Coffee review

How to make your own coffee? can you make freshly ground coffee powder directly? brewing skills of freshly ground coffee

Published: 2024-05-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/05/20, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information Please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) the editor is going to teach you the master 100 freshly ground coffee brewing skills today. As long as you learn these freshly ground coffee skills, you can also comfortably enjoy coffee time at home ~ what is hand-made coffee? Generally speaking, coffee is used in the common coffee shops in the market.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Today, the editor is going to teach you the master 100 freshly ground coffee brewing skills. As long as you learn these freshly ground coffee skills, you can comfortably enjoy the coffee time at home.

What is coffee made by hand?

Generally speaking, the common coffee shops in the market use a coffee machine to brew the coffee beans directly into the machine and then brew the beans according to the proportion of the machine, while the hand coffee requires the skill of grinding the beans and the skill of adding water by hand. because hand-brewing coffee requires proportion and technology, so the coffee-making technique puts a mysterious veil on the coffee.

Freshly ground coffee skills-preparing utensils

Small pot, filter paper, upper seat filter cup, lower seat glass pot, thermometer, bean grinder

Freshly ground coffee technique 1: first put the filter cup on the glass pot, fold the filter paper along the edge and put it into the filter cup, and then rinse it through a circle with hot water to get wet. Wetting filter paper is a key technique for hand-brewing coffee. Rough cotton paper has the taste of paper. Dampening can avoid affecting the taste of hand-brewed coffee in the process of brewing coffee, while a warm cup pot can also prevent coffee from getting cold when filtered and affect the taste of hand-brewed coffee.

Freshly ground coffee skill 2: then pour in the ground coffee powder, gently pat the powder and dig a small groove in the middle, keep the distance between the small mouth pot and the coffee powder at 10 ~ 15 cm, and start from the small groove in the middle to the water circle. The technique of grinding coffee will pay attention to the selection of roasted beans and the thickness of the powder, which will affect the taste of hand-made coffee.

Freshly ground coffee skill 3: stop flushing when the coffee powder absorbs water and expands to the peak, rest "stuffy steaming" when the coffee powder is finished for the first time, and then flush the coffee powder for the second time when the coffee powder gradually sinks down. The hand flushing flow can neither be large nor broken. A circle will fully filter the coffee powder. At this time, if there are people with freshly ground coffee skills, they will know that this is a high-level classic hand-brewed coffee.

Freshly ground coffee tip 4: when the coffee powder coffee begins to sink and the gloss slowly fades away, you can flush for the third time.

Freshly ground coffee technique 5: pick up the filter cup after brewing the coffee, pick up the bottom glass pot and shake it gently, so that the coffee concentration is evenly mixed, and then put the glass pot of coffee into the near coffee cup. A cup of coffee full of freshly ground coffee skills is done.

After reading the freshly ground coffee skills introduced by the editor, does it feel very simple?

Thank you for reading.