Coffee review

What is the difference among American beans, African beans and Asian beans? What about the flavor?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) what is the difference between American beans, African beans and Asian beans? What about the flavor? [introduction] the world of coffee is rich and interesting. Coffee from different continents has its own characteristics. Coffee is the product of 15 degrees north latitude from the equator. Therefore, it is found in South America, Asia and Africa.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

What is the difference among American beans, African beans and Asian beans? What about the flavor?

[introduction] Coffee is rich and interesting in the world. Coffee from different continents has its own characteristics. Coffee is the product of the equator to 15 degrees north latitude. Therefore, it is produced in South America, Asia and Africa. However, the coffee produced from the equator to 15 degrees north latitude is so strong and bitter that only some people who drink coffee and do not know its taste will like it. In fact, the best coffee should be produced between 15 degrees north latitude and the Tropic of Cancer.

"coffee belt" and "coffee output"

Coffee production is mostly located between the Tropic of Cancer, 25 degrees north of the tropical or subtropical equator and 30 degrees south of the equator. An area with an annual average temperature of 16-25 degrees Celsius, no Frosts Descent and rainfall of 1600-2000 mm. At present, coffee is mainly produced in more than 70 countries, most of which are located in areas with an altitude of 300,400m, and coffee trees are sometimes planted on highlands at an altitude of 2000-2500 meters, but those planted on hillsides above 1500 meters above sea level have better quality.

Coffee trees grow in tropical or subtropical agricultural gardens centered around the equator and called coffee belts.

In addition, growing coffee also requires daylight and proper shade, which is most suitable for planting on fertile soil or volcanic ash soil. Therefore, the origin of coffee is widely distributed in South America, Central America, the West Indies, Asia, Africa, Arabia, the South Pacific and Oceania. Such as Ethiopia and Tanzania in Africa, Brazil, Colombia, Jamaica, Guatemala, Mexico, Honduras, Costa rica in Central and South America, Vietnam and Indonesia in Southeast Asia, are all major coffee producers.

In terms of production, Central and South America accounts for about 60 per cent of the world's coffee production, Africa and Arabia account for about 20 per cent, and the remaining 20 per cent are distributed in Asian countries and islands.

In South America, Brazil accounts for 30-50% of the world's output, while Colombia accounts for 10-20%. At present, the coffee production of Vietnam in Asia has surpassed that of Colombia, and Indonesia has become the fourth largest coffee producer in the world.

Central and South America

Characteristics of taste: balanced, moderate acidity and mellow taste

Central and South America is the largest coffee producing area in the world, and there are countless boutique coffee here. Take Colombia, Guatemala or Brazil as an example, good coffee is enough to make people dazzling. What is the resource advantage that makes Central and South America so good?

In 1721, French naval officer Gabriel Mathieu de Clieu went through difficulties and obstacles to bring the first coffee sapling from Africa to the Latin American island of Martinique, which was the origin of coffee cultivation in Latin America. Because France was under the Bourbon dynasty, Arabica coffee grown in Latin America had another name, bourbon, which is now famous in the coffee industry. Bourbon is now an important branch of coffee in Arabica. The overall flavor of Latin American coffee is famous for its balance, and all the flavors in the coffee can be found in Latin American coffee. The widespread use of wet treatment of raw beans is also one of the characteristics of Latin American coffee, good processing also makes its beans larger and more uniform than African coffee, and the defect rate is lower.



Colombia is one of the largest producers of high-quality coffee in the world, a bright pearl in the world coffee map and a coffee land blessed by God. Arabica coffee is grown on steep slopes 800 to 1900 meters above sea level and is hand-picked and washed.

[Santa Rita, Colombia] (deeply baked in water)-sucrose, clean, medium thickness, Santa Rita Manor, located in Antioquia, Colombia, treats coffee in the traditional way: picking coffee cherries by hand. Then the coffee fruit is washed and dried in a scaffolding. The environment around the Andes makes this coffee-growing area rich in volcanic soil and rich in water resources.

El Salvador

El Salvador coffee is also extremely high quality, and unique flavor: a strong sense of balance, fresh and lively, mild taste, sweet and pleasant, can be described as "pure natural flavor". This is because of the fertile soil, suitable altitude, good climate, intergenerational planting techniques and tree species with fine pedigree.

[Ataisi Manor Pacamara in El Salvador] (washed moderately roasted)-Nuts chocolate, passion fruit, cream, strawberries, the national average of high altitude, such a geographical environment is very conducive to the growth of coffee, farmers use the traditional way of growing: almost 100% shade planting. Pacamara is the artificial breeding variety of Pacas and Maragogipe, and Pacamara is a rare excellent variety under artificial breeding.


Guatemala is a coffee producing area that can not be ignored and is a typical representative of coffee flavor diversity. SHB (hardest bean) in Guatemala is almost a well-known synonym for high-quality coffee. This is because there are more than 300 kinds of microclimate, high mountains, Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, huge volcanic lake, Mexican plain. And rich geographical and climatic resources.

[guava Plain Manor SL28, Guatemala] (deeply baked in the wine sun treatment)-pineapple, dried apricot fruit, red wine, guava Plain Manor added a batch of sun wine flavor, unique flavor, especially the SL28 variety is still a rare variety in Central America.


The unique tropical rain forest environment in some parts of Bolivia provides excellent natural conditions for the growth of organic coffee. The aroma of Bolivian coffee is rich and unique, both after the bean is ground and the aroma of the coffee is quite rich, similar to the mixture of flower and fruit aromas, the perfect nutty flavor is impressive.

[Lake Titicaca, Bolivia] (moderately roasted in water)-dry aromas of roasted nuts and almonds, soft acidity of oranges and white grapefruit on the palate, sweet caramel on the whole, smooth texture of firm fruit milk, cleanliness and balance, and attractive herbal aromas.


Panamanian caffeine is famous in the world, and the reason is that it is closely related to Panama's unique physical and geographical conditions. Moderate curry body, smooth taste, delicate acidity, well-balanced taste value, coupled with subtle flavors such as caramel, chocolate, citrus and jasmine.

[Panamanian Ireta Manor SHB Kaddura] (moderately roasted with water washing)-buttered bread, sweet apricot kernels, round acidity, Ireta Manor is one of the large Panamanian coffee plantations and one of the best Panamanian famous coffees.

Costa Rica

The coffee beans produced at the high latitudes of Costa Rica are famous in the world, full-bodied, mild in taste, but extremely sour. The coffee beans here have been carefully processed, which is why they have high quality coffee. Located in the south of SanJos é, the capital of Tarasu, Costa Rica is one of the most valued coffee growers in the country.

[Chateau San Romain, Costa Rica] (deeply baked in water)-soft orange notes, toast, caramel cocoa sweet, located in Tara Zhu producing area, coffee plant 1750-1850 meters above sea level, variety Red Catuai, manor owner Gutierrez family owns 50 hectares of coffee planting area.

African coffee

Flavor characteristics: charming acidity

As the birthplace of coffee, African coffee plays an important role in the whole coffee industry. Although the commercial cultivation of coffee has been developed around the world for hundreds of years, the unknown wild coffee varieties in Africa are still the greatest treasure in the hearts of coffee researchers. African coffee is generally characterized by strong aroma and charming acidity, its sour brightness is lively and exhilarating, but the mellow African coffee is often slightly thin and the sweetness is not very prominent. African coffee due to drought and lack of water, mostly use the sun method to deal with raw beans, the bean shape is often uneven and beautiful, and the defect rate is high.



Kenya grows high-quality Arabica coffee beans, which absorb almost the essence of coffee cherries, with a slightly sour, thick aroma, and are very popular among Europeans, especially in Britain. Kenya Coffee surpassed Costa Rican coffee and became one of the most popular coffees. With the aroma of mellow wine and flowers, the texture is full, small and round, because it is easy to roll in the pot, it can be roasted evenly, suitable for home baking. Signature coffee: Kenyan AA coffee, is the best in African coffee, thick and full-bodied, slightly acidic, smooth taste and slightly alcoholic flavor, AA represents Kenya's highest coffee beans.

[Kenya AA Kam Chu Valley] (water washing is shallow)-the angular strong and strong fruit acid, and this Kenya, let me feel gentle, like facing the sea, there is a breeze blowing feeling. Unlike Kenya, which used to be berry-based, this time it has a delicate red wine with sour fruit, cherry sweetness, BlackBerry lips and teeth, and a tail of black plum and sugar.


Ethiopia is an agricultural country with a history and tradition of coffee origin. The place where the name "coffee" comes from is Kafa in the southwest, while the Sidamo place in the south is the main producing area, and Yega Xuefei is one of the southern producing areas of Sidamo. Eastern Highland Hara is as famous as the coffee name "Hara".

Ethiopia is an important coffee producer with about 12 million people engaged in coffee production and is a major exporter of Arab coffee beans in Africa. The high-quality coffee here is of excellent quality and is worth looking for. It has a soft taste, with wild flavor of wine, and slightly sour taste, unforgettable after drinking.

Yejaschuffe itself is a small town of about 20, 000 people, and the three neighboring producing areas, Wenago, Kochere and Gelena Abaya, are also classified as Yejasuffe because they produce coffee with almost the same flavor as Yejasuffe. Yejacheffe is similar to the neighboring Sidamo in terms of culture and geography, but it seems to be more favored to enjoy the advantageous conditions, top-quality Yega Chefe coffee with floral aromas, bright citrus acidity, lemon flavours and silky taste.

[Yechuefi aricha, Ethiopia] (light sun baking)-light fermented wine, sweet orange, spices, honey sweet, Aricha processing plant sun Ariga is the highest grade of G1 by ECX, from raw bean appearance, consistency, freshness to dry aroma and flavor are excellent.

[Yega Sherphine Woka, Ethiopia] (slightly roasted with water)-lemon, kumquat and white grape juice, the Waka Cooperative joins the famous Yejia Sheffield Coffee Farmers Cooperative Union to produce the highest grade G1 in Ethiopia.


Like many African countries, Rwandan coffee is mainly produced by small farmers, and the ripe cherry fruits are collected and sent to the processing station every year during the harvest period. During the annual harvest period, the ripe coffee berries picked by farmers are concentrated in the treatment station for treatment, and the ripe coffee berries picked by farmers during the annual harvest period are concentrated in the treatment station for treatment. First of all, they are selected by hand to ensure that no immature or damaged fruit is mixed in. Rwanda can be said to be a fast-growing boutique coffee producer in East Africa recently.

[Rwanda Muxiui processing plant bourbon seed] (washing medium baking)-red apples, cherries, cinnamon, honey, mainly produced by small farmers. [Mushonyi processing plant] has an amazing award record. In addition to winning the COE Excellence Cup in 2010, in 2011 alone, it won the championship in four batches, 12th, 16th and 28th!

Asian coffee

Characteristics of taste: deep flavor and strong taste

When it comes to Asian coffee, the first impression of coffee lovers is often calm and calm. It is precisely because of the heavy nature of Asian coffee that it is very suitable to be used as a base when making Italian coffee. The raw coffee beans in Asia are generally processed by wet or semi-wet process. most of the raw beans are uniform, but the color of the beans treated by semi-wet method is darker. Asian coffee is generally characterized by thick flavor, strong sweetness and round taste, but slightly flat aroma and brightness.



Coffee cultivation in Mantenin, Sumatra, began in the 18th century, when it was planted near Aceh province on the north side of Lake Tawar. For a few days, most of the Sumatran coffee area is located in the south of Lindong, Subu and Takengon coffee. Because there is little difference between planting areas, Sumatran coffee does not use the producing area as the distinguishing standard, but the way of picking and handling has a great influence on the flavor of the coffee. The famous "Golden Manning" is an excellent product after the Japanese strictly control these procedures.

Mantenin is one of the most suitable coffee beans for deep roasting in the world. One of the famous reasons is that its own characteristics will not disappear after deep roasting. Its thick flavor and low acidity make it very popular in Taiwan. In fact, the high quality mantenin is also very suitable for medium and shallow baking, which can show a good fruit flavor at this degree of baking.

[Mantenin, Sumatra, Indonesia] (deep baking in traditional wet planing)-baked toast, nuts, pine, caramel, herbs, Lake dopa in Sumatra province and Lake Tawa in Aceh all produce manning coffee. This is the famous "two lakes Shuangman".

The aroma of Java Manning Coffee is full-bodied and full-bodied, with clear high-quality acidity, high balance, and sometimes nutty flavor. In terms of appearance and quality, Java coffee is excellent, just like a woman's vaguely charming, charming and just right, memorable.

Papua New Guinea

Papua New Guinea is an anomaly in Indonesian coffee. Coffee estates are numerous, large and small in scale, and most of the small estates produce washed organic beans with strong flavor but no local flavor. These small estates also produce a small amount of sun beans, which are more varied and delicate than water-washed beans; the taste of large manor coffee is more clean and delicate, but some people think that it has less personality. Basically, Babu coffee is lighter than java beans, somewhat similar to good Central American beans. Most of the coffee trees in the area come from the Tibica seed of the Jamaican Arabica bean, mixed with the Arabica bean from Tanzania.

[PNG Chimere Manor, Papua New Guinea] (moderately roasted with water washing)-nuts, sugar, low acidity and solid, due to excellent growth conditions and stable quality control process of the processing plant, the coffee produced has an active sense of brightness and retains a considerable degree of flavor uniqueness of Papua New Guinea coffee.

Yunnan small grain coffee

Small-grain coffee is suitable for growing in the mountains at an altitude of 800 to 1800 meters. If the altitude is too high, it will taste sour, and if it is too low, it will taste bitter. Small grains of coffee are mostly planted in dry and hot valleys about 1100 meters above sea level, so they are moderately sour, rich and mellow. There is a unique environment suitable for the growth of small seed coffee in many areas of Yunnan, and the quality of small seed coffee is excellent.

[Yunnan Tibika] (moderate washing): the oldest native variety in Ethiopia and southeastern Sudan, all Arabica are derived from Tibika. The flavor is elegant, but the physique is weak, the disease resistance is poor, the fruit yield is less. Excellent manor beans such as the Blue Mountains of Jamaica, Manning of Sumatra and Kona of Hawaii all belong to Tibika. Tiebika top leaf is red copper, called red top coffee, Tibika belongs to Arabica. Palate: floral aroma, sweet melon, black tea.