Coffee review

What's the difference between Italian style and single product?

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, The difference between Italian coffee and individual coffee is right. There are tens of thousands of kinds of coffee. I just want to divide them into two categories, one is called Italian coffee, the other is called non-Italian coffee. Filter coffee is divided into trickling filter extraction and manual brewing extraction.

The difference between espresso and individual coffee is right. There are tens of thousands of kinds of coffee, and I just want to divide them into two categories-one is called espresso, the other is called non-Italian. Filter coffee is divided into trickling filter extraction and manual brewing extraction. The method of manual brewing and extraction is called hand-made coffee. The coffee concentrate extracted by the Italian coffee machine under high pressure is called espresso, and the espresso with milk or milk foam is called Milk Coffee, or Milk Coffee. Italian concentrated base solution with other things, such as cream ice cubes or wine, is called Italian creative coffee. If there is no standard, you can call it whatever you want. All the coffee obtained by Italian machine extraction is called Italian coffee. The concentration of drip coffee is low, and the hand extraction technique is more delicate, which can highlight the flavor characteristics of coffee origin, so the two pieces of coffee classified according to the extraction method are hand coffee and Italian coffee.

Hand-brewed coffee has the characteristics of highlighting the flavor of origin, so it is often seen in cafes with national names such as "Kenya" and "Colombia", or specific producing areas such as "Yegashifi" and "Sidamo". Even "Tianyi Manor", "Monte Cristo Manor" and other specific manor names, as well as "Bird of Paradise", "Prospect" and other direct names for specific high-quality raw beans. These coffee made from a single bean seed, also known as single coffee, has its own flavor characteristics, most of which are made by hand extraction. However, single coffee can also be extracted by Italian style, so single coffee is not equal to hand-brewed coffee. Blended coffee refers to the blending of a variety of coffee beans, most of which are used in the production of Italian coffee, because the concentration of Italian coffee is high, the coffee taste is narrow, and a large amount of milk and other additives are usually added. so blended coffee on the one hand saves the cost of raw beans, on the other hand, it will also focus on expressing outstanding characteristics and balancing taste. A small amount of blended coffee is also used for hand-brewing, but due to the exquisite taste of hand-brewed coffee, a variety of beans are easy to destroy the cleanliness and hierarchy of the taste, so it is very difficult to match by hand, not to mention low cost savings.

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