Coffee review

Analysis of Coffee training Market in China how much does coffee training course cost and how to choose coffee training class

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) what is the current market for basic coffee training? First: vocational training schools that started earlier (large scale, many majors) characteristics: before 2016, domestic coffee training institutions started relatively early, the teaching quality is very poor, teaching students to draw flowers with detergent sauce

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

What is the current market for basic coffee training?

First, vocational training schools that started earlier (with large scale and many majors)

Features: before 2016, the domestic coffee training started relatively early institutions, the teaching quality is very poor, teach students to pull flowers with detergent ➕ soy sauce, milk powder blending as milk. The course teaches Irish coffee, Royal Flame Coffee, a mocha pot that can operate all afternoon, a siphon pot in the morning, a fruit plate in the afternoon, and a mixed drink tomorrow.

At present, these training institutions are living a very miserable life (personal understanding). The era of attracting students by scale and cheap tuition is over.

People who want to learn coffee need more professional schools.

This has also given birth to the current second-stage training market.

Second: professional coffee training studio (small scale, high professionalism) sprung up after 2016.

Features: coffee training institutions newly set up in the past two years are relatively small in scale and generally teach coffee only one major, with a stronger degree of professionalism, with few teachers ranging from 2 to 5. Tuition fees range from 500 to 2000 more expensive than vocational training schools.

This is also the hottest direction for the development of coffee basic training institutions at present.

Why? Many people think that this thing has the advantages of low investment, fast return and low risk. What kind of coffee shop should it open? Just open a training school and make money.

As the saying goes, it is better to teach people to fish than to teach people to fish. It is easy to teach, but difficult to teach!

Study time: 15 to 30 days.

At present, everyone is most concerned about how to distinguish the training institution you choose.

Personal advice:

1. Looking at the classification of courses, coffee training is divided into: junior baristas, intermediate baristas, senior baristas, chief baristas, different levels of training, all of which are deceptive, nothing more than adding all kinds of content that has nothing to do with coffee in different levels of courses, such as mixing drinks, pastries, fruit plates, Chinese tea and so on. After adding to the mess, it became the senior, the chief, hehe! That's a lie!

What is the classification of more professional courses?

It generally appears: coffee interest course, individual coffee making course, flower drawing course, professional system course.

Generally speaking, they are classified according to the instruments they are learning. For example, the interest class composed of individual coffee utensils and the flower-pulling class specially composed of flower-pulling. The course content is more simple, the purpose is stronger, the content is more in-depth.

Compared with the traditional professional coffee training institutions, more professional, better!

All right, back to the question, what do you think of the domestic coffee training industry?

Conclusion: the training schools that deceive people will be eliminated by the market "immediately", and the development of more professional training schools will be better!