Coffee review

What brand of coffee beans? introduction to the main producing areas of coffee in the world and the types of representative coffee beans

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Asian coffee bean origin: Indonesia (Indonesia) well-known representative coffee: Java, Sumatra Sumatra Mandheling) Indonesia produces coffee beans mainly in Java, Sumatra, Sulawesi, three islands

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

The origin of coffee beans in Asia:

Indonesia (Indonesia) famous representative coffee: Java (Java), Sumatra Manning (Sumatra Mandheling)

Indonesia produces coffee beans mainly in Java, Sumatra, Sulawesi and other three islands, all of which belong to volcanic topography. It is generally believed that Indonesian coffee beans have a strong aroma and low acidity, with a slight taste of traditional Chinese medicine and soil. Mandheling, produced in the mountains of Sumatra, is world-famous and rich in texture. Robusta beans from Java have a unique smell and are often used as a recipe for espresso because they are rich in oil. The coffee produced by Sulawesi is rated as having a special herbal flavor, deep and clean. In particular, there is a special animal called the civet in the mountains of Indonesia (it has also appeared in Taiwan, and it is currently listed as one of the representative animals of Yangmingshan). Because it makes Indonesia produce a kind of coffee that is almost the most expensive in the world-civet coffee. This kind of cat likes to eat coffee berries, and hard coffee beans are eventually excreted because they are indigestible. During the period of passing through the digestive tract, coffee beans are fermented to produce a unique and complex flavor, which makes many gluttons like this kind of coffee with special aroma. But because the output is very small, so the price is very high, in the hundreds of dollars per pound.

India (India) well-known coffee: monsoon Malaba (Monsooned Malabar)

India is a country that mainly drinks tea, but its coffee production ranks first in the world, and it has both Robusta and Arabica. It is also one of several countries that have both water washing and sun treatment. Indian coffee is grown mainly in the areas from the Western Gaozhi Mountains in southern India to the Arabian Sea, with coffee sold under the names of Maiso and Malaba. Monsoon Malaba is a unique kind of coffee in India. Because of the coffee beans exported from the coast of Malaba to Europe at that time, the appearance and taste of the raw beans were changed after being hit by the sea breeze for a long time. And become a taste that Europeans are accustomed to and like. This later became a special method of handling coffee beans, which were especially placed in the wet monsoon for a few months after harvest, so that they turned yellow and white and reduced acidity, that is, the monsoon Monsooned Malabar we bought.

Vietnam (Vietnam) well-known representative coffee: Vietnamese coffee

Vietnam is also one of the top coffee producers in the world. At present, the vast majority of coffee trees in Vietnam are Robusta, because the Arabica coffee trees in Vietnam were destroyed by leaf rust in the mid-19th century and replaced with Robusta coffee trees that are resistant to leaf rust. Robusta coffee beans have a unique aroma and bitter taste, and their caffeine content is higher than that of Arabica. Also because the higher proportion of extraction is related to you, it is often used to make instant coffee, canned coffee, or mixed with three-in-one coffee and so on. In recent years, India has also begun to plant coffee trees in Arabica, more committed to the cause of coffee production, but there has been no development in the boutique coffee market. The Vietnamese coffee we often hear in our conversation sometimes refers to the cooking of ice droplets, which is different from the kinds of coffee beans mentioned here, so don't be confused.

Coffee bean producing areas in Africa:

Yemen (Yemen) well-known representative coffee: Mokamatari (Mocha Mattari)

In the early days, Yemeni coffee was mainly exported from the port of Mocha, so the coffee exported from here later took Mocha as its name. In Yemeni coffee, Mattari and Sanani are more famous, of which Matari tastes full-bodied, with strong acidity and cocoa flavor, while Sanani has a more balanced taste and aroma. The coffee beans produced in Yemen belong to Arabica. Generally speaking, mocha beans are smaller than ordinary coffee beans and look very different from other coffee beans with large particles. However, although small, it contains distinct features, especially the distinct fruit acid is often used as a flavor enhancement role in mixed coffee, no wonder it is compared to the red wine in coffee, the aroma and sour taste are particularly aftertaste. The name Mocha can be written in several ways, "Mocca", "Mocha", "Moka", "Mokha". Wait, but they all mean the same thing. Mocha beans are especially obvious in deep roasting because of their unique chocolate flavor, so there is a fancy coffee flavored with chocolate sauce and named after mocha coffee.

Ethiopia famous representative coffee: Mocha Harra, Yirgacheffe

Across the Red Sea and opposite Yemen, Ethiopia is the first place in the world to find coffee trees in Arabica. Coffee is grown almost everywhere in the country. Among them, the eastern Highland Hara (Harra) produces the famous Haramoka, which has a special wine aroma and acidity, which is equivalent to the Yemeni mocha and is a high-quality coffee. Sidamo and Djimmah in the south are also well-known coffee producers, and the coffee produced is slightly different from that produced by Hara, with a refreshing sour taste and drupe aromas. In Sidamo, there is a community domain name called Yirgacheffe, whose coffee has very charming features, with the aroma of jasmine and lemon, and the special taste as sweet as honey, so it is famous all over the world. Why is the port of Mocha in the country of Yemen, but the coffee from Ethiopia is also called Mocha? That's because Ethiopian coffee was previously exported from the Yemeni port of Mocha, so it is also named after mocha and subdivided by different names of origin, such as Mokhara, Mokajima and so on. So it's the same mocha coffee, it could be from Yemen or it could be from Ethiopia.

Ivory Coast (Cote dancers / Ivory Coast) well-known representative coffee: none

C ô te d'Ivoire is a country in West Africa, next to Guinea and Liberia. C ô te d'Ivoire is a name translated from French, but it is C ô te d'Ivoire if it is literally translated by pronunciation. Under French rule, coffee, along with cocoa and palms, was grown heavily on the coast to stimulate exports, and by the 1960s coffee production had increased to make C ô te d'Ivoire the third largest coffee exporter after Brazil and Colombia. However, in recent years, due to the impact of climate, economy, aging and reduced production of coffee trees, its coffee production has not been prosperous in the past. Since C ô te d'Ivoire is also a major producer of coffee in Africa, why are we not familiar with Ivorian coffee? This is because Ivorian coffee is almost entirely robusta, with only a few experimental Arabica coffees. As mentioned earlier, because of its special taste and characteristics, Robusta coffee is mostly used for purposes such as mixed instant coffee or canned coffee, and is rarely consumed directly in the form of fine coffee. Therefore, it does not often appear in the coffee-producing countries that we often mention.

Kenya (Kenya) well-known representative coffee: Kenya AA

Kenya is located in East Africa, right on the equator, with the Indian Ocean to the east, Ethiopia to the north and Tanzania to the south. Kenyan coffee is characterized by obvious fruit aromas and acidity, with a hint of wine in the full-bodied taste. Kenyan coffee is mostly grown in the southwest and east of the plateau, the varieties are Arabica species, and are washed coffee, the common varieties are Bourbon, Typica, Kents, Riuri 11 and other four varieties. The bright fruit aroma and acidity of Kenyan coffee in shallow roasting is regarded as like fruit tea, which shows its unique flavor. Among them, the well-known Kenyan AA is full of particles and rich in taste, which is well received by the world.

Well-known representative coffee in Tanzania (Tanzania): Kilimanjaro

Tanzania is also located in eastern Africa, to the south of Kenya and to the east of the Indian Ocean, with a coastline as long as 1500 kilometers. Coffee is not the most important agriculture in Tanzania, mostly small-scale operations, the rest still export corn, cotton and other major agricultural products. Most of the coffee is grown on the slopes of the Kilimanjaro volcano in northern Tanzania, near Kenya. About 70% of the coffee is Arabica, which is treated by washing, while the remaining 30% of Robusta are treated by the sun. The Creamanjaro coffee produced here is generally highly acidic, but slightly weaker than that of Kenya, and its taste is similar to that of Kenya, with a rich texture and a strong sweet aroma.

Zimbabwe (Zimbabwe) famous representative coffee: Zimbabwe

As can be seen from the map on the left, Zimbabwe is a landlocked country not near the sea in southern Africa, with Mozambique on the right. Coffee was only grown in Zimbabwe at the beginning of the 20th century, mainly in the eastern plateau, which is treated by washing. Zimbabwe's coffee is similar to Kenya with strong acidity and fruity aroma, but unlike Kenya, it has a pepper-like flavor. The best coffee comes from Chipinge.

Malawi (Malawi) well-known representative coffee: Malawi

Malawi is a small country in southeastern Africa and a landlocked country not near the sea. most of its coffee is grown in the northern plateau, but the yield is not large. But although it is not near the sea, it can be seen on the map that there is a very large lake in the northeast. It is Lake Malawi, which is also the natural boundary between Malawi and its neighboring countries. Compared with Kenya, Malawian coffee also has considerable sweetness and aroma, while the sour taste is lower in another style. If the sour sound of Kenya is compared to the sour sound of Kenya, the sour sound of Malawi feels like the bass and mid-bass. The coffee grown in Malawi is Arabica and is treated by washing. It is the country's ninth largest export, accounting for only about 5% of the country's total exports. However, in particular, although the export volume is very limited, the mode of production and marketing of its coffee is for local people to set up their own production and marketing companies to be responsible for the production, processing and sale of coffee, rather than the distribution of coffee led by the government in Kenya. In this independent mode of operation, the quality of coffee in Malawi has been maintained at a considerable level, so it is also one of the most popular coffee for traders.

Central America:

Guatemala (Guatemala) famous representative coffee: Antigua (Antigua), Vivette Nango (Huehuetenango)

The latitude of Guatemala is about 15 degrees, bordering the Pacific Ocean on the left and the Caribbean Sea on the right. The Sierra Mountains on this side of the Pacific Ocean are the main coffee-growing areas in Guatemala. Because the mountains are very long and the regional climate changes greatly, it has created the seven major coffee producing areas of the country, each with different flavors and characteristics. Among them, the coffee from Antigua is famous in the world because of its slightly sour, rich glycol and slightly volcanic charcoal flavor. The coffee of Guatemala belongs to Arabica, which is treated with water. In the far northwest, there is a piece of Huehuetenango highland. Because it is higher than 5000 feet above sea level, the coffee produced has the characteristics of hard texture, strong acidity and rich taste of high altitude coffee. It is also one of the most distinctive coffee in Guatemala.

Costa Rica (Costa Rica) famous representative coffee: Tarrazu

Like other Central American countries, coffee from Arabica is widely grown in Costa Rica. Its coffee is mainly grown in two high areas, one is the high area near the capital San Jose, and the other is the Tarrazu mountains southeast of San Jose. Because it is also grown at high altitude, Costa Rican coffee also has a strong sour taste, and because the mountain temperature is lower, coffee trees grow more slowly, with a more complex and not monotonous taste. The coffee produced in Tarasu is also one of the coffee tasters' favorite because of its special flavor of fruit and some chocolate or stone fruit.

Nicaragua (Nicaragua) well-known representative coffee: Nicaragua

Nicaraguan coffee is mainly produced in the central and northern parts of the country, with shade planting as its characteristic, while coffee beans are washed and dried in the sun. Generally speaking, Nicaraguan coffee is less distinctive, so Nicaraguan beans are often used as mixed coffee or instant coffee. However, high-quality Nicaraguan beans such as Maragogipe (a tree with very large coffee beans called elephant beans) think highly of it because it tastes more balanced and does not have the distinct acidity of other Central American coffee, but has a clear taste and excellent aroma. This round and soft texture also makes it a unique show in the mediocre evaluation of Guatemalan coffee and is loved by many people.

Honduras (Honduras) famous representative coffee: Honduras

Honduran coffee seems strange to many coffee drinkers. For coffee production, the geographical conditions of Honduras are no less than those of its neighboring coffee-producing countries such as Guatemala and Nicaragua. However, in the past, Honduras was less well-known in the consumer market because it did not have strong support in the handling and transportation of raw beans. However, in recent years, Hongguo has begun to change dramatically, and the emphasis on the coffee industry in Honduras has slowly opened up the international popularity of Honduran coffee. There are six main coffee producing areas in Honduras, including Santa Barbara, Copan, Ocotepeque, Lempira, La Paz, and El Paraiso in the southeast, which are adjacent to each other in the west. Honduran coffee tastes less acidic, while caramel is more sweet. The taste of coffee from these five different producing areas is also slightly different, some slightly sour, some have a unique flavor. At present, its quality is not poor, but because it is still promoting its popularity, Hongguo's coffee prices are actually quite competitive at present. Because of its flavor characteristics, it is a good choice to make a single product or add comprehensive coffee, or even one of the beans with Espresso ingredients.

Panama (Panama) famous Coffee: Panama

Panama is bordered by Costa Rica to the west and Colombia in South America to the east. Most of its coffee is grown in the mountains near Costa Rica to the west. Panamanian coffee is medium and uniform in flavor and texture, with a blue mountain-like temperament, so it is often said that Panamanian coffee is often imitated as the high-priced Kona of Hawaii or the Blue Mountains of Jamaica. However, Panamanian coffee has always been in the middle and low price level in the consumer market, which may not have a distinctive relationship. However, in recent years, Panama has also actively promoted the cause of boutique coffee and sold its high-quality coffee beans at competitive auctions, so Panamanian coffee has gradually attracted the attention of the world again. Good Panamanian beans are considered by coffee connoisseurs to be one of the excellent coffee with their clean, clear, bright and gentle taste and medium mellow performance.

El Salvador (El Salvador) well-known representative coffee: El Salvador

El Salvador, with its upland topography, is the smallest country in Central America, flanked by Guatemala and Honduras. Because there are two parallel mountains in the country, the volcanic soil is rich in minerals, and this special geographical environment makes El Salvador suitable for growing coffee. The coffee tree in El Salvador is Arabica, which is mainly divided into Bourbon and Pacas. Its coffee is refreshing and uniform, which is divided into three grades according to altitude, namely SHG (Strictly High Grown), SG (High Grown) and SC (Central Standard). It is worth mentioning that El Salvador produces a hot spring coffee, named because of the use of hot spring water for washing treatment, its special and supple sour taste and sweet smell is very charming, because the low yield makes the unit price quite high, is its very characteristic coffee.

Mexico (Mexico) famous representative coffee: Mexico

Mexico is close to the north of the United States, and its coffee production ranks fourth in the world, mainly in the southeast adjacent to the Vivette Nango highlands of Guatemala. Brother Mo, about 70% of his coffee is exported directly to the United States, which is washed and divided into three grades according to their height. Generally speaking, Mexican coffee is evaluated as moderate aroma and mild mellow. Among them, the coffee beans produced by the giant elephant bean tree Maragogipe (also known as Maragogype) are not only three times larger than the average, but also famous for their mellow and round taste.

South America:

Brazil (Brazil) famous representative coffee: Santos

Brazil is the world's largest coffee producer, with the first total output in the world, accounting for about 1 of the world's total output. Brazil is mainly produced in the central and southern provinces. Brazil is suitable for growing coffee areas, the terrain is relatively flat, coffee gardens are mostly less than 1200 meters above sea level, and there is no shade from big trees, because raw and ripe berries are harvested at the same time, it is not fine coffee. The quality of Brazilian coffee is average but less excellent, its bean quality is soft, and it is obviously not resistant to heat in the roasting process. Among the varieties, Santos is more famous, which is named after its export port Santos. Brazilian coffee beans are neutral and can be tasted alone (though a bit monotonous), or mixed with other kinds of coffee beans to form a comprehensive coffee, which is generally considered to be indispensable in blending.

Colombia (Colombia) well-known representative coffee: Colombia

Colombia is the world's second largest exporter of coffee, accounting for about 15% of global production. Most of its coffee trees are grown in three mountains stretching north and south, with only Arabica species. Although its output ranking is lower than that of Brazil, the coffee beans are of good quality, rich and unique aroma, sweet in acidity and moderate bitterness, which is very suitable for single drink or mixture. Colombian beans and Brazilian beans are the best choice of basic beans for blended coffee, but their flavor is more mellow and more fragrant than Brazilian beans. In addition to individual taste, they are also often used to blend coffee to increase the sweetness of coffee and to blend the bitterness of other coffee.

Peru (Peru) famous representative coffee: Peru

Peru is one of the major coffee producers in South America, and coffee is Peru's largest export of agricultural products, which has grown significantly in recent years, reaching an all-time high in 2006. From the map, you can see that there are Andes parallel to the coast in Peru. More than 90% of Peruvian coffee is grown in the north, in valleys east of the capital Lima, and in forest areas on the slopes of the Andes. Peruvian coffee beans have a round taste, moderate mellow, not thick not light, soft acid is one of its major characteristics, with a slightly drupe flavor. With the increase in export volume, coffee hobbies are becoming more and more familiar. At present, more and more people like Peruvian coffee with its mellow taste and soft sour taste.

Ecuador (Ecuador) famous representative coffee: Galapagos (Galapagos)

Ecuador, which passes through the equator between Colombia and Peru, is one of the few countries in South America that produces both Arabica and robusta coffee. In fact, Ecuador means "equator" in Spanish. Due to the use of old-fashioned traditional harvesting and handling methods, Ecuadorian coffee is not included in the list of boutique coffee, so it is generally rare and unfamiliar. Ecuador faces the Pacific Ocean, and near the equator, about 900km west of longitude 90 degrees, Ecuador is also dependent on the Galapagos Island Islands, also known as Cologne, which produces the well-known Galapagos coffee. In order to protect the natural ecology, the Ecuadorian government has designated the archipelago as a national park and banned the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides and other chemicals, so coffee in the Galapagos Islands is recognized as organic coffee. Galapagos Islands coffee flavor is more balanced and neutral, moderately mellow, with a little obvious but pleasant acidity, with a special aroma. However, because it is rarely seen on the market, not many people talk about this coffee.

Interval blank coffee bean producing area:


New Guinea (New Guinea) famous Coffee: new Guinea

New Guinea is located in the north of Australia, also known as Papua New Guinea. The world's second-largest island in the Pacific Ocean grows Arabica coffee trees, which are washed to treat coffee beans in the north-central Hagen Mountains. The coffee trees in New Guinea are of the same species as the Jamaican Blue Mountains, and the seeds were successfully planted in New Guinea from the Blue Mountains in 1927. Coffee in New Guinea is grown at a height of about 4,500 Murray 6000 feet, mostly in small plots of land. Thousands of coffee farmers form cooperatives to manage the production and marketing of coffee, mainly to Australia and the United States. New Guinea coffee tastes rich and balanced, with sweet and bright acidity, with fruit-like aromas. Its fruity aroma is similar to grapefruit with a hint of chocolate, and some people think it has a hint of stone fruit.

Australia (Australia) well-known representative coffee: Australian coffee

Coffee was grown in Australia around 1900, with both Robusta and Arabica species, mainly in eastern Australia, roughly distributed in northern New South Wales (New South Wales), around Queensland and Norfolk Island Island. New South Wales is located in the southeast of Australia, where Sydney is located; Queensland is in the northeast of Australia, its northeast is the famous Skybury growing area; and Norfolk Island is a small island in the South Pacific Ocean far east of Australia's main island, with about 20, 000 Arabica coffee trees. The quality of Australian coffee beans is quite good, with the characteristics of island beans, mellow and with mild acidity, different from the coffee beans usually with bright sour in Central America. Its aroma is slightly chocolate, and it is good to drink alone or to be used for blending.

Hawaii (Hawaii) famous representative coffee: Kona

Hawaii is an almost well-known tropical Pacific island. In addition to its beautiful scenery, it also produces coffee. The famous Knoa coffee is grown on the volcanic slopes on the southwest coast of Hawaii's main island and is the only coffee produced in the United States. Due to the island topography and volcanic soil, Hawaiian coffee has a very special taste, not too strong, not too sour and mellow, with pleasant wine aromas and acidity. Kona coffee is divided into four grades, which are the most advanced Extra Fancy, Fancy, Prime and Gr. No.1 et al. However, due to low production and high production costs, with the increasing demand for boutique coffee in recent years, the price of Kona on the market is catching up with the Blue Mountain of Jamaica, and it is becoming more and more difficult to buy good Kona beans.

The Caribbean Sea

Jamaica (Jamaica) famous representative coffee: blue Mountain (Blue Mountain)

Jamaica is a small republic in the Caribbean. Its Blue Mountain Coffee is famous for its mild taste and high level of low acidity. It is currently one of the most expensive and popular coffee in the world. Located between South Kingston and Port Maria in North Port, Blue Mountain is about 7500 feet high. The cold and humid climate and sufficient rainfall have created the special mild taste of Blue Mountain Coffee. Blue Mountain coffee beans with large granules and high quality are recognized as the best in the world, including No.1, No.2, No.3, Peaberry, and Blue Mountain Triage. They are usually accompanied by factory logo and warranty, and then packed into wooden barrels for export. Because it is very popular in Japan, Japan has made considerable investment in the Blue Mountain coffee industry. at present, about 9% of Chengdu is exported to Japan, and it is difficult to buy the authentic Blue Mountain on the market. Jamaican coffee was first grown in the hills near Saint Andrew and then gradually expanded to the Blue Mountain area. St. Angel District is still one of the main coffee producing areas in Jamaica except the Blue Mountains, with an elevation of more than 6000 feet. The coffee produced is similar to the Blue Mountains and of high quality, but because it is not on the Blue Mountains, it is named by Jamaican Advanced Water washing (Jamaica Prime washed). Its taste is rich and mellow, sweet and bitter balanced and round, and the price is quite high on the market, which is also considered by the public as one of the best.

Puerto Rico (Puerto Rico) famous representative coffee: Puerto Rico

It is generally believed that the original coffee tree species of Puerto Rico was brought to Martinique Island (French West Indies in the Caribbean) by the French in 1723 and was quickly introduced to Puerto Rico in 1736. Because of its mountainous environment and suitable climate and soil, it soon became a major export to Europe. The coffee produced in Yauco is so famous in Europe because of its special flavor that it was even used as a standard to be imitated by other countries in the 1890s. The coffee tree in Puerto Rico is Arabica, including Bourbon, Puerto Rico Bourbon variety, Kaddura and Limani. Today, Yuko is still the representative of Puerto Rico coffee, and the price on the market has always been high because of its good quality, low production and high labor costs. Yukot beans are rated as mellow, balanced, mild, complex rather than monotonous, low acidity and low bitterness similar to the Jamaican Blue Mountains, and is one of the best coffee in the Caribbean.

Dominica (Dominican Repubilc) famous representative coffee: Saint Dominica (Santo Domingo)

Minnesota is located on the island of Hispaniola in Central America, just above the aforementioned (part of Puerto Rico) Martinique Island. Dominica occupies 2/3 of the right half of Hispaniola, while the other 1/3 on the left is the territory of Haiti. It is rich in natural resources, rich in coffee, cocoa, oranges, bananas and flowers. In recent years, coffee ranks second in the gross domestic product of many countries, second only to rice, and is an important cash crop in many countries. From 2005 to 2006, its coffee exports reached 100 million pounds, a sharp increase of 196.2% over the previous period. Dominica coffee, like Puerto Rico and Jamaica coffee, is Caribbean coffee with a similar tone, but it is not as famous as the other two, mainly because of the way the coffee is handled rather than the quality of the berries. Coffee in Dominica is grown in highlands and lowlands, and its taste is slightly different. The highland is more sour, but the taste is richer, while the lowland is less sour and smoother. Boutique coffee has become popular in recent years. High-quality coffee beans produced by some Dominican estates have a rich aroma, mellow taste and moderately bright sour taste, which is not far from the more famous Puerto Rican or Jamaican beans, and is also worth tasting coffee.

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