a dietitian at the American Nutrition and Dietetic Association, points out that the study found that even if they eat fewer calories all day, people who skip breakfast tend to have higher BMI, which is bad for weight loss.

Therefore, it is better to drink coffee after breakfast.

Drinking coffee before exercise can help you lose weight

Foreign studies have pointed out that drinking coffee an hour before exercise and consuming about 200 mg of caffeine can increase the excitement of the nervous system, promote the body's energy consumption, accelerate fat burning, and be more attentive during exercise. It is helpful to enhance muscle strength and muscle endurance, and can also reduce muscle soreness symptoms.

However, because coffee is diuretic and accelerates body dehydration, doctors warn that water must be replenished at any time during exercise; for patients with high blood pressure, it is also necessary to avoid caffeine that may cause a temporary rise in blood pressure. at this time, strenuous exercise is easy to cause emergencies such as myocardial infarction or stroke.

3 which effect is better to drink coffee to cheer you up?

The refreshing effect of American filter coffee is better.

After lunch, the sugar in the blood rises, making people drowsy. It's not enough to lie in the office and take a nap for 10 minutes. Get some caffeine!

Coffee refreshing mainly comes from caffeine, which stimulates the central nervous system and releases exciting messages, thus reducing feelings of fatigue and anxiety, and improving thinking and learning ability. In addition, because caffeine can cause vasoconstriction, acting on the head can help relieve migraines.

But the coffee shop is full of choices. If you want to achieve a refreshing effect quickly, which kind of coffee should you drink? Many people think that the stronger the coffee, the higher the caffeine, the better. In fact, this is not the case. Huang Ming-teh, executive director of the Taipei Fine Coffee Business Development Association, points out that the thickness has something to do with how much moisture is added to the coffee. On the contrary, it is not directly related to the amount of caffeine in it. There are many factors affecting caffeine extraction, including the type of coffee beans, grinding particle size, brewing method, soaking time, temperature and other factors, all of which make a cup of coffee have different brain-awakening effects.

Coffee bean variety is an important factor affecting caffeine content. According to botanical classification, there are nearly 100 species in the Rubiaceae family of the genus Coffee, but the ones that really have commercial value and are suitable for planting in large quantities are Arabica and Robusta. Arabica is more popular because of its soft flavor and strong aroma, accounting for 60-70% of the global coffee production. Robusta, also known as sturdy beans, has strong resistance to diseases and insect pests and can grow in areas with a bad environment, but the coffee beans produced are bitter and mixed, and are usually used in cheap coffee, three-in-one coffee or seasoning ingredients.

The caffeine content of the two species is very different. Arabica beans account for 1.2% of the bean weight on average, but Robusta beans are as high as 2.2%. Therefore, if you drink coffee of poor quality and mixed with robusta beans, it will not only taste more bitter and mixed, but also consume more caffeine.

The circulation of Arabica beans is the majority in the Taiwan market. Under the premise of the same variety, the finer the coffee beans are ground and the longer they are soaked, the more caffeine is dissolved, so the refreshing effect is better.

According to the caffeine content data of the drinks provided by Starbucks for consumers' reference, the average caffeine content of a cup of latte (containing an espresso) is 75 milligrams, but the caffeine content of the medium cup "daily selection" is 240 milligrams, a difference of more than three times, so if you want to drink coffee in the morning, you can have a cup of "daily selection".

Caffeine intake, up to 300 mg a day

Although caffeine can be refreshing, consuming too much and constantly advancing your physical strength will make people too dependent on coffee and become more and more tired. Once you stop drinking, you may also have withdrawal symptoms, such as headache, tiredness, depression, irritability, nausea and vomiting.

Excessive caffeine intake affects health. According to the assessment of the EU Food Science expert Committee, it is best to limit caffeine intake to less than 300 mg per person per day, about 2 Murray and 3 cups of coffee.

At the age of 4, can you start drinking coffee?

Children under 12 are not allowed to drink coffee

The ad goes like this: a couple is intoxicated with the fragrant coffee and the two children look eager when the clerk smiles and says, "I've got a better one for you." Turn around and take out a coffee-flavored popsicle.

In recent years, "drinking coffee" has become a stylish and leisurely term. Under the influence of osmosis, even children and teenagers are eager to try. On the other hand, under the pressure of schoolwork, children learn to boost their spirits with coffee so that they can stay up late to study. But can they really drink coffee?.

Studies in various countries have pointed out that caffeinated beverages are not suitable for children and adolescents.

A study by Ohio University in the United States found that caffeine intake by children and adolescents can aggravate the symptoms of sleep interruption, prolong bed time, and even develop into emotional anxiety, which is more likely to cause caffeine addiction, which is not conducive to children's health, learning, and mental development.

In addition, caffeine affects appetite and hinders the nutrition absorption of developing children, so the National Institutes of Health has also warned parents that children's caffeine intake should be strictly controlled. The British Food Standards Agency also warned that drinking coffee during or half an hour after a meal will affect the body's absorption of iron, and adolescent girls should pay special attention to the risk of anemia if drinking coffee without restraint.

Zhang Beizhen, a psychiatrist at China Medical University, also believes that after drinking coffee, children do not drink healthier drinks such as boiled water and milk, plus canned or three-in-one coffee with sugar and cream, which can easily lead to nutritional imbalance.

In addition to affecting development and mood, Zhao Shunqing, a pediatric gastroenterologist and hepatobiliary physician at Linkou Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, also points out that children's liver and kidney are not fully developed, and the half-life of caffeine metabolism is prolonged, so they are more prone to side effects such as palpitations.

So how old should children be before they start drinking coffee? Canadian scholars recommend that preschoolers consume no more than 45 milligrams of caffeine (about 355cc caffeinated soda or 43 grams of milk chocolate bars). Zhao Shunqing pointed out that it may be a safer age after the age of 12.

Can old people drink coffee?

Zhao Qiang, a dietitian at Mackay Hospital, pointed out that after drinking coffee for 45 minutes, the concentration of caffeine in the blood was the highest, and the efficacy could be maintained for about 4 hours.

Generally speaking, most adults have a good tolerance for caffeine, but as they get older, it may be due to a decline in the body's metabolic power, and people who drink a few cups of coffee may also be sleepless because of a cup of coffee.

So, should old people avoid drinking coffee? Wang Pei-ning, a neurologist at Jung General College in Taipei, believes that age is not the main factor in stopping drinking coffee, but it depends on whether this person is used to drinking coffee on weekdays. If he already has a daily habit of drinking coffee, he doesn't have to stop even in his old age, but if he hasn't, he doesn't need to start drinking coffee just because it contains antioxidants that are good for health.

A survey by Brown University in the United States can also echo that middle-aged and elderly people who drink less than one cup of coffee a day may stimulate their nerves and lead to vascular blockage and stroke if they get up early in the morning, which is six times more likely than normal people. however, for people who drink coffee regularly (in the study, four cups of coffee a day), the risk of stroke does not increase.

5 drinking latte can protect calcium, really?

Worry about osteoporosis, latte or cappuccino is a good choice

Worrying about bone loss is probably the main reason why many women are "looking forward to but afraid of being hurt" about coffee.

Coffee has long been considered a risk factor for osteoporosis. Because its diuretic effect increases the excretion of water from the body, previous studies have found that caffeine increases the excretion of calcium in the urine. So, does this mean that drinking coffee leads to more calcium loss?

In fact, not necessarily, because a careful study of the body's running mechanism shows that in order to achieve systematic balance, the high calcium absorption rate and the increase in calcium excreted through the urine does not mean that there is a problem with the maintenance of bone mineral density. On the contrary, it is the rapid bone loss caused by estrogen after menopause, which is the most important factor affecting bone mineral density.

From the perspective of epidemiological data, past studies have found that caffeine intake is not related to bone loss and the incidence of fractures for 20-year-old women aged 50, but if older women regularly drink more than four cups of coffee a day and have a smoking habit, it is likely to affect bone mineral density.

Another trial involving 3170 84-year-old women with more than two units of caffeine (two cups of coffee or two cups of tea) a day increased the risk of hip fractures by nearly 70 percent, indicating that women after middle age should still control their daily consumption of coffee and tea and increase their calcium intake in order to slow down bone loss.

Therefore, Hsiao Ning-hsin, a professor in the Department of Biochemistry and Technology at National Taiwan University, suggests that coffee lattes with fresh milk or milk powder can make up for the loss of calcium in the body, while she likes to drink cappuccino with mellow milk, which is also coffee with fresh milk.

Which is not the advantage of drinking coffee?

As long as you don't drink too much coffee, the health benefits outweigh the disadvantages.

Is drinking coffee harmful to your health? " It has always been a controversial topic in the western scientific community.

Before the 1990s, the medical profession always imposed charges such as heart disease, high blood pressure and carcinogenesis on coffee. In recent decades, scholars have repeatedly put forward reports to overturn past arguments and rehabilitated coffee. Up to now, Europe and the United States still often take coffee as the topic, throwing out the research results of pros and cons, sometimes people are at a loss as to what to do, and they don't know whether they should drink coffee or not.

"judging from the current research, as long as there is not too much, drinking coffee will still do more good than harm to health," says Sun Lu-hsi, a professor at the Institute of Food Science and Technology at National Taiwan University, who also loves coffee.

In addition to refreshing, drinking coffee has many other benefits:

One cup a day is not enough! Coffee protects blood vessels against inflammation

● Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease A 20-year study of more than 40, 000 men and 80, 000 women by Harvard University and the Autonomous University of Madrid in Spain found that adults who drank coffee every day were less likely to die from cardiovascular disease than those who did not drink coffee. Especially for women, drinking 3 cups of coffee a day reduced the risk of dying from a heart attack or stroke by 25%, while men had to drink 4 cups a day to see the effect.

The researchers believe that the antioxidants in coffee can protect the heart by reducing inflammation and improving vascular function, but if you drink more than five cups a day, consuming too much caffeine may offset the benefits of antioxidants. it's bad for the heart.

Coffee has a strong antioxidant effect and brain protective effect. Dr. Wang Pei-ning of Beirong Neurology Department points out that many studies have found that coffee has a preventive effect on Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease. Recent studies have even shown that people who drink more than 3 cups of coffee a day have a more significant effect on reducing cognitive decline.

The Canadian study looked further at Parkinson's patients and found that coffee helped improve their motor symptoms, presumably by blocking abnormal signals in the brain.

Coffee may also be a good way for Taiwan to fight its national disease, liver disease. Dr. Li Ping-ying, a pediatrician at National Taiwan University Hospital, points out that previous studies have found that caffeine can reduce inflammation and damage to the liver after poisoning the liver.A study published in Gastroenterology, an authoritative journal of the Department of Gastroenterology, also shows that drinking coffee can reduce the rate of abnormal liver function, and that people who drink more than two cups of coffee a day can reduce the incidence of chronic liver disease by 60%.

Sweden's largest medical institution also comprehensively analyzed 11 global research papers, pointing out that drinking two cups of coffee a day can reduce the risk of liver cancer by 43%, and concluded that the main mechanism is that coffee contains antioxidants such as chlorogenic acid, which is conducive to resisting oxidative stress of body tissues and inhibiting carcinogen formation.

However, one should be careful when drinking coffee to protect the liver, because caffeine acts on the sympathetic nervous system and must be metabolized by the liver and kidneys. Chen Pei-che, a professor at the Graduate Institute of Clinical Medicine at National Taiwan University Medical College, believes that drinking too much coffee will increase the burden on the liver, and it should be taken in moderation.

Research shows that coffee drinking does not increase the risk of most cancers, but reduces the incidence of breast, skin and colon cancer.

A University of Toronto study of 1700 women with breast cancer risk genes found that drinking 1- 3 cups of coffee a day can reduce the risk of breast cancer by 10%, and drinking more than 6 cups can reduce the risk of cancer by 70%.

Another report, published in the Journal of Cancer Research, tracked the health of 110,000 people over 20 years and found that coffee consumption reduced the risk of basal cell cancer, a form of skin cancer, but decaffeinated coffee did not.

In addition, Japanese scholars also pointed out that women who drink more than 3 cups of coffee a day can reduce the incidence of colorectal cancer by 60%, but there is no similar finding in men.

Coffee for rheumatoid arthritis: inconclusive

However, the medical community is still uncertain about the impact of coffee on rheumatoid arthritis. Finland's National Institute of Public Health, for example, tracked the coffee drinking habits of 19,000 Finns for 15 years and found that those who drank more than three cups a day were twice as likely to develop rheumatoid arthritis as those who drank less than three cups a day.

But a University of Alabama study of 30,000 women aged 55 to 69 found that those who drank more than four cups of decaf coffee a day had twice the risk of rheumatoid arthritis as those who did not drink coffee.

Harvard Medical School later conducted an analysis of 70,000 volunteers 'dietary frequency questionnaires, and found that there was no evidence to support the relationship between coffee and rheumatoid arthritis.

Chen Yi-hsing, a physician at the Department of Allergy and Rheumatology at Taichung Veterans General Hospital, points out that drinking caffeinated coffee has no adverse effect on rheumatoid arthritis, but drinking more than four cups of decaffeinated coffee is more disadvantageous. Therefore, he suggests that rheumatoid arthritis patients can still drink coffee as long as they do not drink too much to affect their sleep.

7 When drinking coffee, nausea, vomiting, sore throat and other discomfort symptoms may be due to which of the following factors?

Pick out the unattractive beans and grind them again to reduce toxin invasion

Drinking coffee is not all a happy experience. I believe many people have drunk bitter coffee that is difficult to eat. They barely drink it and even feel nauseous, or have a sour throat "bite" feeling. They have to drink boiled water desperately to try to resolve the uncomfortable feeling.

When confronted with such inferior products, our first reaction is often "too high caffeine content, so bitter and unpleasant to drink", but in fact may be wrong blame. assistant professor wang yu wen of the department of agronomy, who runs a coffee course at national taiwan university and attracts a large number of students, points out that if you eat too much caffeine, you will indeed experience palpitations."but nausea and throat biting are definitely not side effects of caffeine," says wang with certainty.

The culprit is actually bad coffee beans. Wang Yuwen said that coffee beans must go through the "bean picking" process to screen out defective bad beans and impurities before they can be baked, and whether the beans are fine and accurate is not only related to the flavor of coffee brewing, but also may affect health.

He further pointed out that black beans, fungi beans and worm-eaten beans in defective coffee beans may contain toxins, of which the biggest worry is ochratoxin.

Ochratoxin (ochratoxin) is a secondary metabolite produced by mold, similar to aflatoxin, is a natural mycotoxin, divided into A, B, C, D four kinds, of which ochratoxin A toxicity is the strongest, according to literature reports, ochratoxin may cause liver, kidney disease, may also cause teratogenesis, immune system lesions, and even used in experimental mice found cancer, to the human body is a "possible carcinogen", toxic.

Because most coffee beans are imported from abroad, the growing environment, harvesting, processing, packaging and storage of the origin, and the transportation to Taiwan, once the temperature and humidity are not well controlled, they are vulnerable to toxin invasion. Although most toxins can be eliminated by high temperature after roasting, there may still be a small amount of residues. Taiwan's climate is warm and humid all year round, suitable for the growth of ochratoxin. Therefore, there is no vacuum seal during storage, transportation and sales after roasting. Toxins can still thrive, hide in coffee beans, and end up in people's mouths.

Ten years ago (2002), the Bureau of Standardization and Inspection of the Ministry of Economic Affairs sampled hundreds of imported coffee beans on the market, and ochratoxin was detected in 11 of the 52 roasted beans, with a ratio of up to 20%.

Fortunately, with the increasing knowledge of coffee in China, last year (2011) the Food and Drug Administration commissioned Vikai International Inspection Company to sample 262 coffee-related products on the market, only 2 of which detected trace ochratoxin. However, as coffee is still susceptible to ochratoxin infection, in order to further prevent and control, the Department of Health has also revised the regulations, coffee products on the market as long as the detection of ochratoxin exceeds 5ppb, must be removed from the shelves.

It's safer to weed out bad coffee beans.

Because of the toxin crisis and the risk of deterioration in taste, more and more independent cafes emphasize "hand-picked beans," eliminating defective beans that affect flavor and health. Wang Yuwen also encourages operators to obtain coffee cup tester qualifications, cultivate more sensitive taste buds, and also check for consumers."Just like a wine tasters, coffee cup testers must understand the sensory characteristics of various coffees. Even if there are only two defective beans in a cup of coffee, he can drink it out."

Of course, not everyone has the ability to know whether beans are good or bad after drinking, so Wang Yuwen suggests that people drink less cheap coffee, it is best to buy high-quality coffee beans, grind beans and brew them themselves.

Not only that, he turned to grab a handful of coffee beans and said that everyone could check their health and safety a little more. The key was to "pick out the beans with missing corners and feel unpretty. The beautiful beans would taste better and be safer to cook." He believed that although the beans were all blackened after baking, it was difficult to identify the mildew spots on the surface, but the whole and smooth beans were always safer.

8 How to grind coffee to get more beneficial antioxidants?

Coffee beans are ground a little bit to get more antioxidants

Coffee is the most complex food known to be composed of natural substances. Scientists have isolated more than 300 chemical substances from green coffee beans and more than 800 kinds from cooked beans, including many acidic organic compounds, which are not only the source of coffee sour flavor, but also beneficial antioxidants for health.

Among them, chlorogenic acids are the most abundant. Han Huaizong pointed out that chlorogenic acid is not pleasing to taste buds, bitter mouth, but it has strong antioxidant and free radical scavenging ability. Research has found that it can help the body fight cancer. After roasting, chlorogenic acid is decomposed into quinic acid and caffeic acid, which also have antioxidant effects.

Coffee drinkers agree that the most fragrant moment of coffee is not when drinking, but when grinding beans and just cooking, full of fragrance teaches people to feel happy, this is the role of volatile antioxidants, the finer the ground beans, the more particles, the greater the total area in contact with the air, and the antioxidants are easy to volatilize and disappear.

So, to reduce volatility, grinding coffee beans to coarse particles improves antioxidant intake? Han Huaizong disagreed. He believed that if these volatile antioxidants could not be dissolved in water, no matter how much they were left behind, they could not be consumed.

"Water-soluble antioxidants can only be absorbed by the human body. The finer they are ground, the higher the extraction rate, and the easier it is to dissolve organic acids and phenolic antioxidants," he suggests.

The International Coffee Organization has conducted a series of experiments to calculate the relationship between grinding fineness and acid aroma extraction concentration. Taking chlorogenic acid as an example, 700 mg of chlorogenic acid can be extracted per liter of coffee beans under coarse grinding. If the coffee beans are ground finely, the dissolution amount can be increased to 1065 mg per liter. If the coffee beans are ground finely, chlorogenic acid can be as high as 1177 mg/liter, which is 70% more than that of coarse particles.

Different coffee machines should use different grinding degrees

Although theoretically the finer the coffee beans are ground, the easier the antioxidants are dissolved, in practice, it is still necessary to consider the way coffee is brewed and the length of brewing time to adjust the more suitable grinding degree.

If ground too fine, water and coffee powder surface contact too much, easy to extract too many impurities and bitterness, but if ground too coarse, water powder contact is not enough, can not bubble coffee aroma.

Therefore, in general, the powder is fine to coarse, and the corresponding suitable coffee machine can be divided into several types:

● Espresso grind: Very fine particles, suitable for espresso machines.

● Fine drind: Mocha pot, hand rinse drip filter cup.

● Medium grind: suitable for hand drip filter cup, American coffee pot, siphon pot.

● coarse grind: suitable for French press pot.

As for when to grind coffee to preserve the most complete nutrients? Chang Wen-wei, director of the Taipei Fine Coffee Association and head of Coffee Consciousness Cafe, points out that if time permits,"freshly ground and brewed" is best, because once coffee beans are ground, the oxidation rate is accelerated, not only the antioxidants decrease, but also the flavor deteriorates.

9 Some people drink coffee will feel uncomfortable stomach, how to avoid?

Avoid drinking coffee to hurt your stomach. It's better to drink it after meals.

Sometimes, after drinking coffee, there are symptoms such as heartburn, heartburn, stomachache, etc., so there is often a saying that "black coffee hurts the stomach". If sugar or milk is added, can it be improved?

The answer is no. Hong Chih-sheng, a gastroenterologist at Cathay Pacific Hospital, points out that caffeine in coffee can cause a large amount of acid secretion, causing discomfort. Caffeine also stimulates the originally closed dilator muscles at the lower end of the esophagus, making them more relaxed, causing gastroesophageal reflux, which cannot be alleviated by adding milk or sugar.

In addition to caffeine, scientists have also discovered in recent years that coffee contains a variety of other chemicals that stimulate acid secretion. In the process of research, an active substance NMP (N-methylpyridine) was unexpectedly found, which can block the ability of stomach cells to produce hydrochloric acid and reduce stomach discomfort.

Interestingly, NMP does not exist in green coffee beans, it must be produced through the roasting process, and the deeper the roasting, the more content, which also means that drinking deep-roasted coffee is less harmful to the stomach. In addition, easy to cause stomach discomfort acid, in the deep-baked beans less content.

Veronika Somoza, a professor at the Department of Nutrition and Physiology at the University of Vienna in Austria who led the study, pointed out that NMP content in deep-roasted coffee may be more than twice that of light-roasted coffee.

Change coffee time, do not drink coffee on an empty stomach, may be a good way, not only does not hurt the stomach, caffeine stimulates gastric acid secretion more to help digestion, kill two birds with one stone.

10 Types of Coffee Can Reduce Diabetes Risk?

Decaffeinated coffee does not worsen diabetes

In recent years, a series of studies published by European and American academic units have found that those who drink coffee every day have significantly lower fasting blood sugar and postprandial blood sugar than those who do not drink coffee.

Researchers at the Dutch National Institute of Public Health conducted a 10-year study of 17000 people and published a report in the medical authority journal Lencet. They found that the more coffee they drank, the lower the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. That is, coffee consumption was significantly negatively correlated with diabetes. Finnish scientists published in the American Journal of Medicine (JAMA) followed more than 14000 people in the country for 12 years and found similar results-people who drank 3- 4 cups of coffee a day reduced their diabetes risk by 30%.

However, paradoxically, Duke University in the United States published a study with opposite results in 2008, throwing a shock bomb for the medical community. James D. Lane), who led the team, set up continuous blood glucose monitors in 10 people with type 2 diabetes who drank an average of four cups of coffee a day, but stopped drinking during the study period and ate a caffeine capsule equivalent to about one cup of coffee for breakfast and lunch, and switched to a caffeine-free placebo the next day.

Blood sugar rose an average of 8 percent after caffeine capsules and spiked 10 to 20 percent after meals compared with placebo levels.

Summarizing the results of different studies, it can be found that although coffee has a stabilizing effect on blood sugar, it is not due to caffeine. On the contrary, too much caffeine intake will offset the benefits of coffee, especially for diabetics.

Dr. Rob Van Dam, of the Harvard School of Public Health, believes that antioxidants other than caffeine, such as chlorogenic acid, may play a protective role in reducing diabetes risk in the long term. He also suggested that people with high blood sugar or diabetes have poor glucose metabolism, so it is best to drink less coffee or switch to decaffeinated coffee. As for people who are generally healthy, it is fine.

Coffee May Raise Cholesterol, What Can Be Done to Reduce Risk?

Follicular brewing can avoid high blood lipids

Although drinking coffee has many benefits, it also has disadvantages to people's health, that is, it leads to an increase in blood lipids.

The main reason is that coffee contains coffee oil, in which the diterpenes compounds caffeine (cafestol) and caffeinol (kahweol) can increase the concentration of triglycerides and cholesterol in the blood.

Martijn Katan, a professor at the Institute of Health Sciences at the Free University of Amsterdam in the Netherlands, pointed out that drinking five cups of coffee brewed in a French filter kettle a day, which contains about 10 Murray and 13 milligrams of coffee oil, will raise cholesterol in the body's blood by 6 percent and 8 percentage points.

Another study also pointed out that drinking 60 milligrams of coffee oil a day is enough to increase LDL and triglycerides in the body. Han Huaizong pointed out that if coffee beans contain 1 percent of coffee oil, as long as they drink more than 6 grams of coffee, they will consume more than 60 milligrams of coffee oil, which is bad for their health.

What should I do? Just add a piece of filter paper.

The Harvard Health Newsletter (Harvard Health Letter) issued by Harvard University in early 2012 suggested that filter paper can filter out most of the caffeine and caffeine, which can effectively reduce the harm of rising blood lipids caused by drinking coffee.

Han Huaizong points out that coffee brewed without filter paper, such as Nordic brewed coffee, French filter pots, and Turkish pots, contains about 12 milligrams of caffeine and white caffeine per cup, while coffee brewed with filter paper contains only about 0.6 milligrams of caffeine, a difference of 20 to 30 times.

Although the brewing methods such as mocha pot and siphon pot are filtered, they are made of metal or coarse cotton cloth, and the effect of adsorbing coffee oil is still limited.

Therefore, he suggests that in order to protect cardiovascular health and reduce the intake of caffeine and caffeine, filter paper should be used to brew coffee. If coffee is usually cooked in Italian espresso machines, mocha pots, siphon pots, and French filter pots, it is best to go through one more procedure and filter them with filter paper before drinking.

12 which baking method for coffee beans is more conducive to health?

Drinking roasted coffee is more healthy.

When drinking coffee, they taste the fresh and fragrant sour aroma, which not only satisfies the sense of smell and taste, but also drinks all kinds of fruit acids of coffee, which are healthy antioxidants.

However, scientists can't help but wonder how far coffee beans have to be roasted to store the most antioxidants.

In his book Coffee Science, Han Huaizong cited foreign studies to point out that after roasting, the antioxidant capacity of raw beans is greatly increased, and the ability to repair cells is better than that of beans before baking. The study also found that beans are roasted for about 10 minutes. Coffee has the strongest ability to remove free radicals, but he said that at this time the coffee is still too sour and difficult to enter, and it is better to wait until at least 12 minutes. It belongs to light roasting, light roasting and medium roasting coffee beans. It tastes sour and bright, so it is a good choice for health coffee.

As for deep-roasted coffee, the acid is gradually lost in the roasting process, and the drink is more bitter. Chang Wen-Wei, director of the Taipei boutique Coffee Business Association and head of coffee awareness, emphasizes, "it's like roasting until the meat is scorched, and you eat these scorched food for a long time. Do you talk about keeping healthy?" He asked, and the answer was, of course, "it is better to eat less."

Baking is the magic of coffee.

Baking is a wonderful process, like magic, the original tasteless coffee beans, after quenching, the internal substances of the beans are completely reorganized and transformed into fragrant and charming beverages.

For a coffee roaster, baking beans is both a science and an art. He must master the right rhythm to bake the aromatic molecules without scorching the beans.

For consumers, they may not need to know the details of the baking process, go directly to the store shelf and take a bag of cooked beans home; go to a nearby small cafe to talk to the boss (usually the boss will be a good baker). Try coffee with different roasting levels, or ask the master to tailor your favorite ripeness according to your personal preference The simplest thing, of course, is to sit down leisurely in a cafe, slowly enjoy a cup of coffee, and wash up busy and irritable.