Coffee review

How do you make an espresso without an espresso machine and a latte without an espresso machine?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange More coffee bean information Please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style) If one day at home suddenly want to drink latte coffee, but suffer from no espresso machine and not so want to go out, what should I do? Don't worry, today's editor will teach you how to make delicious latte without espresso machine! even

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

What if one day you suddenly have a craving for a latte at home, but you don't want to go out without an espresso machine? Don't worry, today the editor will teach you how to make a delicious latte without an espresso machine!

What is a latte?

First of all, we must understand what a latte is and how it is made. Compared with other milk-based coffees, lattes are characterized by:

Latte: 1-2 espresso, whipped milk, a small amount of foam

Cappuccino: very similar to a latte, but with the same amount of milk and foam

Macchiato: no milk, only a small amount of foam

Milk coffee: only milk, no foam

So how can you make a latte without using the espresso mechanism?

To make lattes without espresso at home, you need to prepare several raw materials and utensils:

Grind Italian coffee beans

Milk (preferably whole milk)

Syrup or cream

Wide mouthed coffee cup

Pass away the milk at home

You can find many gadgets for milk on the market, and they are cheap, such as:

1. Aerolatte

Aerolatte is a very easy to use, very cheap milk dispenser, the process takes less than 20 seconds, suitable for milk and all milk substitutes, such as almond milk, coconut milk or soy milk. The Aerolatte is about 100 yuan.

two。 Manual milking machine

Manual milking machines can not only dispose of milk, but also pour milk like baristas, which are very cheap online, costing less than 40 yuan.

Two ways to make lattes at home

1. Philharmonic press latte


The Philharmonic pressed the coffee pot

Freshly baked, finely ground coffee powder (2 tablespoons)

Nearly boiled water (half a cup or 120ml)

Bean grinder

Electronic scale (or spoon)

Electronic gooseneck kettle or ordinary kettle


The two milking utensils just mentioned


Unscrew the lid of the Philharmonic press and put in the filter net or filter paper.

Put the Philharmonic on the coffee cup and pour in 2 tablespoons of coffee powder.

Pour in hot water and stir for 10-30 seconds

Soak for 3-4 minutes

Put it into the piston and press it down at a uniform speed for 20-30 seconds.

Use a milking utensil to dispense the milk

Pour the milk into the coffee, then scoop a spoon of foam on top of the coffee.

two。 French pressure latte


French pressure kettle

Freshly baked, finely ground coffee powder (2 tablespoons)

Nearly boiled water (half a cup or 120ml)

Bean grinder

Electronic scale (or spoon)

Electronic gooseneck kettle or ordinary kettle


The two milking utensils just mentioned


Pour the coffee powder into the coffee pot, preferably twice the usual amount, to make sure the coffee is strong enough.

Pour in a small amount of hot water, fully soak the coffee powder and prebrew it.

Pour in the remaining hot water and stir

Close the lid and soak for 4 minutes.

Press the piston at a uniform speed, lift it gently when it is halfway down, and then continue to press down to the bottom

Pour the coffee into the coffee cup

Use a milking utensil to dispense the milk

Pour the milk into the coffee, then scoop a spoon of foam on top of the coffee.