Coffee review

The last things baristas want guests to do! Don't step on the mine!

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) whether you are visiting a friend's house or drinking coffee in a coffee shop, these are a few things that baristas don't want you to do, take the time to remember patiently to make you more professional about coffee! 1. Squeeze the coffee bag many people think that the air valve on the coffee bean bag is for consumers

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Whether you're visiting a friend's house or having coffee in a coffee shop, these are a few things the barista doesn't want you to do. Take the time to remember patiently to make you more professional about coffee!

1. Squeeze the coffee bag

Many people think that the air valve on the coffee bean bag is designed to smell fragrance for consumers. This is a complete misconception. Don't squeeze the air in the coffee bag just because the coffee bean smells so good.

After roasting, coffee beans emit a lot of carbon dioxide, which is essential to keep coffee beans fresh (against oxygen and moisture), and the air pressure in the bag can also help grow beans, so stop squeezing coffee bags!

In addition, practical knowledge is released here ~ when flying, the cabin pressure will squeeze the air out of the coffee bean bag, and when it arrives at the destination, the coffee bean bag has become shrivelled, affecting the flavor of the coffee. At this time, as long as the breathable valve of the coffee bag is taped first, and then put into the chain bag, you can give the coffee beans an extra layer of protection. Try it next time.

2. fine black coffee with sugar and milk at the very beginning

Coffee leaves a bitter impression in the minds of many people, and it is difficult to drink it directly without sugar and milk. But now the techniques of coffee farmers, bean bakers, cooking techniques and utensils are much better than before, and it is not normal to be so bitter that it is difficult to swallow.

Because coffee is a kind of fruit, when drinking coffee, as long as it is in a normal state, it is like eating fresh fruit that melts to the throat, the acid changes from sour to sweet, and only abnormal bitterness and acid will remain in the mouth and cause oral discomfort.

In addition, when we add sugar and milk, we usually add sugar and cream, which will cause a burden on the body. After drinking these things, the mouth of the coffee will become sour, and it will also cause a burden on the body. But after drinking good black coffee, the mouth will not get sour, but there will be bursts of sweetness, even the drinking water will become sweet!

3. It is required to grind all the coffee beans into powder.

Coffee is the best flavor of freshly brewed coffee. It is mentioned above that breathable valves are used to maintain freshness and aroma after roasting coffee beans. At this time, if a large number of coffee is required to be ground into powder, the surface area of the ground coffee powder in contact with the air is magnified a hundred times and a thousand times, the aroma will be quickly lost, even if the use of seal, breathable valve can not achieve the preservation effect.

If you don't have a bean grinder at home, you can take it to a nearby coffee shop before brewing and ask the shopkeeper to help grind it. Or the more convenient hanging-ear coffee (if the coffee powder of the hanging-ear coffee is filled with nitrogen, the freshness is better and the shelf life is longer). So stop asking for all the coffee you buy to be ground to powder.

4. Use the producing area to judge the price

"this coffee is not from XX. Why is the price so high? "

"is this the only way to sell coffee in the XX area? It seems that the quality must be bad. "

In fact, there are a lot of disputes about the coffee in a certain producing area, whether it is good or bad. Of course, only the category of fine coffee is discussed here. The same coffee from the same producing area may also have different climatic conditions, altitude, soil quality and so on. Affecting the flavor of coffee will also be related to local processing equipment and technology.

Therefore, it is not cheap that there is no good goods, but you can also buy high-quality coffee with charming flavor at an approachable price. Similarly, the high price of coffee does not necessarily mean that this coffee is in line with your preferences, some people like fragrance, some people like long aftertaste, some people like deep-roasted flavor, green vegetables and tofu have their own preferences.

5. Incorrect method of measurement

When brewing coffee at home, the necessary utensils can refer to the previously shared "choice of five appliances for brewing coffee at home". If you want to do a good job, you must sharpen the tools first, and do not save what you should prepare, so that you can steadily brew a good cup of coffee.

First of all, do not use a spoon as a basis for measuring the amount of coffee beans, because the size of coffee beans is different, measuring with a spoon will cause errors. Using electronic scales to weigh beans will be more accurate and can be used to measure water.

When measuring the water temperature by hand brewing coffee, please use the digital thermometer instead of the pointer type. The reaction speed of the pointer type is slow, which may lead to the water temperature of the actual water injection is not the temperature you want.

In addition, the pointer thermometer needs to be calibrated regularly: put the thermometer into the ice water and show as 0 degrees.

6. Enter the bar without permission

"I want to see what kind of bean grinder you use", "I want to see how you fill and pull flowers". No, no, no.

It should be needless to say that the bar is like the kitchen. Normally, no one goes to the kitchen to see how the chef cooks because the food is delicious or curious. After all, it is the chef's private space. There may be secret recipes or unique tricks in it, and so is the barista at the bar. Respect for your professionalism and dedication ~ the barista will thank you very much.

7. Unequal instruments should have a similar effect.

"Why do I go home and brew the same coffee, but I can't make it as good? "

In addition to the quality of coffee beans, bean grinders, coffee machines and even brewing water, many factors will affect the flavor of coffee.

Cheap bean grinder compared to professional bean grinder, household coffee machine compared to commercial coffee machine, general tap water boiling water, perfect filtration and even ion-added water system. No matter how you look at it, it is an unfair comparison, of course, there are many deeper factors, such as different cooking experience and methods. To learn more, you will find that in order to make a good cup of coffee, you can not ignore it in all aspects. Coffee is an esoteric drink.

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