Coffee review

How would you like your UCC coffee? Is UCC coffee suitable for weight loss? Introduction of UCC Bourbon Coffee

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information Please pay attention to coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Coffee has become an indispensable drink in the life of many modern people, many coffee players are interested in the variety and origin of coffee beans, and the rare varieties of coffee beans are flocked to by many coffee lovers, such as civet, Jamaica Blue Mountain and Hawaii Kona.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Coffee has become an indispensable drink in the life of many modern people. many coffee players are interested in the variety and origin of coffee beans, and the rare varieties of coffee beans are flocked to many coffee lovers, such as civet, Jamaica Blue Mountain and Hawaii Kona, all of which attract coffee fans to taste the pilgrimage.

For Europeans, coffee is as common as boiled water. Aristocrats like to drink coffee to embellish their identity; civilians also like to drink coffee, which is another way to enjoy life at an affordable price. Many ancient coffee shops are even more blessed by the stops of celebrities, artists and writers, adding a humanistic flavor in addition to the aroma of coffee.

The favorite of French King Louis 15

If the history of coffee is spread out, there is another legendary variety known as the "bourbon tip" on the French island of Reunion. Bourbon is the main coffee bean on the market-Arabica bean, and it is rated as a kind of coffee bean which is very close to the original kind of coffee. In the 18th century, the Bourbon pointed body, a coffee bean with excellent flavor and low yield, was very popular with European royalty and aristocrats. Bourbon pointed coffee beans have bright fruity and floral aromas, with aromas of citrus and cream and velvet, smooth palate and full teeth, but caffeine is only half that of regular Arabica beans. Louis XV of the Bourbon dynasty even declared it "the best coffee in the world", pushing Bourbon's fame to its peak.

In addition to Louis XV, there are also many celebrities in 18th century Europe who are very fond of bourbon pointed bodies, such as Balzac, a French writer who is addicted to coffee, because of its low caffeine but not mellow flavor. it is even described as "a thousand cups can sleep well," praising the Bourbon pointed body, which is quite suitable for coffee addicts who drink more than two cups a day.

Successful restoration of Japanese UCC after extinction

However, the production of this coffee bean is so scarce and fragile that in the late 19th century, Bourbon's pointed body was unable to withstand natural disasters such as hurricanes and infectious diseases, which disappeared on the world coffee stage and was even thought to be extinct. So how did it reappear in the world, and even taste its wonderful flavor again in the 21st century? All thanks to the Japanese UCC's dedication to coffee.

In order to find the possibility of Bourbon pointed body to see the light of day, UCC even went to the French island of Reunion near the African continent to visit. With the help of local people, he found 30 precious Bourbon pointed coffee trees, because fate will lead UCC to cooperate with French officials, open the way to the restoration of Bourbon pointed body, and open another door to a higher hall of coffee for coffee lovers.