Coffee review

How to learn Fine Coffee: know the Secret of Coffee Flavor

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information Please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) to understand the charming aroma contained in the coffee flavor is undoubtedly the greatest temptation for roasters (anyone who has a strong interest in coffee), but I believe it is also the biggest obstacle and challenge. A perfect coffee is believed to contain more than 400 aromatic substances. If we all

Professional coffee knowledge exchange More coffee bean information Please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style)

Recognize the fascinating aroma of coffee flavor, no doubt roaster (anyone who has a strong taste for coffee)

The biggest temptation of the interest, but believe is also the biggest obstacle and challenge. A perfect cup of coffee is believed

There are more than 400 aromatic substances. If we all have the ability to recognize these smells, then

It's so beautiful, just serve any cup of coffee and you can spout a long list of flavor words

If only every barista or aficionado could have such a magnificent symphony.

The ability to believe that the scenery of the cafe was completely different.

A lot of people may think this is just fantasy! But the facts tell us that the dollar of American fine coffee

Old Erna Knutsen was gifted enough to recognize large amounts of coffee.

Delicate flavor, and through the scientific classification of the coffee industry is very important to the design of coffee flavor wheel map. the wheel

Here she details 169 common flavor types.

On top of that, another genius. David Guermonprez for abstract coffee

The flavor language domain has been added. Exact scientific 36 coffee aroma essential oil series. The configuration of this system

It is made possible by the world's leading scientists, PhDs in chemistry and the finest professionals in the coffee world.

With the help of the team, it is important to try, analyze and document the hundreds of coffee varieties worldwide.

The flavor is fine. Because this set is extremely helpful for coffee learning science professional tools. Our recognition of coffee flavor and

The description will not be reduced to fantasy or fantasy.