Coffee review

Yemen mocha coffee mocha coffee which country mocha coffee introduction

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the biography of Zhen Huan in the harem of the coffee workshop (official Wechat account cafe_style). The character in the whole play is Shen Meizhuang, whose name is not pretending to imply that this person is open and aboveboard and has never camouflaged himself. Meizhuang has a self-respecting and proud personality. She once mentioned that her favorite poem is that she would rather hold incense on the branches and die.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

In the biography of Zhen Huan in the harem, the character in my heart in the whole play is Shen Meizhuang, whose name is "unpretentious".

It implied that the man was open and aboveboard and never camouflaged himself. The personality of Meizhuang is self-respecting and arrogant.

She once mentioned that her favorite poem was "I'd rather die of incense on the branches than blow down in the north wind."


"I'd rather die of incense on the branches than blow down in the north wind."

(Zhen Huan) coffee beans: Yemeni mocha (YEMEN MOCHA MATTARI coffee)

Why is the coffee bean called (Zhen Huan)-- because she is in the coffee industry-- queen--

If you order a cup of coffee-- King--

The best beans from the slopes of the Blue Mountains in Jamaica (pure Blue Mountains)

One Yemeni mocha-queen-- (YEMEN MOCHA MATTARI coffee)

Which one would you like to drink first? That's right. it's Blue Mountain.

Because only queen can hold King ^.

Mocha originally refers to the beans transported by the Arab port of Mocha, located in the countries of Yemen on the Arabian Peninsula. Today's pure and rare Yemeni mocha is rare. The pure mocha is rare, expensive, rich and mellow.

The word used to be equated with coffee.

And things are precious because they are scarce-the price is quite high!

The culture of boutique coffee is not so popular.

There are only a handful of kinds you can see when you go to the coffee shop.

Mocha, Colombia, Santos, Gilly Mazaro, Manning, Blue Mountain

Just about these, plus a special iced coffee and a comprehensive hot coffee

In this way, a coffee shop has a full range of goods.

But instead of now,

If you walk into a store, it only has the above beans.

No doubt you will think that this shop only sells coffee at the same time, it is not professional enough! Right?

Yemen Moka (YEMEN MOCHA)

Although in terms of species research, coffee originated in Ethiopia.

But from a humanistic point of view

The introduction of coffee as a drink to the European world

It happened in Yemen, Arabia.

There has been a time since then that when it comes to coffee, it equates to Yemen and mocha.

Mocha is a commercial port.

Just as Brazilian coffee is exported from Santos port, so Santos is called Brazilian coffee.

The port of Mocha, where coffee is exported, has also become the general name for Yemeni coffee.

Yemen is completely different from other coffee producing countries.

Lack of water, dry climate, poor land

The coffee trees that survive in Yemen are different from those grown in other large coffee countries.

Compared with Arab Yemen, the climate of Central and South America is like a well-equipped greenhouse.

Adverse factors have led to a decline in the coffee industry in Yemen.

But also because of these factors, the flavor of Yemeni coffee shows uncontrollable primitive wildness.

Even though the Yemeni coffee industry has fallen.

But at present, the bean can still be seen in the boutique coffee market.

The variety of Yemeni coffee is complex, so it is generally named after the origin.

Such as Mattari,Sanani,Ismaeili,Hirazi, etc.

The official name will be preceded by the Yemeni mocha, such as YEMEN MOCHA MATTARI.