Coffee review

Graphical video of hand steaming steps | do you also pay attention to steaming and water injection? How to inject water into steaming?

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information Please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) since the last time I discussed the problem of steaming with you, fans have been asking the editor questions, among which there is a question that the editor thinks is very interesting. Is there any technique or knack for steaming water injection, is there any fastidiousness? So I will follow the university in this issue

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Since I discussed the problem of steaming with you last time, fans have been asking questions to the editor, one of which the editor thinks is very interesting-"are there any tricks and tricks for steaming water injection? is there anything particular about it?" So this issue is going to discuss with you the method of steaming and injecting water.

In the editor's long-term observation and summary, many friends will mainly have the following problems when steaming and injecting water:

1. Uneven water injection.

This situation is quite common for beginners, and it is easy to happen when you are not familiar with the hand flushing pot: the water column is thin and thick, the circle is not round, and the water injection is asymmetrical, resulting in water flooding out of places with more water, penetrating filter paper; places with less water can not be completely wet with coffee powder, and the steaming effect is greatly reduced. Eventually lead to water injection extraction, part of the extraction is excessive, part of the extraction is insufficient, the flavor is messy, it is easy to appear astringent taste.

2. Water injection is too gentle.

On the whole, this situation should be rare, and even if there is, it is not obvious, mainly when using thin-nosed pots:

①, because of nervousness or inadaptability, some people will inject water very carefully in the face of some special (expensive) beans, fearing that they will inadvertently screw up a pot of good beans, but they do not realize that the more careful they are, the more careful they are, the more prone to problems. When you inject water very gently, or listen to the so-called "paving" saying, when injecting water, there is not enough strength to let the water penetrate the surface powder layer, but moist the surface, so that the water can only rely on capillarity and gravity to infiltrate into the deep layer. At this time, the time for steaming water to seep from the surface to the bottom will be prolonged, and some of the water will spread from the surface and flow away from the edge ribs. And reduce the actual amount of water obtained by steaming coffee powder, the effect of steaming will naturally be greatly reduced.

②, powder is too fine or too much. If the powder is too fine, the particles will be tight, and the speed of water infiltration will be very slow, and it is easy to diffuse. If there is too much powder, the powder layer will be thick. if the penetration is not strong enough, the water will stay on the surface, and finally it will still be the result of water slipping away from the edge.

The following is the normal 20g powder steaming and water injection demonstrated by the editor:

In view of the problem of uneven water injection, the editor's suggestion is to practice more. Practice falling into the water-- circle-- stop movement, to ensure that the whole column of water is stable, as vertical as possible, within the range of steaming water, the whole set from the inside to the outside, and from the outside, the movement to return to the center should be smooth and stable. If the hand-flushing pot is really difficult to control, consider changing to a convenient pot. After all, beans are not cheap.

With regard to the intensity of water injection, the editor has two suggestions:

①, to increase the intensity of water injection, you can start from two aspects: the size of the water column and the height of water injection. After all, some small-mouth pots are really only suitable for fine water flow. When the water flow is large, it is easy to tilt the water column. At this time, increase the water injection height and let the gravity acceleration provide you with enough penetration. Of course, do not splash.

②, appropriately increase the amount of water and time of steaming. If the soldiers come to cover up the water and cover the soil, since the penetration is not enough, the actual amount of steaming will be reduced and the speed will be slowed down, so just increase the amount of water and prolong the steaming time.

There is another situation that can easily make people uncomfortable when steaming: bubbling.

This is really a situation that is easy to deal a blow to self-confidence, a set of coquettish operations, and as a result, a few big "snot bubbles" appear from the side when steaming, which is really frustrating. What kind of expansion and what hamburger, can not stand the disturbance of a thick bubble, completely out of sight.

So, in addition to the aesthetic factors, the emergence of large bubbles during steaming has an impact on the overall steaming effect?

The editor's view is: it has an impact, but it is not as exaggerated as the visual effects.

What is the general reason for the appearance of air bubbles?

①, water injection too much too quickly, the water becomes a film, from the upper layer wrapped in the lower layer of dry powder, and slowly soak the lower layer, causing exhaust, when the tension of the water conflicts with the rising strength of the gas, it is easy to form air bubbles.

②, or uneven water injection, when the water injection is uneven, part of the wet powder wraps the dry powder and slowly permeates, the exhaust will not be smooth, and the water will flow downwards and the gas will rise due to gravity, which will naturally lead to conflict.

The editor makes a negative demonstration. When injecting water, slowly circle from the outside to the inside and let the wet powder in the outer layer wrap the dry powder in the middle, and there will be obvious "snot blisters":

Thus it can be seen that when there are coarse bubbles in your steaming process, it naturally proves that your water injection is not perfect, even if the performance is very good at the moment after the water injection, when the water slowly moistens the dry powder in the lower layer, the donkey can see it at a glance.

What about the remedy? Also mentioned above: ①, practice more; ② appropriately adjust the amount and time of steaming. As long as the cause of bubbling can be found, it can be corrected pertinently.

Finally, many people may think that the editor is making a mountain out of a molehill. Isn't that 30 grams of water? Slow injection is only 10 seconds, but also pay attention to what tricks?

NONONO, steaming how to inject water, this is indeed a very small problem, many people have never even paid attention to how to inject water, but also can rush out a very good hand, stuffy out of a very beautiful "hamburger", so what is the significance of our discussion in this issue? In fact, the editor wants to use this issue of steaming and water injection to seriously share with you the main points about steaming, the purpose of steaming and the effect of steaming.

Steaming is to let the coffee powder exhaust first, while expanding to form a good filter structure, which can be extracted better and more evenly in the later stage. There are only two elements of steaming: uniformity and appropriateness. Uniform water injection, uniform steaming, steaming in the appropriate time and amount of water, more water where there is more powder, and less water where there is less powder. Steaming this step, there are still no rigid standards and norms, but good steaming is a broad road to the perfect product.

So, my friends, do not be depressed, do not be proud, hand rush the road, the journey is long, let's go up and down.

[previous review]

Daily test | how much influence does the amount of steaming water have on coffee extraction?

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Thank you for reading.