Coffee review

How to mix Blue Mountain Coffee beans? What is the proportion of Blue Mountain flavor coffee?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) the definition of integrated coffee beans, also known as formula coffee beans, mixed coffee beans, blended coffee beans (mainland), English is blendcoffee, as opposed to single coffee

Blue Mountain Coffee is expensive because it is rare, expensive because it has a good flavor, and expensive because it has a good variety…It is because of this that there are many coffees labeled Blue Mountain Coffee on the market. Some label Blue Mountain Flavor Coffee, some label Blue Mountain Blend Coffee, but real Blue Mountain Coffee is generally consumed as a single item. A siphoning pot and hand brewing method can best interpret the mellow taste and long aftertaste of Blue Mountain Coffee.


The so-called matching beans refer to more than two kinds of original beans, including cooked beans and raw beans, while the matching beans in the front street are cooked, such as sunflower warm sun matching in the front street, which is made up of Honduran Shirley and sun-baked Yejia Sherry Red Cherry according to 7:3.


"Front Street Coffee-Basic Blend Coffee Bean": Yunnan washed Arabica coffee beans (30%)+ Brazilian semi-sun coffee beans (70%), with soft fruit acid, caramel, nut flavor performance.

"Front Street Coffee-Fine Blend Coffee Beans": Colombia washed coffee beans (30%)+ Brazilian semi-sun coffee beans (70%), with nutty, dark chocolate, caramel flavor performance.

Front Street Coffee-Commercial Blend ": Robusta washed coffee beans (10%)+ Colombia washed coffee beans (30%)+ Brazilian semi-sun coffee (60%), with nutty, cocoa, caramel flavor performance.


Blending coffee generally does not adopt a 1:1 blending ratio, because this may inhibit each other's unique flavor, so there must be primary and secondary points to blend a more wonderful taste than single coffee. If you want to mix coffee with complex flavors, you can reduce the proportion of theme beans, and vice versa.


Blue Mountain coffee, with its mellow taste, acid, bitter, fragrant, alcohol, sweet the best ratio to win the coffee powder favorite. Jim, general manager of Pitt Company, which is famous for coffee and tea in the United States, described Blue Mountain Coffee as "fragrant, smooth and mellow, giving me the feeling that it is as precious as a gem." It is precisely because Blue Mountain Coffee tastes moderate and perfect, so Blue Mountain Coffee is generally drunk in the form of black coffee. Blue Mountain coffee is low in caffeine, less than half of other coffees, very much in line with modern health concepts.

Blue Mountain Coffee

Jamaica is an island country located in the Caribbean Sea. Coffee has been grown since the early 18th century and has a history of nearly 300 years. When Jamaica was still a British colony, Nicholas Lawes, then governor of Jamaica, brought back a coffee tree from Martinique in the Caribbean and began planting it in St Andrew's.

The real Blue Mountain Coffee is located in the Blue Mountains, which are located in the eastern part of Jamaica Island. It is named because the mountains are surrounded by the Caribbean Sea. Whenever the weather is clear, the sun shines directly on the blue sea, and the peaks reflect the bright blue light of the sea. Blue Mountain peak elevation of 2256 meters, is the highest peak in the Caribbean, is also a famous tourist attraction. It is located in the coffee belt, has fertile volcanic soil, fresh air, no pollution, humid climate, foggy and rainy all year round (average precipitation is 1980 mm, temperature is about 27 degrees). This climate and high altitude have created the world-famous Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee.


The Blue Mountains only occupy a small area in the east of Jamaica Island. Since Jamaica's coffee cultivation in this area cannot achieve mass production breakthrough, the cultivation focus is on producing high-end fine batches. Jamaica Blue Mountain coffee bean variety belongs to the elegant flavor of the ancient Arabica variety iron pickup, disease resistance is weak, yield is not high, so more manual input is needed.

About Clifton Farm

Clifton Farm began growing and producing coffee as early as the mid-18th century (circa 1750). Clifton Hill is the oldest coffee growing area still functioning in Jamaica, and Clifton Farm is the only one in Jamaica with the "Rainforest" logo. It is recognized as a very high quality world-famous Blue Mountain coffee producer. Its elegant Big House Farm is located on an island in the Newcastle area, perched on the eastern slope of Catherine Peak at an elevation of 4300 feet.

According to the Jamaica Institute in 1810,


Robert Hamilton was the owner of the farm at the time. Clifton Hill is divided into two parts, 80 acres of coffee and 427 acres of pasture at the top of the hill; 111 acres of coffee and 264 acres of pasture at the foot of the hill.

The Blue Mountain region is a small area of only 6000 hectares, and it is impossible for all the coffee labeled "Blue Mountain" to be grown there. Today Clifton Farms is the largest estate in the area, and by international standards it is also a small-scale plantation, many owned by smallholders whose families have worked the land for two centuries.


In 1953, the Government of Jamaica established the Jamaica Coffee Industry (CIB) to regulate and safeguard the quality of Jamaica coffee. Jamaica was the first country in the world to assign a specific geographical location to a specific coffee brand, similar to the French wine industry's creation of AOC.

All coffee exported from Jamaica is shipped by CIB. And rigorous testing by trained quality control experts ensures that all exported coffee is 100% authentic Jamaica Blue Mountain coffee.


Of all the green coffee beans, only Blue Mountain coffee beans come in barrels and bear the Rainforest Alliance's Rain Frog logo.

The Blue Mountain No. 1 coffee beans purchased in Front Street are produced from the highest grade Blue Mountain coffee of Clifton Farm. The green beans are 17/18 mesh size, the defect rate cannot be higher than 2%, the moisture content is about 13%, and the particles are neat and full.

Blue Mountain Coffee Bean Grading

Jamaica Blue Mountain coffee comes in three grades: Blue Mountain Coffee, Jamaica High Mountainin Supreme Coffee Beans, and Jamaica Prime Coffee Beans. Blue Mountain Coffee and Alpine Coffee are divided into two grades. From quality to points from top to bottom: Blue Mountain No. 1, Blue Mountain No. 2, Mountain No. 1, Mountain No. 2, Jamaica coffee. From the top to the bottom of the quality points are: NO.1, NO.2, NO.3 and PB, PB is round beans.


CIB has formulated strict standards, Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee is divided into 4 grades based on the size and defect ratio of green beans, among which Jamaica National Treasure Coffee is the highest grade Blue Mountain No.1 coffee bean, NO.1, the particle size needs to be 17~18 mesh, the defect rate is less than 3%, the moisture content is about 13%, according to the standard coffee bean flavor can be guaranteed. It is also under such strict screening that the rare Blue Mountain coffee quality can be maintained excellent. Front Street once bought a number of well-known Blue Mountain coffees in Jamaica. After cup test comparison, it finally decided to choose Blue Mountain No.1 coffee beans produced by Clifton Manor with the longest history.


Coffee grown at lower elevations is classified by CIB as "Jamaica High Mountain Coffee" and "Jamaica Supreme Coffee." The flavor developed at lower altitudes is far less than the excellent quality of Blue Mountain coffee beans at higher altitudes, so the price is lower.

Blue Mountain Coffee Bean Varieties

Jamaica Blue Mountain belongs to the iron pickup variety, is one of the oldest Arabica varieties, has a long history, its taste is the best, but the disease resistance is weak, so the yield is low, which is also one of the reasons for the high price of Jamaica Blue Mountain coffee.


Iron pickup tall tree, the top will appear red copper leaves, so often called red top coffee. Iron pickup has pure elegant flavor, but weak constitution, poor disease resistance, the yield of a single plant is very small. This is also the reason why there are fewer and fewer iron pickup varieties of coffee. Iron pickups have been introduced to Blue Mountain for more than 200 years since the 18th century, and Blue Mountain iron pickups have also adapted to the local island type of terroir and evolved better disease resistance, which is much stronger than ordinary iron pickups for coffee berry disease.

Blue Mountain Coffee Bean Processing


Blue Mountain coffee is washed and sunburned.

Washing method: hand-picked fresh coffee into water, the use of flotation pick impurities and fruit. Then remove the peel and let it ferment in the pool for 12-18 hours, then put the fermented beans into the pool and move them back and forth, using the friction of the beans and the power of the water to wash the coffee beans until smooth and clean. Then spread in the sun dehydration drying, until the moisture content reaches 12 - 14%, can be packed static warehouse, export before sending to the inspection. Washing treatment greatly reduces the defect rate, restores the aroma of Blue Mountain coffee beans themselves, and has a higher cleanliness in taste.


Parameters for brewing Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee on Front Street:

KONO filter cup is used in front street. When the rib of KONO is less than half of the height of filter cup, it stops. This design is actually to ensure that the filter cup is close to the wall of filter cup after wet water, so as to limit the airflow. This will increase the water absorption time of coffee powder particles, so that the extracted coffee is more uniform as a whole and enhances the mellow taste.


KONO filter cup, 88 ℃ water temperature, 1:15 powder-water ratio, 15g coffee powder, grinding degree (20 standard sieve pass rate 75%), three-stage extraction.

The use of segmented extraction, with 2 times the amount of coffee powder water for stewing, that is, 30 grams of water stewing for 30 seconds, and the reason for the need for stewing process, is to allow coffee powder to exhaust the internal carbon dioxide gas, so that the latter stage of extraction is more stable. Water is injected into the filter cup by small water flow in a circle until 125 grams, and then water is injected into the filter cup until 225 grams. After the water drops in the filter cup are finished, the filter cup is removed. The extraction time is 200 "from the beginning of water injection. Next, shake the whole cup of coffee evenly and pour it into the cup to taste it.


Front Street Jamaica Blue Mountain No.1 Coffee Flavor Features: Blue Mountain No.1 Coffee has a sweet smell of dark chocolate, caramel sweetness, soft and elegant acidity, each taste balanced, smooth and mellow, with a very typical Blue Mountain flavor.

Front Street Cooking Advice:

To brew a delicious cup of coffee, Front Street believes that any brewing method requires fresh coffee beans. Front Street has always believed that the freshness of coffee beans has a great relationship with the flavor of coffee. Therefore, coffee beans shipped by Front Street Coffee are roasted within 5 days. Front Street Roasters 'motto is "Freshly Roast Good Coffee," so that every customer who orders coffee receives the freshest coffee. Coffee has a growing period of 4-7 days, so when the customer gets it, the flavor is at its best.


For friends who need grinding, the front street reminds you warmly: coffee beans are ground in advance, so there is no need to raise beans, because in the process of transportation, the pressure generated by carbon dioxide in the package can also make the coffee flavor mellow, so you can drink a cup immediately after receiving coffee powder. However, coffee powder needs to be brewed in time, because coffee powder oxidizes faster after contact with air, that is to say, the flavor of coffee will disperse faster, and the flavor of coffee will not be so good. Therefore, Qianjie recommends buying whole beans and grinding them now, so as to better taste the flavor of coffee.

Blue Mountain coffee is very good, but it does not have to drink it. Qianjie believes that there are so many coffees in the world. Different varieties and producing areas have different flavors. Qianjie has more than 50 coffee beans from different producing areas. It is also a beautiful thing to experience different coffee styles.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange More coffee bean information Please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style)

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