Coffee review

Coffee fans must know the coffee utensils used to make coffee in English.

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) there are hundreds of coffee brewing utensils on the market, but it is not clear which coffee set tastes good, because everyone has different tastes, even if they are the same coffee beans, sour and bitter brewed with the same coffee utensils at the same time.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

There are hundreds of coffee brewing utensils on the market, but it is not clear which coffee utensils taste good, because everyone has different tastes, even if they are the same kind of coffee beans. everyone has different feelings about the sour, bitter, sweet and mellow brewed with the same coffee utensil at the same time, not to mention using different coffee utensils and different brewing variables. Then the taste of each cup of coffee is even more varied.

We all know that coffee is coffee.

But how do you say hand-made coffee in English?

What is the difference between shallow baking, medium baking and deep baking?

Come and learn all kinds of coffee professional terms.

So that you don't only know May I have a cup of coffee forever?

Coffee set

1. Coffee teapot coffee pot

two。 Coffee pot swan neck kettle

3. Siphon coffee maker siphon/syphon

4. Filter paper thick paper filter

5. Bean grinder grinder

Max is going to show us how to make coffee. All we need to prepare is a swan neck kettle, filter paper, a grinder, and of course, coffee beans.

Max is going to show us how to make coffee, and the things we need to prepare are coffee pots, filter paper, bean grinders and, of course, coffee beans.

Types of coffee

1. Hand-brewed coffee pour over coffee

two。 Hanging ear coffee drip bag coffee

3. Instant coffee instant coffee

4. Ice drop coffee cold drip coffee

5. Iced coffee cold brew coffee

A little knowledge

What is boutique coffee? According to the American Coffee Association definition:

Sometimes called gourmet "or" premium "coffee, specialty coffees are made from exceptional beans grown only in ideal coffee-producing climates.They tend to feature distinctive flavors, which are shaped by the unique characteristics of the soil that produces them.

Boutique coffee will also be called rare coffee or precious coffee. Boutique coffee is made from coffee beans that can only be grown in an ideal growing environment. Because growing in the unique local conditions, boutique coffee will have a special flavor.

After learning about coffee-making utensils, let's take a look at how professional baristas bake coffee beans.

Do you know why coffee beans are roasted? Professional barista tells you!

Now that you know the importance of roasting for coffee beans, let's finally learn the words about the flavor of coffee.

Bean species

1. Shallow baked light Roast

two。 Medium baked medium Roast

3. Re-bake deep Roast

4. Deep baked dark Roast


1. Smooth smooth

two。 Deep depth

3. Flavor flavor

4. Alcohol body

5. Acidity acidity

6. Bitter bitter

7. Gandu sweet

8. Aroma aroma