Coffee review

Can freshly ground coffee powder be made directly? tips for freshly ground coffee how to cook ground coffee powder

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information Please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Why coffee is brewed if you know a little bit about coffee, you must know that coffee is made from raw beans roasted at high temperature into the brown beans that we are all familiar with. So why can't coffee just pour these beans like tea

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Why is coffee "brewed"?

If you know a little bit about coffee, you must know that coffee is roasted by raw beans at high temperature into the brown beans that we are all familiar with. So why can't coffee just like tea, pour these beans into a pot and boil them, or soak them for a while to make a cup of strong coffee?

We know that coffee is different from tea, it is a seed. Its density is much higher than that of tea, so it can't be eaten directly. It needs to be baked at high temperature, which is actually puffing. Because only the lignocellulosic structure of extruded coffee beans can be opened. Aromatic substances remain in crispy roasted (expanded) coffee beans. Coffee beans become larger and denser, and this process is necessary, otherwise we will not be able to get the taste of coffee (how coffee flavor is formed during roasting, which is too complex to go into detail here).

After the coffee is roasted, it needs to be crushed. The purpose of crushing is to increase the contact area between hot water and coffee powder. This will cause more aromatic substances to be extracted. We call this phenomenon increasing the extraction rate. Therefore, the whole coffee beans can not be completely extracted from the taste of coffee, so the coffee beans can not be boiled directly.

The next step is to use water to extract the taste of coffee from the coffee powder, and Jiner also has the color of coffee. So we have to drink a cup of coffee, coffee beans need to go through: puffing-crushing-extraction, can be obtained. So coffee needs to be "brewed".

Can coffee be "brewed"?

If we define "boiling" as heating water to 100 degrees and keeping it at that temperature for a long time, then coffee cannot be brewed. Because the source of flavor in coffee (aromatic oil) will be destroyed in the process of "boiling" at high temperature for a long time. Therefore, about 92 degrees Celsius is the ideal temperature for coffee extraction. So whether you are soaking (French pressure pot), or using a coffee machine, or siphon pot and other appliances, the water temperature of extracted coffee can not be higher than 96 degrees Celsius. So coffee can't be brewed in this sense.

In this way, in the production of filtered coffee, we can clearly see that the coffee should be brewed instead of being boiled like porridge. We use a variety of heat sources to heat only the water used to extract coffee, rather than directly boiling the mixture of boiling water and coffee powder (Turkish coffee is outside the scope of this discussion).

Why doesn't instant coffee need to be brewed?

It can be clearly seen from the production process of instant coffee that raw coffee beans are extracted in specific containers after puffing and crushing (but instant coffee is called extraction in this process) into concentrate, filtered, and then dried in two forms, which is why instant coffee is divided into hot-dried instant powder and freeze-dried instant powder. At present, the vast majority of instant coffee in the domestic market is hot and dry instant powder. But in any case, the solid powder we get is exactly the solid soluble substance of coffee. The wood fiber (coffee grounds) of the crushed coffee beans has been filtered out after the preparation of the extract. So instant coffee doesn't need to be brewed. Because the solid soluble substance of coffee is easily dissolved in water.

But freshly ground coffee we need to filter out the coffee grounds after the coffee is extracted.

Freshly ground coffee can be "brewed" several times

Many friends often complain that coffee is more expensive than tea, because tea can be brewed over and over again, but coffee can only be made once. There are also some friends who do not give up and extract the coffee repeatedly. We say that this coffee can only be extracted once, but the coffee brewed after the first time can no longer be called coffee. Because there is a lot of caffeine in the brown water, or some scorched substances. We call this brown water Dirty Water. In fact, the standard method of drinking black tea in the West is only soaked once.

Tips and skills for freshly ground coffee brewers:

Introduction and brewing skills of coffee machine

Italian pressure brewing

It is usually equipped with a boiler to produce hot water, which is pressurized to about 9 atmospheric pressure and then flows through the powdered coffee beans in a metal filter to brew coffee. The coffee brewed by this pressurized hot water is thicker than usual and has emulsified fat. It is often called espresso or espresso.

There are many kinds of Italian coffee machines. For general commercial use, the most common ones are single boilers, and then there are double boilers and multiple boilers. Of course, the price also becomes more expensive, in addition to the general electronic control switch, there is also a pull-out Italian coffee machine, each has its own advantages. Commercial ones range from 40, 50, 000 to 40, 500000, and there are numerous types.


To help press the hot water into the filter, through the finer coffee powder. There is usually a cooking head for household use, multiple for commercial use, and a larger boiler. Because of the short brewing time, this kind of coffee machine is used for large and fast commercial uses.

Fully automatic

It has a grinding mechanism, from grinding to cooking is controlled by microcomputer, but the cooking time is longer and more expensive than semi-automatic.

Japanese siphon kettle

Small pot (1-2 people) medium pot (3-4 people) large pot (5-7 people)

Boiled water 240c.c. Pour into a spherical beaker, wipe the water droplets on the outside and heat with an alcohol lamp. Install a velvet filter cloth at the bottom of the funnel-shaped extraction cup, pull the spring to the front of the siphon to fix it, and place 20 grams of coffee powder (depending on your taste) in the extraction cup. After the boiling water at the bottom is completely boiled, transfer the extraction cup into the beaker and fix it. When the boiling water rises to the refining cup, stir the coffee powder evenly with a bamboo ladle so that the ingredients of the coffee powder are completely released. Be careful to avoid turbidity caused by excessive stirring. After about 20 to 30 seconds, the coffee liquid will flow through the filter cloth to the beaker. After the coffee from the refining cup has flowed down, you can take it off. Gently shake the beaker to make the coffee liquid uniform, about 87 degrees is the ideal drinking temperature, you can pour into the heated coffee cup to enjoy.


Avoid brewing coffee over and over again, because after the second brewing, you can only get smoky brown water instead of coffee.

Beakers in high heat, should avoid contact with cold water caused by rupture, and should pay attention to the cup when there is no water or coffee, do not fire baking to prevent rupture.

The filter cloth should be fully washed and stored in water or refrigerator after use. To avoid the smell of oil and dirt after drying.

Because the mouth of the beaker is very small, the key to cleaning is to brew it with lukewarm water or lemonade immediately after use, wash the coffee oil completely and leave it in a cool place to dry.

Filter cloth brewing method

Suitable for grinding particles: medium

Preparation equipment: tray, coffee pot, flannel filter cloth.

Flannel cloth carefully washed, fully twist off the moisture, the velvet side is placed on the inside, as for the tray.

The amount of a cup of coffee is about 13 grams, put the right amount of coffee powder.

Pour boiling hot water evenly into each inch of coffee powder and steam for about 20 seconds.

Draw an arc of the remaining hot water from the center and flush it three or four times, but don't rinse directly to the filter cloth, wait for the coffee liquid to drip into the tray and it is done.


It is said that this method can make the most delicious coffee, but relatively, there is no way to maintain a certain level of flavor, this is a technical method, suitable for more than four cups of brewing method.

Prepare a slightly larger flannel filter cloth, because the coffee grains will expand greatly when injected with hot water, pour them gently when injecting hot water, don't over-stimulate the coffee grains inside, and keep bubbling all the time. Only in this way can you brew delicious coffee.

Pay special attention to the use of flannel. Because it is not like filter paper that can be used and discarded, we should be more careful in management. First of all, the purchased new flannel cloth is boiled in hot water with coffee powder and coffee residue for about 10 to 15 minutes before it is used to remove the stench. After use, it also needs to be fully washed with water, then the whole is soaked in a container filled with water and stored in the refrigerator. When in use, wash it with lukewarm hot water, wring it out carefully, and keep in mind that you can't use detergent to clean it anyway. In addition, if you do not use flannelette every day, remember to replace the water soaked in storage, otherwise the ingredients in the coffee will be acidified in a dry state, resulting in a nasty stench of the whole flannelette.

French immersion


After warming the pot, pour the number of coffee powder (ground medium coarse) into the filter pot.

Add some hot water to let the coffee powder infiltrate slightly.

After a minute, slowly pour hot water along the edge of the cup and stir slowly.

After standing for about 2 minutes (depending on the component), slowly press down the filter.

When the coffee is poured out, it's just a cup of mellow coffee.

You can add milk and sugar to your personal preference.

Belgian kettle

[usage]: backflow method

Unscrew the top cover of the copper pot, pour 300-450CC (4 cups) of hot water into the pot, tighten the lid and place it on the rack.

Wrap the filter cloth on the filter of the catheter

Pour about 45 grams (4 cups) of coffee powder into the glass.

Insert the catheter, open the alcohol lamp cover, light the alcohol lamp and heat it.

When the water boils, it will pass through the catheter from the pot into the glass. When the water is fully entered, press the handle ball for about 50 seconds to 1 minute, put out the lights, and the coffee liquid in the glass will return to the copper pot through the catheter.

Unscrew the top cover of the copper pot to exhaust steam, then open the faucet valve, connect the coffee cup and flow into the cup

Switch the faucet, a cup of pure royal coffee is thus produced, enjoy the royal flavor of the coffee bar!

[notes on the Belgian pot]:

Dry the next bottle, no water droplets.

When you pull out the upper seat, tilt to the right and pull it straight up. Do not break it.

Should the spring under the middle filter be tightened and hung? Want it? Live and pull to the center

Plug it down when you plug it into the seat.

Pay attention to water quality: pure water, purified water, magnetized water, distilled water, do not use mineral water

The temperature is 80 degrees Celsius, 90 degrees Celsius.

Punch time: all 50m / m2 for 60 seconds (do not exceed the time too long)

Coffee beans should be fresh, do not get damp or keep for too long

Coffee is best brewed and brewed.

Pay attention to the direction of the wind when brewing coffee, do not blow the source of fire directly

Pay attention to the size of the fire source: strong fire, large fire, medium fire, small fire, slight fire

Beat the boiled coffee powder loosely, pour it out and then rinse the bottle with clean water.

The number of grinding bean segments is about 2.5 ~ 3.5. The basic principles are: rough grinding of acid beans, fine grinding of bitter beans, high in new section and low in old section.

The coffee cup should be warmed first.

The filter should be soaked in clean water or refrigerated to prolong the service life of the filter cloth.

Ice drop coffee

Fill the water-hook the filter element

Fill the pot with hot water to the "two cups" icon mark. Put the filter element into the upper pot, hold the end of the iron smelter with your hand, and gently hook it to the end of the glass tube. Be careful not to release the hook suddenly, so as not to damage the glass tube of the upper pot.

Ignite-insert the pot diagonally-wait for a big bubble

Light the alcohol lamp and insert the upper pot obliquely so that the rubber edge is pressed against the spout of the next pot (rest assured that the upper pot will not fall) so that the iron smelter is soaked in the water of the next pot. Then boil the water and wait for the pot to produce continuous bubbles. Just put the upper pot diagonally, don't let it clog the next pot, small bubbles don't count, wait for big bubbles to appear.

Upright-insert it into the upper pot

When large bubbles appear continuously in the lower pot, straighten the upper pot, shake it left and right and press it down slightly so that it is gently stuffed into the lower pot. After the upper pot is plugged in, you can see that the water in the next pot begins to climb up. If you have a bean grinder, you can start grinding beans now! Two cups of water use a medium grinding scale of three spoonfuls of coffee (about 24g).

Let the water in the lower pot rise completely to the upper pot.

After the water has completely risen to the pot, don't worry, wait a few seconds, and then prepare to pour in the coffee powder after the bubbles in the pot decrease a little.

Pour in the coffee powder-stir (left and right)

Pour in the ground coffee powder and move it around with a bamboo spoon to evenly remove the coffee powder into the water. The timing starts at the same time as the first stirring.

Stir gently to avoid violent stirring. If it is fresh coffee powder, it will float on the surface to form a layer of powder. At this time, the coffee powder needs to be stirred so that the flavor of the coffee can be completely extracted. The correct stirring action is to move the bamboo spoon in the left and right direction, with a "strong way" of downward pressure, to "press" the coffee powder floating on the surface of the water below the surface.

-stir twice more.-flameout.

After the first stirring, time 30 seconds, make the second stirring, and then time 20 seconds for the final stirring-- the alcohol lamp can be removed. Take the pre-prepared (wrung-dry) slightly wet dishcloth and gently wrap the side of the lower pot from the side to prevent the wet cloth from touching the place where the alcohol flame at the bottom of the pot comes into contact, so as to prevent the pot from breaking. At this time, you can see that the water in the upper pot is quickly "pulled" to the lower pot. If your coffee is fresh enough, there will be a lot of light brown foam in the pot.


After the coffee is sucked into the lower pot, hold the upper pot in one hand and the handle of the lower pot in the other, gently shake the upper pot to the left and right to pull out the upper pot and the lower pot. Pour the coffee into a warm coffee cup and enjoy the mellow coffee that you have prepared by hand.

Mocha distillation pressure coffee pot

Big mocha distillation pressure coffee pot fine mocha distillation pressure coffee pot

Instructions for use:

Unscrew the upper spout before first use.

Remove the filter funnel for coffee

Check whether the filter and rubber band under the upper pot have been installed.

Wash it with hot water and reinstall it as it is.

Fill the bottom pot with fresh water and be careful not to exceed the height of the safety valve

Put coffee in the filter and be careful not to press it.

Tighten the upper pot

Put the pot on the heating device and boil it over small / medium (heat or heat) for a few minutes, and the coffee will slowly spill over to the top.

Remove the coffee pot from the heater immediately

It is suggested to pour out the first pot of coffee.

Edible aluminum alloy is a kind of permeable material, and its fragrance will be retained every time the coffee is made.

The espresso pot is not suitable for heat preservation and recooking of coffee.

Remember not to cook on a heating device without water.

Be sure to use ground coffee

When cooking with gas, don't turn the fire too wide, so as not to burn out the handle.

Turkish kettle

Make / Turkish long handle spoon. 8 grams of stir-fried coffee beans. 130 ml of water. The right amount of sugar.

Grind 12g deep-roasted coffee beans with the right amount of spices such as cinnamon or cardamom.

Put the above fine powder into the pot and boil with water for about 20 seconds.

Wait for the coffee grounds to settle at the bottom of the pot, then gently pour out the coffee clarified at the top.

You can drink coffee with lemon or honey, or you can drink coffee with Turkish sugar, cream sugar or chocolate in your mouth.

Irish coffee

* Irish Coffee * the recommended practice is:

Add Irish Whiskey and rock sugar to the Irish coffee cup and heat the cup on a special alcohol lamp holder. Turn the cup slowly during heating.

Heat the wine in the cup, melt the rock sugar and smoke slightly, turn off the alcohol lamp, remove the glass, light the wine with a lighter, let the wine burn in the glass for about 5 seconds, then cover with the coaster and turn off. Please be careful here!

Pour one cup of hot coffee into 2 cups (about 8 cents full).

Squeeze an appropriate amount of whipped cream into 3 cups.

You can put 2 more dry rose petals to increase the aroma and romantic atmosphere!