Coffee review

How to make freshly ground Coffee Video freshly ground Coffee need any seasoning

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information Please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) freshly ground coffee upgraded master teaching war as people pay more and more attention to coffee quality and traditional brewing skills, many people begin to study pour over, Chemex, Aeropress and Vacuum

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Upgraded version of freshly ground coffee master ✉ teaches war on ✉

As people pay more and more attention to the quality of coffee and pay more attention to traditional brewing techniques, many people begin to study the use of pour over, Chemex, Aeropress and Vacuum pots. The fragrant taste is far better than that of dripping machine brewed coffee.

Here are eight ways to turn coffee into magic at home, recommended by Liam Kenna, a master of coffee brewing.

➊ Kalita Wave coffee maker

Materials: Kalita Wave hand flushing pot, Kalita corrugated filter paper, 3 tablespoons (21g) freshly ground coffee powder, hot water about 205C.

Practice: stainless steel Kalita Wave filter cup design is beautiful, kettle wooden handle will not be hot, crane mouth small spout can easily control the amount of water, as long as 3 minutes to make a 10-ounce cup of coffee.

First of all, use a grinder to grind the coffee beans into a fine salt powder, put the corrugated filter paper on the filter cup, and spread the picturesque concentric circle to wash the filter paper with a steady and fine amount of water from the middle to remove the odor.

Pour out the water in the cup, fill the filter paper with coffee powder, wet the coffee powder surface evenly with a small amount of hot water, and stir it. This step is called Bloom, releasing the gas of coffee beans to be evenly saturated with water absorption, so that the subsequent extraction is uniform.

Inject a trickle of hot water until it reaches the top of the filter cup and add water by drawing a circle from time to time.

To extract more evenly, add water to the dark coffee powder to avoid the light part.

Remove the filter cup and taste.

❷ Vacuum Pot siphon coffee maker

Materials: siphon coffee maker, 6.5 tablespoons (40 grams) freshly ground coffee powder.

Practice: it usually takes 20 minutes to make coffee for two, but the advantage is that the residue can be completely filtered, leaving pleasant aroma, clear coffee, suitable for fine flavor of African and Central American coffee beans.

The siphon coffee pot is divided into upper and lower seats. first grind the coffee beans into a fine salt powder and fill the glass ball in the lower seat with water until the scale shows 20 ounces.

The cylindrical glassware in the upper seat is filled with a filter connected with an iron chain, the whole is inserted into a glass ball, and the lower seat is heated to 200 degrees with an alcohol lamp or direct gas fire.

The water gradually rises to the upper seat due to the pressure of steam, quickly stir the water to form a whirlpool, pour in the coffee powder, stir for 10 seconds, wait for 30 seconds, and then mix for 10 seconds.

After 40 seconds, all the water rises to the upper seat, removes the source of fire, and stirs clockwise with a stirring stick.

At this time, due to vacuum suction, the brewed coffee will flow back to the glass ball and pour out the coffee, leaving all the dregs in the upper seat.

Note that it is best to heat the cup with hot water to maintain the taste of coffee.

❸ Hario V60 trickle coffee maker

Materials: Hario V60, V60 filter paper, 3 tablespoons (21g) freshly ground coffee powder, hot water about 205C.

Practice: Japanese coffee equipment manufacturer Hario V60 is popular all over the world, high-quality ceramic filter cups can withstand 200C temperature difference, conical design is more convenient for water injection.

First grind the coffee into a fine powder, spread the filter paper into the filter cup, put on the coffee pot, inject hot water and paste the filter paper to remove the smell, and achieve the effect of warming the pot.

Pour out the rinsing water, pour the coffee powder into the filter cup, steam the coffee beans and stir to let the water droplets leak into the coffee pot. Inject water every 15 seconds.

Because the cup mouth of V60 is very large, and the prominent cup pattern makes the air flow easy to be derived, the flow rate is too fast and the extraction is insufficient.

Water should be injected steadily and evenly every 15 seconds to balance the taste of the coffee.

When the coffee reaches the pot scale of 10 ounces, it can be poured into the cup to drink.

❹ French Press French filter kettle

Materials: French filter kettle (8 cup capacity), 8 tablespoons (56 grams) freshly ground coffee powder, hot water about 205 degrees, timer.

Practice: the French are among the best in the world in their research on coffee brewing technology. The filter pot called "French pressure" is simple and easy to use. It can brew 3 cups of 10-ounce coffee with strong flavor in 4 minutes, but the disadvantage is that it is easy to become turbid.

First add the coffee beans beaten into fine powder into the filter kettle and pay attention to the cleaning of the pot first.

Steadily pour hot water into the coffee until the pot is half full, wait for 1 minute, mix with the stirring stick for 10 seconds, then fill with water.

Pull up the filter, cover the spout, press the filter smoothly, and immediately pour the coffee into a warm cup.

To avoid excessive extraction, the coffee should not be left in the filter pot and should be poured out immediately.

❺ Filtron Cold Brew cold bubble pot

Materials: Filtron cold bubble pot, Filtron filter paper, 12 oz coffee powder, 56 oz ice water.

Practice: cold soaking reduces the acidity of coffee and tastes more detailed than hot soaking in the refrigerator.

To make cold espresso, you need a lot of coffee powder in a ratio of 1:2 to water, that is, 1 cup of coffee and 2 cups of water for at least 24 hours.

The Filtron cold bubble pot is divided into upper and lower seats, grind the coffee beans, rinse the filter and cushion, squeeze out the excess moisture of the cushion, and stick to the circular groove of the lower seat.

Pour the coffee powder into the lower seat, cover the plastic disc, and twist the rubber plug on the bottom hole.

Install the upper seat and add 56 ounces of cold water (the scale shows 4.5LB). The small hole will cause the fine water to start pouring into the base and rest for 24 hours.

Take the upper seat away, place the lower seat on the large glass pot, pull the rubber plug, and the coffee will flow into the pot for about 45 minutes to 1 hour.

Dilute the cold coffee with water and refrigerate it.

❻ Chemex glass filter pot

Materials: Chemex filter pot, Chemex filter paper, 6 tablespoons (42g) freshly ground coffee powder, hot water about 205C.

Practice: the advantage of making a coffee pot by hand is that it can control the brewing temperature of 195C to 205C, the extraction time can be determined according to the grinding particles of coffee beans, and finally it is convenient to clean without taking up space, while Chemex has three advantages.

Chemex filter paper is thick, so be sure to wash it with hot water first to remove the odor.

Pour out the brewing water, pour the ground coffee powder into the filter paper, pour in hot water, stir and steam slightly, and then draw a concentric circle to inject water.

When all the water is dripping, repeat the action of injecting water, usually 1 tablespoon of coffee powder is added with 5 ounces of water, but to be thicker, 6 tablespoons of coffee powder is brewed with only 20 ounces of water.

When the drip is complete, remove the filter paper, shake the filter pot, and pour into a lukewarm cup.

❼ Bee House ceramic filter cup

Materials: Bee House filter cup, Melitta # 4 filter paper, 3 tablespoons (21g) freshly ground coffee powder, hot water about 205C.

Practice: most filter cups are conical, while Bee House is wedge-shaped, with only two small holes in the bottom, which has the advantage of slowing down the dripping rate and making the ground coffee beans thicker (if the hole is too big, the water will be absorbed by the coffee and drip directly into the cup).

The method of use is the same as other filter cups, note that Bee House filter cups are available in two sizes, Melitta # 4 filter paper is used for large, can make more coffee at a time.

Put the filter paper on, pour hot water to remove the smell, pour in the coffee powder, soak the coffee with water and steam.

Due to the small hole, the flow rate of water injection should be small, repeat this several times, a cup of 10-ounce coffee will take 3 minutes.

❽ Aeropress filter press

Materials: Aeropress filter press, special filter paper, 2.5 tablespoons (17 oz) freshly ground coffee powder, hot water about 205 degrees, timer.

Practice: this kind of hand-brewed coffee tool combines the characteristics of dripping and filter pressure. due to the short extraction time, the coffee has lower acidity and softer taste; if you want to taste stronger, add filter pressure to extract a stronger flavor.

Choose to grind the coffee beans into powder, round filter paper close to the filter, install a syringe filter, and place on the cup.

Inject hot water to remove the smell of filter paper and pour out the brewing water.

Pour the coffee powder into the filter press, mix it with a mixing rod, cover with the putter, do not press it, and wait 10 seconds.

Open the putter and stir again, then slowly press the putter until you hear the hiss.

In order to avoid bitter taste, remember to calculate the time, so as not to filter the pressure for too long.

Trick 2: grind and cook now, taste immediately after cooking

After the coffee beans are ground into powder, they begin to lose their taste. The best way to enjoy the original flavor of coffee is to grind and boil them.

Grinding coffee beans is also a knowledge, different bean grinder grinding powder thickness and uniformity are not the same, the flavor is naturally different. The finer the coffee powder, the richer the flavor. Some scientists have pointed out that the finer the coffee is ground, the higher the extraction rate is, the easier it is to dissolve organic acids and phenolic antioxidants.

The thickness of coffee beans should be matched with the coffee brewing utensils used.

Freshly brewed coffee is also the best time to taste, the most suitable temperature for drinking coffee is recommended at 50 Murray 70 degrees Celsius, you can best taste the flavor of coffee. It is generally recommended to pour the coffee into a warm mug or coffee cup to maintain the temperature and drink it in 10 minutes, not more than 45 minutes. Reheating or leaving it on the heat source for too long will ruin the taste of the coffee.