Coffee review

Coffee beans where to sell coffee beans retail wholesale brand store recommended to buy coffee beans note

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Professional coffee knowledge exchange More coffee bean information Please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style) Are you in low spirits on Monday, go buy a cup of strong coffee What? Too expensive to buy! Then you should start making your own coffee. But before you rush to the supermarket to buy coffee beans, check out this article: 7 Tips on Buying

There are always one or two headaches when you are preparing to open a coffee shop. For example, where should I buy coffee beans from independent cafes? What are the coffee beans suitable for use in community coffee shops? Which brand store is recommended for wholesale and retail coffee beans? Where can I buy authentic coffee beans? What are the points for attention when a novice opens a shop to choose and buy coffee beans?

Today's article is going to "answer questions" one by one.

In fact, on the coffee bean list of Qianjie Coffee, there are not only more than 50 boutique coffee beans, but also 4 Italian coffee beans. If you are careful, you might as well pay attention to Qianjie next time.

Introduction of Qianjie Coffee Fine Coffee beans

Through daily careful observation, it is found that the lemon-like acid washed Yejassefi coffee beans in Qianjie Cafe are the coffee beans bought by the most customers.

Ethiopia's Yejasuefei coffee beans are famous all over the world. So much so that when you mention "boutique coffee with a fresh and pleasant flavor and obvious acidity", you immediately think of Yega Xuefei.

The coffee beans washed in front of the street are very fresh, and the baking time of coffee beans sold on the shelves in Taobao or stores is controlled within 5 days, providing consumers with the greatest quality assurance. Friends in Taobao store in Qianqian Street should have found that the coffee beans ordered in Taobao the same day will be received the next day! That's right, this is because Qianjie Coffee specially gives you the express delivery mode of the next day! In order to let the freshly baked beans be sent to everyone quickly.

Now that we mention Yega Xuefei coffee beans, let's briefly talk about the 2 coffee beans in this producing area.

Front Street Coffee·Ethiopian Fruit Tintin Coffee Bean

Production area: Gedeo Zone

Altitude: 1900-2300m

Breed: Native species (Heirloom)

Treatment: Washing

Front Street Coffee·Ethiopian Fruit Tintin Coffee Bean Flavor Description

Berries, cream, honey, citrus, juicy taste, bright acidity at high temperatures, berries, cream, smooth, citrus at slightly lower temperatures

Qianjie Coffee Yega Sheffield Aletaland Cooperative Red Cherry Coffee beans

Country: Ethiopia

Producing area: Yega Xuefei

Processing plant: Altland

Altitude: 2300m

Variety: native species

Treatment: sun treatment

Grade: G1

Description of the flavor of Red Cherry Coffee beans in Qianjie Coffee Yega Xuefei Aletaland Cooperative

Lemon, citrus, berry, sweet orange, the overall sweetness is high, Huigan has the flavor of caramel and cream, with black tea aroma in the aftertaste.

You might ask, "what other coffee beans do you recommend for Qianjie Coffee in addition to Yega Chefe beans?" There is no doubt that there is also one of the most popular products of Qianjie Coffee, Honduras Shirley Coffee beans.

Impressive and memorable with whisky flavor and rich vanilla cream taste, this Shirley caffeine uses barrel fermentation to give it a chic flavor.

Honduran coffee beans are famous for their well-balanced taste. It can not only be used to prepare comprehensive coffee, but also can be brewed as a single product. Honduras alone has six major coffee producing areas.

Before choosing new beans on the shelves, Qianjie Coffee will conduct a large number of coffee production information surveys in the coffee producing areas of the country. After adjusting the baking curve of coffee beans many times, and using cup test, hand flushing and other links to ensure that the coffee beans are in line with the local coffee flavor, and the beans can achieve the most ideal taste, the coffee beans will be put on the shelves.

Front Street Coffee·Honduran Shirley Coffee Bean

Country: Honduras

Origin: Masaguara

Manor: Moka Manor

Altitude: 1500-1700m

Breeds: Kadura, Kaduai, Pakas

Treatment: Fine washed whiskey sherry barrel fermentation

Front Street Coffee·Honduran Shirley Coffee Bean Flavor Description

The nose has distinct vanilla, creamy aromas of whiskey, berry, almond, dark chocolate and a sweet maple finish.

In addition, the Indonesian PWN Gold Mantenin of Front Street Coffee, this coffee bean has also received a lot of customers 'favor.

The specifications of Indonesian PWN Gold Mantenin of Front Street Coffee are more than 18 meshes, less than 3 defective beans (300g raw bean sample), belonging to the highest grade G1 grade, dark green color, neat shape flat beans. After strict screening, the golden mantelin not only did not have the peculiar earthy smell of ordinary mantelin, but it tasted cleaner and brighter, and its sweetness was stronger.

However, the trademark of Gold Manning is not a Japanese company, but PWN (Pwani Coffee Company), an Indonesian local company that partnered with Japanese companies to export Mantenin coffee beans in the early days.

Japanese companies are registered as "Gold Top Mandheling", that is, the tripod gold Manning. In fact, there is little difference in flavor performance between the two, but due to different brands and different marketing strategies, it is also possible to lead to a change in public opinion, so it depends on which of the two gold manning is better.

Front Street Coffee PWN Gold Manning Coffee Bean

Producing area: Aceh Jiayu Mountain in Sumatra

Altitude: 1100-1600 m

Variety: Ateng

Grade: G1, 3 times hand selection

Treatment method: wet planing method

Flavor description of Qianjie Coffee PWN Gold Manning Coffee Bean

Spices, herbs, caramel, pine, nuts, chocolate, layers are varied, mellow and clean, high sense of balance, rich nutty and caramel aromas, with chocolate aromas and a long finish.

Qianjie Coffee PWN Gold Manning Coffee Bean brewing parameters sharing

Filter cup: Kono filter cup

Water temperature: 88 ℃

Amount of powder: 15g

Powder / water ratio: 1:15

Degree of grinding: 20 standard screen pass rate 70-75%

The reason for choosing the Kono filter cup: the Kono filter cup has few ribs and is located at the low end, and the filter paper is attached to the filter cup, which can limit the airflow to increase the contact time between water and coffee powder, so that the coffee powder can be fully extracted and enhance the mellow taste.

Qianjie coffee is extracted by stages. Steam with 30 grams of water for 30 seconds, small water flow around the circle to 125 grams for sectional injection, water level drop is about to expose the powder bed, continue to inject water to 225 grams to stop injection, and so on when the water level drop is about to expose the powder bed, remove the filter cup, (steaming starts timing) the extraction time is 2 minutes 39 percent 00 ".

Detailed introduction of Qianjie Coffee Italian blend of Coffee beans (including specific formula)

What are blended coffee beans? The blending of coffee beans is a mixture of coffee beans from different places. What is the purpose of the match? One is to form a stable flavor, and the other is to produce a flavor that is not found in a single place of origin. Qianjie Coffee currently sells several Italian coffee beans, which are basic, boutique, commercial and sunny coffee beans.

1 / basic blending of Italian coffee beans

Flavor: creamy nut chocolate

Recipe: 60% Brazilian coffee beans, 40% Yunnan coffee beans

The basic coffee beans of Qianjie Coffee have high performance-to-price ratio. Qianjie coffee chooses Brazilian coffee beans with balanced taste, and on this basis, Yunnan coffee beans with weaker flavor than Brazilian coffee beans are mixed. Showing the most popular taste and flavor, whether you are in contact with coffee for the first time, or serious coffee lovers, you can easily accept this Italian coffee bean.

This mixed coffee beans in front of the street coffee uses medium-deep roasting. When making espresso, there will be a slightly sour, sweet, nutty taste, the overall feeling of peace, not too exciting. The fat is medium and can meet the daily requirements of lattes produced by most stores.

As mentioned above, Qianjie Coffee's boutique espresso beans are very stable and high-quality Italian coffee beans, which are very suitable for some independent cafes as daily products. The basic Italian coffee beans of Qianjie Coffee is the second cost-effective choice provided by Qianjie Coffee.

The operation of coffee shops is inseparable from cost. While keeping costs as low as possible, every operator is looking forward to providing stable coffee products. Qianjie Coffee is a basic coffee bean with a high performance-to-price ratio. Brazilian coffee beans and Yunnan coffee beans are selected for blending. Coffee beans from Yunnan and Brazil tend to be nuts and other flavors, and Brazilian coffee beans give this basic Italian coffee bean a more solid taste and rich oil.

2 / boutique blend of Italian coffee beans

Flavor: sweet and mellow nuts with milk

Recipe: 70% Brazilian coffee beans, 30% Colombian coffee beans

This boutique Italian coffee bean will be the first choice for guests who do not like excessive taste or individual coffee, but pursue the quality of coffee. This blended Qianjie coffee is roasted in medium depth. With balanced taste of Brazilian coffee beans, with soft acidity, nuts back to sweet Colombian coffee beans, classic flavor.

This kind of mixed beans is also used in our own store. I've been using it since I opened the store for about half a year. When discussing this mixed bean, we hope to use American beans as the main body to enhance the nut, sweet taste and minimize the bitter taste.

3 / Commercial blending of Italian coffee beans

Flavor: sweet and mellow nuts with milk

Formula: 60% Brazilian coffee beans, 30% Colombian coffee beans, 10% Robusta

This blend has rich grease and taste and caramel sweetness, with nutty and cocoa, dark chocolate flavor, sweet and sour balance, a little bittersweet, lingering finish. Add a small amount of Robusta coffee beans to increase the richness of the oil, because of the small amount, it will not change too much flavor.

Qianjie named this blended bean "Commercial blended Coffee Bean" because it has a good performance in both American and milk coffee, coupled with the advantage of price, it is very suitable for commercial cafes to use Italian concentrated oil. It tastes smooth and bitter, and the texture is very mellow.

4 / warm sun blended coffee beans

Flavor: black cocoa citrus fermented wine

Recipe: 60% Ethiopian sun red cherry coffee beans, 40% Honduran sherry coffee beans

In addition to boutique blending and basic blending, Qianjie Coffee offers a more unique blend of coffee beans. The roaster of Qianjie Coffee mixes Honduran Shirley barrel coffee beans and Sun Yejafei red cherry plan coffee beans, and reformulates the roasting curve separately. The ratio of the two coffee beans is 6:4, which is re-presented as a blended coffee bean. It is named "warm Sun matching".

With the gradual development of boutique coffee, baristas of Qianjie Coffee found in store operation that many customers are no longer satisfied with the stability brought by blending with boutique coffee, and Qianjie Coffee is rethinking. Maybe it's time to bring more fresh blends to enliven the store's production.

In 2019, after many debugging, this sunny coffee bean finally appeared on the bean list of Qianjie coffee, and replaced the store's boutique mix with warm sun coffee beans. The baristas of Qianjie Coffee believe that these three blended coffee beans are the choice of pursuing stability, the basic blending is the choice of high performance-to-price ratio, and the warm sun blending is out of the choice of flavor, the goals of the three are different, and the suitable guests are naturally different.

The unique flavor of the warm sun blend comes from its Honduran sherry barrel coffee beans. after partial washing, the coffee fruit is put into the sherry barrel for low-temperature fermentation and finally dried. This treatment gives Shirley coffee beans a distinct aroma of wine, while the roaster of Qianjie Coffee mixes 40% of the sun Yega Sherfield coffee beans to provide more acidity to the warm sun coffee beans and increase the layering of the whole beans.

Qianjie Coffee Store adjusts the parameters according to the state of beans every day, such as extracting 40 grams of coffee liquid with 20 grams of coffee powder. The extraction time will be between 26 and 28 seconds. Espresso made with this parameter will have medium acidity, medium bitterness, medium mellow thickness, balanced flavor, obvious black cocoa and citrus flavor, and a fermented finish. American coffee is made with obvious alcoholic chocolate and citrus acidity, while latte is made with vanilla cream, heart chocolate and other flavors.

Qianjie Coffee knowledge extension Reading

Richer oil, better flower drawing.

Espresso is the base for making lattes. Hot lattes are often accompanied by exquisite flower patterns when making hot lattes. The delicate and rich coffee oil is easier to pull flowers.

The espresso with grease can be better fused with milk foam to maintain a stable state, which has a great influence on the meticulous degree and stereotyping of the flower. Although the espresso without oil can also pull the flower, the pattern is slightly stiff and rough.

Buy coffee beans, a few points for attention

Roasting (production) date-check the baking date when buying coffee beans. Coffee beans from front street coffee are usually on the back of the bag with the baking date printed on them.

The taste period of freshly roasted coffee beans is less than 30 days after the bean cultivation period (4-7 days). After that, it will be lost with the passage of time, leaving only the smell of wood. The first flavor compounds lost are mainly volatile compounds such as flower and fruit aroma, while water-soluble compounds such as sugars, nuts and chocolate are relatively difficult to volatilize.

So we usually tell our guests that the best taste period for coffee is 4 days after the baking date-within 30 days. However, even if the appreciation period is over, it does not mean that this coffee can not be drunk. It's just that the performance in flavor will be slightly inferior.

What needs to be emphasized here is the taste period and shelf life. Generally speaking, the shelf life of ripe coffee beans is between 6 months and 12 months. So when buying coffee and ripe beans, it's not as fresh as possible, and remember not to store them for too long before you want to drink them. Pay attention to the baking date when buying coffee beans to make sure you can finish them within a fixed period of time to avoid waste.

What do you want, coffee, cooked beans, or coffee powder? -- both have their own advantages

The taste period of freshly roasted coffee beans is less than 30 days after the bean cultivation period (4-7 days). When the coffee beans are ground into powder, the aroma begins to weaken and the flavor dissipates faster, so the taste period of freshly roasted coffee beans after grinding is less than 20 days.

Coffee beans can better preserve the flavor substances of coffee, and can show a complete flavor through fresh grinding, while coffee powder is more simple, for some friends who do not have grinding equipment (some high-quality grinding machines are expensive and bulky). Grinding powder is undoubtedly the best choice. However, pre-ground coffee powder will lead to faster loss of flavor substances, which will certainly be inferior to freshly ground coffee in flavor.

Although freshly ground coffee powder is convenient to use, Qianjie still recommends grinding coffee beans when brewing ~ It is also recommended that everyone drink a pack before buying a pack. After all, the freshness of coffee beans/coffee powder is really important!

In fact, if you have the habit of drinking coffee frequently or want more refined coffee, you can first equip yourself with a hand mill or a small electric mill. If you compare the taste of pre-ground coffee to freshly ground coffee, you will definitely choose freshly ground coffee when there is a choice.

·Extraction method determines the type of coffee beans-to determine how you make coffee

If you are using Italian coffee machine, mocha pot, turkey pot and other pressurized, heated extraction, Front Street Coffee recommends that you can buy Italian coffee beans; if it is hand-brewed coffee, French press pot, ice drop, cold extraction method, Front Street Coffee recommends that you can buy hand-brewed coffee beans.

At present, the most common coffee beans are Italian coffee beans and hand-made coffee beans. This is not to say that espresso beans cannot be brewed by hand, nor can they be used in espresso machines. Each coffee shop will develop a different baking curve according to its own extraction methods and extraction tools. So lattes and American coffee made from Italian beans can perform very well, but they are not necessarily good for hand brewing, and the same is true for hand-brewed coffee beans used to make espresso (so it is not necessarily good to make espresso).

Why do you choose to buy front street coffee beans?

One of the reasons is that there are many kinds of cooked beans in Qianjie. If you run a small cafe, the operator will not have many choices with coffee beans. Once the variety of coffee beans in the store increases, but there is no time to consume it, it will not be fresh, which is a hurdle that small cafes cannot overcome.

Second, according to the actual analysis, some operators themselves do not have the conditions to try too many beans, so, ah, the wide variety of coffee beans in the front street precisely solves the problem of small shops.

Finding a suitable coffee supplier is critical to the growing coffee business of the cafe, and it is critical to establish a trusted business relationship. Besides, there are relatively professional theories for roasting and making coffee. If you specialize in the industry, we might as well let professional people do professional things.

For more information about coffee beans, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

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