Coffee review

How to brew coffee powder? The difference between hand brewing, siphon and Espresso brewing

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Professional coffee knowledge exchange More coffee bean information Please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style) 1. Filter paper drip brewing coffee using filter paper drip brewing coffee is a convenient, simple and hygienic method. To brew a cup of drip coffee in the simplest way, you only need to prepare a filter (sold in many cafes, divided into heat-resistant plastic, ceramic)

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

1. Filter paper dripping type

Using filter paper to brew coffee is a convenient, simple and hygienic way. To brew a cup of drip coffee in the easiest way, you only need to prepare a filter (sold in many cafes). It is divided into heat-resistant plastic, ceramic and metal materials, which can be bought according to your personal preference. Then you just take a normally used mug, put the filter on the cup, and cover it with filter paper. Then pour in the ground coffee powder, prepare a pot of hot water, and you can brew a cup of delicious, hot fresh coffee at home.

The dripping brewing method of filter paper is mainly to fully mix the coffee powder with hot water, extract four flavors and one fragrance from the coffee, and then leak out through the filter paper. this way can filter the fat, protein and bad impurities in the coffee, get the coffee with a refreshing taste, and take care of your health while enjoying the delicious food.

When you brew yourself for the first time, you can easily enjoy a good taste at home as long as you pay attention to the following.

(1). Beans: only good beans have good coffee. Choose beans that suit your taste, buy them in small quantities depending on the amount used, and store them in an airtight container to maintain their freshness and charming aroma. Of course, if you have more budget, it is absolutely worthwhile to invest in a good bean grinder. Freshly ground coffee powder can provide fragrance in the air and delicacy from brewing, making your investment absolutely worthwhile.

(2). Water flow: the biggest technique for brewing brewed coffee is to control the thickness and stability of the water flow.

The steady and moderate flow spirals outward from the central point of the filter, just like a stirring stick evenly stirring the coffee powder and hot water, releasing all the concentrated alcohol sweetly. If you are already obsessed with the method of brewing coffee, you might as well buy a beautiful brewing pot at this time. Its biggest feature is its slender and long outlet pipe, which allows people who have never used it to pour out fine and stable water easily. Help you instantly have the brewing level of a professional coffee hand, not to mention the delicacy of this cup of coffee.

(3). Warm cup: also remind all coffee lovers that hot coffee must be drunk while it is hot, it is the most delicious time for coffee.

The action of warming the cup can prolong the heat of the coffee, as long as the hot water is injected into the coffee cup, the cup is warm by the temperature of the hot water, and then the hot coffee is poured out and then injected with the hot coffee that has just been brewed, which can help maintain the heat of the coffee and prolong the time to enjoy delicious coffee.

Friends who want to make their own brewed coffee at home, do it now! You will find that the process is so simple and full of fun, enjoy your DIY's delicious coffee in the strong aroma of coffee, and the leisurely holiday afternoon becomes poetic and picturesque.

two。 Siphon type

The siphon coffee brewing method is also known as the plug pot or vacuum pot. Because of its beautiful shape, the brewing process is full of drama and gives off a strong aroma of coffee, it is used by many coffee manufacturers in China. The plug pot is basically composed of two glass balls, one on top of the other, separated by a filter with a filter cloth in the middle.

First of all, put boiling hot water in the lower glass ball, depending on the size of the coffee cup used to determine the amount of hot water, the average cup of coffee needs about 140~150c.c. After that, fix the pot with the filter cloth on the base, pour in the ground coffee powder, and heat the water in the pot by alcohol lamp or other heat source.

After the water boils, the steam pressure forces the water to rise through the pipe. At this time, the coffee powder in the upper pot comes into contact with hot water and mixes it like mud through the action of stirring, dissolving out the four flavors and one fragrance of coffee.

Let the coffee and water fully soak and extinguish the fire source. After the air in the lower ball cools, a vacuum will be formed. The coffee liquid will be sucked back into the base through the filter cloth. At this time, the coffee will be poured into the preheated cup, and you can indulge in its unique fragrance and sip its taste of both joys and sorrows.

When using the siphon method to brew coffee, the cleaning and preservation of the filter cloth is quite troublesome. After its first use, the cloth changes from pure white to brown, accumulating fat and protein that cannot be completely removed. Contact with the air will produce a disgusting stench, seriously affecting the taste of coffee.

Some people keep the used filter cloth in a cup of water, which is a good way, but pay attention to changing the water frequently.

Here is a delightful piece of good news to users: at present, discarded filter paper can replace the traditional filter cloth, with the advantages of hygiene, convenience and cheapness, which is a great blessing for those who love siphon brewing.


In recent years, Espresso coffee has become popular in various countries all over the world, and it has also become a trend in China. What is its amazing charm? Espresso originally refers to a high-pressure and fast method of brewing coffee, and later the coffee brewed in this way is also called "Espresso".

When brewing coffee in this way, the soft powder of the same size is first compacted with a filler. The coffee powder in the filter must be strong and tight to form a cake-shaped coffee block to resist the hot water pressure of 8~9bar when brewing.

Hot water under strong pressure, looking for a way to soak the coffee block, when the coffee block filling pressure is closely consistent, each coffee powder can be extracted evenly by hot water, complete into the cup, instantly get a small cup of rich and aromatic espresso, whether the pressure and resistance can achieve a balanced symmetry, is an indispensable important factor to brew a cup of thick and delicious Espresso coffee.

Because Espresso is under the pressure of 8~9bar, forcing hot water to pass through coffee powder quickly, the extraction time of each cup of coffee only takes about 25 to 30 seconds, saving a lot of time and cost, because the time for water to pass through coffee powder is very short, so the grinding scale needs to be meticulous and stable.

To get good grinding quality, a good bean grinder is indispensable! Because it is only possible to get a good cup of coffee by using a bean grinder that cuts beans quickly, rises slowly, and grinds beans with a uniform fine density, with fresh coffee beans.

A good cup of Espresso coffee should be strong but not too bitter. With milk and milk foam, you can get a cup of fragrant milk coffee (Latte or Cappuccino). Mellow Espresso and fine milk foam attract the majority of consumers in a short time, creating a booming coffee market!

Choose the coffee brewing method that suits you and make yourself a cup of coffee. The preparation of brewing, the process of brewing, and making a delicious cup of coffee must bring you a lot more joy than ordering a cup of coffee in a coffee shop.