Coffee review

The advantages and disadvantages of drinking coffee what kind of coffee do you have in the coffee shop?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Coffee can be refreshing, you know what the reason is? Richard Waltman, a neuroendocrinologist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and his colleagues point out that coffee is refreshing because it suppresses some kind of brain chemical that is depressing. Due to the stimulation of coffee

Professional coffee knowledge exchange More coffee bean information Please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style)

Coffee refreshes, you know what?

Richard waterman, a neuroendocrinologist at the massachusetts institute of technology, and his colleagues suggest that coffee's pick-me-up comes from its ability to inhibit certain brain chemicals that are debilitating. Because coffee stimulates the brain too strongly, directly affecting the mental state, in the 16th century coffee first spread to Europe, it was advocated that a doctor's prescription to drink coffee.

The coffee culture that has flourished over the past four or five centuries has made it impossible for people to go without coffee for a day. However, the medical community has repeatedly pointed out that coffee has more than just refreshing effects on the human body.

Let's start with coffee's refreshing effect.

According to research, drinking 100-200 mg of caffeine a day is enough to wake up and is harmless to the body; the best time to drink coffee, for office workers, is after breakfast in the morning, just arrived at the office, and after lunch, ready to start the afternoon busy work. A cup of coffee at this time can avoid drowsiness after meals.

The study also found that, for the average person, a cup of coffee in the morning and afternoon, the best refreshing effect, more than this amount, not only can not achieve the refreshing effect, but also make people feel anxious.

Drinking too much coffee can also lead to calcium loss, which is a major threat to osteoporosis for older people, especially middle-aged women.

Two or more cups of coffee a day increase the risk of fractures by about 50%, alarming experts believe that older people drink coffee, one cup a day is the safest.

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Even today, coffee is often used as a topic in Europe and the United States, and the results of research are sometimes mixed, sometimes people do not know whether to drink coffee or not. "according to current research, as long as coffee isn't consumed excessively, the health benefits outweigh the risks," says sun lu hsi, a professor at the institute of food science and technology at national taiwan university who loves coffee. Coffee has many benefits besides being refreshing:

1. prevent cardiovascular disease

2. prevent dementia

3. protect the liver

4. Reduced risk of cancer

Avoid drinking coffee to hurt your stomach. It's better to drink it after meals.

Sometimes, after drinking coffee, there are symptoms such as heartburn, heartburn, stomachache, etc., so there is often a saying that "black coffee hurts the stomach". If sugar or milk is added, can it be improved?

The answer is no. Hong Chih-sheng, a gastroenterologist at Cathay Pacific Hospital, points out that caffeine in coffee can cause a large amount of acid secretion, causing discomfort. Caffeine also stimulates the originally closed dilator muscles at the lower end of the esophagus, making them more relaxed, causing gastroesophageal reflux, which cannot be alleviated by adding milk or sugar. In addition to caffeine, scientists have also discovered in recent years that coffee also contains a variety of other chemicals that stimulate gastric acid secretion. In the process of research, an active substance NMP (N-methylpyridine) was accidentally found, which can block the ability of stomach cells to produce hydrochloric acid and reduce stomach discomfort.

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There are some things you may not know about the benefits and disadvantages of drinking coffee:

Filtered coffee is less likely to increase cholesterol, while coffee consumption increases LDL (bad cholesterol) slightly, but it also increases HDL (good cholesterol).

Coffee stimulates defecation in about one-third of healthy people. Occasionally defecation is not smooth, drink a cup of strong coffee, there will be unexpected laxative effect.

Coffee may reduce the incidence of Parkinson's disease.

Drink coffee when diarrhea, coffee diuretic effect, will promote the discharge of water in the body and aggravate diarrhea.

Coffee stimulates gallbladder contraction, and people with gallstone tendencies are forbidden to drink coffee.

Drinking too much coffee, pregnant women are prone to spontaneous abortion.

Caffeine in coffee can suppress asthma. When asthma attacks occur, two cups of strong coffee can be given in an emergency because coffee has bronchial medicinal properties.

Coffee can also eliminate depression and improve libido.

Coffee is really wonderful food, but how to get its benefits and avoid its harm, depends on your physical condition and the amount of control!

the history of coffee

Legend has it that in the sixth century AD, a shepherd in Ethiopia found his sheep jumping around all of a sudden. He thought it was strange.

Therefore, after careful observation, he found that the sheep had this special excited reaction only after eating a red fruit; so he tried to share this fruit with others, and all who drank it felt refreshed and refreshed, so that this fruit was used as a refreshing at that time.

the origin of coffee

The earliest written records of coffee were written by the Arab doctor Raj in the 10th century, but coffee cultivation dates back to 575 AD, and the best coffee variety, Arabica, originated in Ethiopia.

In the 15th century, southern Arabia in Yemen began to plant seedlings from Ethiopia intensively.

History of drinking

Coffee drinking is said to have started around the 10th century. It started in Ethiopia and was later extended to Arabia and other places. Coffee is regarded as a drink representing Muslim countries, and it is said that the earliest coffee shops appeared in Mecca. Thus coffee naturally spread to the Middle East and caught the attention of Europeans.

Coffee is medicine.

In 657, a British newspaper published that coffee had many effects, such as being effective on stomach ulcers, strengthening the heart, promoting digestion, invigorating the spirit, relaxing the mood, treating eye diseases, colds, coughs, lung diseases, headaches, edema, gout, scurvy, adenopathy, and other diseases. At that time, it was even more widely spread.

But…coffee is sometimes described as an elixir and sometimes as a poison. Why? Because, ah, some people suffer from discomfort due to coffee, such as insomnia, anger, palpitations, fever, weightlessness, and gastrointestinal discomfort.

So people's reactions to coffee are polarized!

Coffee's origin

Some people may find this passage funny because ah, it looks like a tongue twister! Colombia coffee from Colombia; Brazilian coffee from Brazil;

Blue Mountain Coffee from Jamaica; Java Coffee from Indonesia; Kilimanjaro Coffee from Tanzania; Hawaiian Coffee from the United States; Guatemala Coffee from Guatemala; Mocha Coffee from Ethiopia, etc.

Coffee beans grow in the equatorial center, generally known as tropical coffee.

And because coffee beans are produced in so many, so far away places, before the dark brown coffee beans appear in front of your eyes, think about it, in fact, it has gone through various circulation processes and many people's hands.

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Coffee makes you feel better.

Coffee can increase blood fatty acid content, can make the body more powerful, but also can reduce the consumption of carbohydrates, so that people can easily cheer up.

Coffee can help you live longer.

A Harvard University team has conducted research showing that people who drink coffee regularly tend to be slightly older on average than those who do not drink coffee, and many of the side effects of coffee that are rumored are not obvious in these people.

Coffee can help you lose weight.

A study by the University of Scranton team in the United States showed that subjects who regularly ingested green coffee beans (not completely dried coffee beans, green coffee beans) had a significant trend of weight loss, of which 37.5% of the subjects were originally a little obese, and after ingesting green coffee beans extract, their weight returned to normal weight.

Coffee makes you happy.

Coffee contains a lot of antioxidants, can make people less prone to depression, the National Institutes of Health has also published a study, pointed out that people who drink coffee every day are less likely to suffer from depression.

Coffee keeps you away from some diseases.

The American Chemical Society study found that regular coffee drinkers had a lower risk of diabetes; Harvard Medical School research showed that women who drank three cups of coffee a day were also less likely to develop skin cancer; and the University of Eastern Finland School of Medicine found that people who drank three to five cups of coffee a day had a 65 percent lower risk of developing Alzheimer's disease.

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Quartz, a news site owned by The Atlantic, points out that

The benefits of drinking coffee include the following five benefits:

1. Coffee relieves shoulder and neck pain: Studies have shown that coffee can effectively relieve soreness in the neck, shoulders, arms and wrists, so coffee is indeed a good drink for office workers who spend a lot of time at their desks.

2. Coffee is a great social lubricant: employees are more productive if they share coffee and chat during breaks, according to mit research.

3. Coffee shops are great places to work: a study published in the journal of consumer research found that light noise helps stimulate creativity. Therefore, working in a coffee shop can not only taste delicious coffee, but also increase work efficiency with mild noise.

4. 2 p.m. is the best time: usually 2 p.m. is the worst time of day, and the effect of drinking coffee is most obvious. If you drink a cup of coffee after dinner and take a 15-minute nap, it will definitely be effective to replenish energy.

5. Coffee saves lives: 50-and 60-year-olds who drink two to three cups of coffee a day have a 10% lower risk of dying than those who don't drink coffee at all, according to a study by the National institutes of health.

But when you're feeling stressed or anxious, stay away from coffee, which can make things worse by raising blood pressure and adrenaline.

Benefits and disadvantages of coffee:

Drink 100-300 mg of caffeine a day, not only can achieve the effect of refreshing, but also harmless to health; for office workers, after breakfast in the morning, just into the office and lunch break, ready to start busy afternoon work, each to a cup of coffee, can effectively refresh, but more than this amount, not only can not refresh, but also make people feel anxious.

If you like coffee and you're a woman, you might want to control yourself. You don't want to be incontinent. Women who drink more than four cups of coffee a day or eat too much caffeine are more than twice as likely to develop bladder muscle weakness, or bladder dysfunction, which is the leading cause of urinary incontinence, research shows.

Researchers studied the relationship between caffeine and incontinence in 131 women who drank caffeinated beverages and had bladder dysfunction and 128 women who did not have the problem.

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The study found that women who consumed an average of 484 milligrams of caffeine per day (equivalent to three to four cups of coffee) had a higher rate of bladder dysfunction than women who consumed an average of 194 milligrams of caffeine per day (equivalent to one to two cups of coffee). Women who smoked and were over 55 were more likely to develop urinary incontinence, which was also caused by caffeine.

Therefore, the researchers recommend that women should not drink more than 400 mg of caffeine per day, which means that they should not drink more than four cups of brewed coffee per day. The researchers said women should eat less caffeinated beverages when they show symptoms of incontinence, such as leaking urine when laughing or coughing.

Drinking too much coffee can cause calcium loss, leading to osteoporosis, is another threat to women coffee: two or more cups of coffee a day, will increase the risk of fracture by about 50%, sounds terrible enough!

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Drinking more than three cups of coffee a day can trigger gastrointestinal problems…caffeine can stimulate intestinal contractions, causing diarrhea. Regular fasting coffee, easy to make excessive acid secretion, resulting in excessive acid secretion, resulting in hyperacidity or gastric ulcer. Induce gallstone hernia pain…a little caffeine will stimulate gallbladder contraction, if there are gallstones in people, may cause pain. Therefore, the medical community reminds that people with gallstones should avoid drinking coffee.

Caffeine can irritate the breast, causing breast fibrocysts and even transforming into breast cancer.

Coffee, tea, cola, energy drinks, chocolate, and even cold syrup all contain caffeine. Visby and Polythene B, popular among Taiwan's working-class, mix alcohol and caffeine. Caffeine capsules are also available for people who have a strong need for caffeine. The effect of caffeine varies with dose. Too much caffeine not only fails to recharge the brain, but also makes the brain lose control.

If you use more than 300mg caffeine, you may have symptoms of caffeine poisoning, including restlessness, anxiety, insomnia, palpitations, agitation, blushing, muscle convulsions and so on. On the contrary, sudden withdrawal of caffeine may also lead to withdrawal syndrome, including headache, fatigue, drowsiness, dizziness, anxiety, boredom and so on. Generally speaking, withdrawal symptoms occur within 1 day, peak in 1 to 2 days, and last for about a week. The Ministry of Health's advice is to consume about 300 milligrams of caffeine a day, which is the healthiest.

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For the advantages and disadvantages of drinking coffee, we should also pay attention to the following:

1. Drinking more than five cups of coffee a day (about 150CC per cup) can easily lead to addiction and endanger your health.

two。 Drink coffee for about 10 to 15 minutes, that is, it has a refreshing effect, so do not drink coffee before going to bed to avoid insomnia.

3. Drinking coffee in the morning does help to clear your head and refresh yourself, but you must have breakfast before you drink it, otherwise it is easy to hurt your intestines and stomach. People with stomach and twelve-finger intestinal ulcers should especially avoid drinking coffee on an empty stomach.

4. After drinking coffee, do not smoke immediately, otherwise it is easy to cause harm to the heart.

5. Do not drink coffee after drinking, otherwise it will stimulate blood vessel dilation, accelerate blood circulation and increase cardiovascular burden.

6. Caffeine will also be absorbed through the placenta and enter the fetus, endangering the brain and heart of the fetus, so pregnant women should quit.

7. Caffeine can also be absorbed by babies with breast milk, so lactating women should quit it.

8. Don't drink too strong coffee, or it will make people impatient and less understanding.

9. For people with bad intestines and stomach, it is best to add milk to drink coffee to ease the stimulation to the stomach, but to control the intake of sugar so as not to get fat.