Coffee review

Starbucks coffee bitter coffee bitter coffee is how to come coffee why bitter coffee bitter good

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Professional coffee knowledge exchange More coffee bean information Please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style) When the grade of coffee green beans is very low, the quality of coffee cherries is mixed, improper handling leads to corruption, poor storage, etc. It can also cause coffee beans to take on an odd taste and take on an unpleasant bitterness after roasting. And that usually happens

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

When the grade of raw coffee beans is very low, the quality of coffee cherries is mixed, improper handling leads to corruption, poor storage and so on. It can also cause coffee beans to have a strange taste, showing an uncomfortable bitter taste after baking.

This generally happens in cheaper beans, and boutique coffee is generally carefully taken care of, which is relatively less likely to happen.

The bitter taste of defective and rotten beans

After understanding the source of the bitterness of coffee, there is a natural doubt: does the bitterness I drink come from carbonation or the conversion of chlorogenic acid?

The problem is very complex and difficult to identify with the tongue alone, but it doesn't matter at all. The point is whether bitterness plays a comfortable or annoying role in flavor.

As mentioned before, good boutique coffee is hardly bitter, to use a more precise term: good boutique coffee is not particularly aware of bitterness.

Even if chlorogenic acid is converted into chlorogenic acid lactone, or even phenyllindane, unstimulated carbonization, in the right proportion, may also increase the performance of flavor.

But! In Taiwan's boutique coffee market with strong acidity and delicate aroma, the use of bitterness to add flavor is rare, and it is not easy to operate. The reasons are:.

1. Consumers don't think highly of the bitterness (or even hate it).

two。 Consumers who bring back their own cooking may magnify the delicate bitterness, resulting in the destruction of the whole bag of beans.

Therefore, ordinary shopkeepers will try their best to avoid bitterness. After all, it is not so agreeable.

If you are lucky enough to encounter a few stores that can carefully grasp the bitter texture, you might as well try to feel the interesting taste changes brought about by the bitter taste, and you may fall in love with this bitter taste.

A subtle bitterness

Finally, if the coffee in front of you is so bitter or protruding that it makes you feel uncomfortable or strange, it is definitely not a good cup of coffee.

Don't convince yourself that coffee is bitter, and you don't have to doubt whether you are a coffee layman, so you don't understand the suffering in front of you. A good boutique coffee won't make you so painful, and the good taste won't be so hard.

In addition, bitterness is different from sour taste, adding water is difficult to dilute and will not become sweet, so the best way to encounter unbearable bitterness is not to drink it. After all, it is better to drink plain boiled water than bitter coffee.