Coffee review

The method of brewing coffee powder in American coffee pot to illustrate how to drink coffee powder in American coffee maker

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) American coffee pot, plug in, use ground coffee powder, fill in the powder cup, use filter paper or metal filter filter, the water temperature is almost constant, the more people drink, scoop up more powder, otherwise, less powder, turn on the power, tick-tock coffee falls into the glass

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

American coffee maker, plug in, use ground coffee powder, fill it in a powder cup, use filter paper or metal filter to filter, the water temperature is almost constant, the more people drink, scoop up more powder, otherwise, turn on the power, tick-tock coffee falls into a glass pot or thermos pot.

For brewing American coffee machine, fixed water temperature, fixed flow rate, The Curve Coffee believes that there are the following opportunities to optimize:

The ratio of water to powder is 1: 18.18.

Like SCAA, we still recommend that you use a ratio of 18.18 per gram of coffee beans, with 18.18ml (c.c., pinch, cubic centimeter) of water, but here, since the American coffee pot is recommended to be filled with cold water, we will first recommend that you directly measure the right volume in the cup before adding it to the coffee pot! This proportion, will brew out of the coffee, the easiest to enter the range of the golden cup! The concentration is 1.15% to 1.35%, and the extraction rate is 18% to 22%.

Of course, if there are no measuring cups at home, I would recommend you to use scales. Here we directly recommend that you use this ratio: 14.6g coffee powder per person, 220g cold water (if the volume is 265.4 ml), this is the proportion used in The CURVE Coffee stores, and let you have a try. We have converted the density of hot water at 93C to 96C by volume and mass at an atmospheric pressure. The number of grams of coffee and water directly recommended at room temperature 25 degrees C.

The right ratio of water to powder will not let you waste coffee powder. In the process of coffee re-extraction, we hope to get sour, sweet, bitter and bitter directly from the sour, sweet, bitter and astringent extraction, while the remaining bitterness and astringency are not much at all! The correct extraction of coffee flavor substances, so that your coffee also further get the right flavor.

In order not to use a measuring cylinder or scale every time, but to bring out a lot of props, it is recommended that you put a piece of tape on the viewing window of the water height of the American coffee machine, and take the fresh 220g or 265.4 ml of water as the basic unit of one cup per person, and weigh out one cup, two cups, three cups. Pour the amount into the coffee pot and draw a mark on the viewing window so that the next time you brew coffee, you can quickly pour in the right amount of water according to the number of people.


Usually, after brewing American coffee, scoop the powder into the powder cup, pat it flat, and then turn on the power supply, but what if your beans are too fresh? Or is your powder ground too fine? Or is it the number of cups that need to be brewed, three or four times as many as usual? The scale for cooking today is shallow baked beans? Well, mixing will come in handy!

The purpose of stirring is to help extract! As a result of stirring, you will see a lot of CO2 coming out to help the coffee powder be impregnated in water and let the hot water drop on the coffee powder to facilitate the perfect extraction of the whole coffee.

Therefore, if the coffee powder is too fresh, or if you choose the medium and deep-roasted coffee powder, or you may find that the hot water only drips to the coffee pot, or if the coffee powder will leak out of the powder cup, or if it is ground too finely, but you still want to boil it without waste! If you have the above situation, it is recommended that at the beginning, when the hot water is dripped on the coffee powder (the recommended amount of water is equal to the amount of coffee powder, etc.), start stirring and make sure that all coffee powder and water stick evenly, then stop stirring, and the stirring time is recommended for 5: 10 seconds! (because, if you stir it again, the coffee powder will be too bitter because of your mixing! )

Therefore, the above problems may actually be avoided in the first place, in fact, it is because you may grind too fine, so I suggest you to grind a little thicker!

But when should stirring be recommended? I suggest shallow baked beans, if the taste is not 'sweet' enough, then suggest multiple processes, stir! Help the coffee machine to add a little more extraction, so that the whole taste can be better, of course, if stirred too much. The taste of 'astringent' is soaked out. I believe that after practicing a few times, you will be very good.


Generally speaking, there is no pre-soaking in American coffee machine! And what is prepreg?

The purpose of pre-soaking is to hope that the coffee powder will wait for a period of time before it is fully soaked by water, and during this period, the hot water will be poured into the coffee powder, and in the moistening process, the coffee powder will be heated and will continue to release CO2 gas, so that it can accept the baptism of hot water and fully extract flavor substances.

Hand flushing, will first put some hot water on the coffee powder, wait for a period of time, and then start to inject water! Different factions, some will wait for 30 seconds, some will wait for the coffee powder to lose its luster!? Or the surface falls at the same time, immediately hit the water, some people also use a section of water injection method, but at the beginning, the current is relatively slow. All these ways show that prepreg is necessary!

The advantage of the American coffee machine is that it is plugged in! When to inject water, cut off water, and inject water can all be controlled by the switch. therefore, if you want to make the American coffee machine have greater benefits, you are advised to start using the method of pre-immersion! Two-stage water injection: turn on, start the first water injection, the amount of water is about the same as the volume of coffee powder, turn it off, (patiently) wait for 30 seconds, turn it on, until the cooking is complete, turn it off.

Grinding thickness:

If the grinding thickness is flushed by hand, it will affect the change of flavor, but in the American coffee maker, there is another factor, that is, the speed of flow.

In the process of coffee extraction, sour, sweet, bitter and astringent are the difficult and easy order in which coffee flavor substances are washed out (that is, the outflow order of coffee flavor), so grinding thickness is a means of extracting coffee flavor. the contact area of coffee powder becomes larger (in the past, among the factors of material change, one of which is the surface area), the faster the outflow of flavor substances, and vice versa. The slower it is! Of all the flavor substances of black coffee, the last thing you want to encounter is' astringent', and how to achieve a 'right' extraction? Well, this depends on your sense of taste! If you think the coffee brewed is' astringent', it means that the coffee powder is too fine and should be thickened; on the contrary, if your coffee is brewed, you don't think it is sweet enough? Then bring a watch so that the curry can be a little more detailed.

SCAA recommends that the above extraction rate be between 18% and 22%, while the method used in the SCAA Golden Cup course is to use the optical refraction concentration measuring instrument VST to first find out the concentration of coffee aqueous solution, and then with SCAA's "coffee brewing control chart", that is, we can find out the current extraction rate of coffee. However, this is to find out the way to brew the golden cup, and people have different tastes and definitions of good coffee, so it is suggested that you determine the grinding thickness you need according to your own taste! Therefore, whether the extraction is correct? Here, the use of such an instrument to measure, it appears to be 'making a mountain out of a molehill'! Of course, if you are a candidate who wants to take the Golden Cup, you have to take it as a matter of course! In addition, the purpose of this paper is not to explain or calculate the concentration and extraction rate, therefore, first pass with this small section!

Then there is the flow rate: too fine coffee powder will cause hot water to pass through the coffee powder layer and enter the lower coffee pot smoothly. therefore, moderate grinding thickness, smooth water penetration, and extraction at an appropriate flow rate. I believe this is also a research topic!

In fact, we can still strike a balance between the flow rate and flavor, depending on the observation and taste preferences of the coffee brewers!

Water cut-off extraction:

Want to add flavor? This trick must not be saved!

If you are a heavy user of hand flushing, I believe you must know the importance of prepreg, which is a necessary means to help extract; and the use of water cut-off method is an alternative method to increase flavor, generally speaking, two-time water cut-off method and three-time water cut-off method are the ways that more people are trying!

You can also move this way to the American coffee machine! What is meant by water cut off? Is to turn off the power! How many times do you want to break it? Just a few times! Of course, not for fun, but to increase the flavor!

How long will it take to turn it on? It is suggested that if you can, observe the water in the filter cup of your American coffee, the water has all seeped down, it is the time to refill it! If you can't see it?! Just use the second-reading method, about 10-15 seconds, which is probably enough, why only catch 10-15 seconds? Because it is afraid that the coffee powder will become cold, and at that time, it will not be conducive to extraction, so it will take 10 to 15 seconds.

It is suggested that this method can be used to compare 'fresh' beans, such as beans that have just been baked for one to three days, or beans that are relatively 'lightly baked'!

Of course, cut off water is to increase the 'good' flavor, if the cut off water found that the flavor does not increase, of course, it can be omitted ~ generally speaking: sweetness will increase! However, if the astringency increases, it means that the water is cut off too often! Or there is no need to cut off the water at all!


Boy, haven't you tried this?

The American coffee machine can make iced coffee. But how do you cook it?! Attention please! Keep in mind the rule of gouache ratio! It's easy to succeed!

Generally speaking, if you brew coffee in accordance with the principle of SCAA, it is the easiest to brew golden cup coffee. One gram of coffee powder, 18.18 centimeters of water. Volume or grams? It often gives many players a headache, but in fact, as long as they find it convenient to get the tools, it is a good way!

The ratio of water to powder suggested by The CURVE Coffee uses a mass-to-mass method, assuming that 14.6g of coffee powder is matched with 220g of water (this involves the conversion of hot water density at 91-96C at an atmospheric pressure, which is not repeated here, but mainly based on the derived figures), 110g of ice is put in the kettle first, 110g of water is put into the American coffee machine, and 14.6g of coffee is put into the American coffee machine? Put it in the powder trough, of course! But! Please remember, because half of the water in your coffee has not been extracted from coffee powder, that is, only half of your water can extract coffee, which also means that you have to make these hot water extract more efficiently. The coffee powder, of course. Grind it a little finer than usual!

And how fine does it have to be? Well, you have to try it several times, but generally speaking, a small'1' scale is more than enough! However, after you try it, it will prevail!

By Pass:

The above-mentioned "chilled" is actually a kind of By Pass, which is defined as reducing the amount of water by a certain degree through a certain ratio of water to powder, so as to shorten the extraction time, and after the extraction is finished, the water that has not gone through the coffee powder is added to the coffee liquid that has already been extracted.

It seems to be, boil a little thicker, plus water to make it dilute, and become a lighter concentration! And this concentration is still the concentration we set in advance.

In the United States, this method has always been used by everyone, especially large enterprises, in order to save cooking time, the method used, so, to extract a relatively strong coffee liquid, in the American coffee machine cooking method, of course, it is necessary to grind the original coffee powder a little bit, or use a more frequent water cut-off method, or even add stirring! In order to get a stronger coffee liquid! Therefore, the advantage of this By Pass is to save time and get a quick cup!

Get a stronger coffee liquid, and then add water! Of course, the amount of water added must also be in line with the golden cup ratio provided by SCAA! For example, if the coffee extraction method of water is reduced and the original deduction of water is added, it tastes good! Then you get the right way of cooking! Of course, the so-called right is still based on your personal taste! If it is astringent, adjust the grinding scale a little thicker, and if it is not sweet enough, adjust the scale a little bit! In a word, if there is no tool to measure the concentration and extraction rate, it is mainly based on your own taste.

Cup test:

Cup testing is a very professional issue that most people don't seem to encounter except to enjoy coffee.

Cup testing is a very important skill in evaluating coffee. Farmers want to know about their own coffee. The bean hunter wants to test the cup to find out how much this bean should be worth. Should we buy the whole batch? The baker needs to test the cup to find out what the baked bean tastes like. Did it taste the same last time as this time? Raw bean judges need to take a cup test, to know which bean is the most exciting? A well-deserved champion? The coffee maker also wants to test the cup to find out if the bean he has boiled is well cooked. How to improve the characteristics of beans? Consumers also need to take a cup test to know about their own beans. Is it the one you love? Is it really the 'magical' flavor as the store calls it?

Cup test, using a ratio of 1VR 18.18, using 200 degrees F clean odorless hot water, grinding scale. Grinding scale correction. The TDS of water... Cup tester... Four minutes... Rubbish... Sip... Eight minutes... Dry aroma... Wet aroma... There seem to be very strict and meticulous rules and ratings!

American coffee machine, in fact, is also a very convenient and simple cup testing tool, although the coffee powder has not been soaked in hot water, but for ordinary consumers, not so strict requirements, it is more than enough! Suppose that every time you buy new beans and come back without saying a word, you grind the coffee powder on a 'every fixed' grinding scale, then brew the coffee with a water powder ratio of 'every time', and then brew the coffee in a 'fixed every time' way. Make coffee without stirring and continuous water, and then taste the coffee at a fixed time every time. So, use this starting point to judge and taste, if you 'like this bean', then slowly add some new cooking factors, such as stirring, cutting off water, chilling, By Pass. Then 'like this bean', I believe, will become more popular. On the contrary,'do not like this bean', I believe there is no need to add any change, because originally do not like how to process, still can not add a few points …...

Introduction to player-style mixed beans:

Single bean, single manor, boutique bean! This is the mental indicator of the third wave of coffee!

Mixed beans? What is.

The purpose of mixed beans (mixed beans) is to truncate their strengths and offset their weaknesses, hoping to add all their favorite coffee to their strengths! I hope it is not too sour, but it should be very sweet and have a strong floral flavor, which would be even better if you can add the flavor of chocolate. If you want to show it all on the same coffee, unless you use roasting techniques, it's hard to find it all on ordinary coffee!

In fact, if you buy too many beans at home, you can also do so, according to your own preferences, add different proportions of beans, re-adjust, and create the special flavor you feel!

You can do this: first, boil all the pre-mixed beans, first boil the same gouache, then prepare several cups, pour different coffee into the cup according to different proportions, stir well, try and record, and then mix your own 'mixed coffee beans' according to the weight of different kinds of beans according to the record. next time, grind and brew!

You can also do this: directly follow the intuition to mix different kinds of coffee beans, and directly mix them, grind them, and then use American coffee to brew, taste, and record; and from the records, find your own personal mixed bean recipe!

Coffee is alive, and how to define it is often explained by people, especially the high-quality beans emphasized in the third wave, which is to emphasize the original flavor of beans! But also because of this, so that we can take advantage of this opportunity to create more energy! In previous World Barista competitions, some contestants did not mix beans from different estates, but boldly used single beans from a single estate, but mixed them with different degrees of baking. Of course, the results also won high praise from the judges!

Although we do not participate in the competition, but we can use a simple cooking equipment to experience the beauty of symphonies between different estates! The beauty of the United Nations! The beauty of the harmony of the world!