Coffee review

The concept of coffee blending what are the categories of coffee beans? The purpose of blending coffee beans

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information Please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Coffee blending refers to the mixing of two or more different varieties of coffee or the same variety of coffee but roasting different degrees of coffee in a certain proportion. Mixed coffee is by no means a simple addition, but in the hope that the flavor of coffee can be improved by the blender.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange More coffee bean information Please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style)

Every guest who comes to Qianjie to drink coffee has different coffee tastes. Some people like strong milk coffee, some people like to drink hand-brewed coffee and taste the flavor of a single producing area; some guests are very interested in blending beans. Qianjie is often asked about the formula of blending beans, so today Qianjie wants to talk to you about blending coffee.

Blended beans are divided into Italian blended beans and single blended beans. There are four different styles of Italian beans on the front street. There are two forms of blending beans. One is to mix the coffee beans according to a certain proportion or the flavor you want, and bake the mature beans in the bean dryer. We are also used to calling it raw blending. One is to mix the roasted coffee beans directly, which is called cooked blending. For example, the four Italian coffee blends on the front street are cooked.

Perhaps some guests do not understand why the coffee beans put together, this is not a mess? In fact, in front of the street, each bean has its own advantages and disadvantages, maybe this bean through the espresso machine extracted coffee liquid fat is not enough, then you can add rich fat coffee beans to complement: if this bean extract espresso coffee is too sour, too bitter, too sweet, then you can find a complementary one to match each other, to achieve the desired coffee flavor, that is not perfect.

Just like the fine blending of the front street, Colombia coffee beans are used with Brazilian coffee beans in a ratio of 3:7. The nuts and chocolate flavor unique to Colombia coffee are blended with the rich peanut and cream coffee flavor of Brazil. The overall feeling of this Italian coffee blend is very peaceful, rich in oil, extremely smooth in taste, but with a slight bitter taste unique to America, which is very popular with the guests of the front street. Favorite.

The average barista will use a variety of beans to mix to achieve their desired coffee flavor, they will also add Robusta coffee beans, we do not think that adding Robusta coffee beans will have a bias against this coffee, this mixing method sometimes collides with different fireworks. Like many baristas, Yunnan coffee beans are preferred for blending, because Yunnan varieties are katim, which is a hybrid of Arabica and Robusta, so it has the Robusta gene itself and has the elements needed for traditional Italian coffee. Plus, using Robusta beans reduces blending costs, so many baristas blend beans into Robusta beans.

Qianjie's basic blend coffee is made from Yunnan coffee and Brazilian coffee in a ratio of 3:7. This Italian coffee blend has a soft fruit acid and caramel sweetness. Making a good blend of coffee is not simple, very sophisticated barista is very familiar with the flavor of coffee beans, specific to each origin of each manor, what processing method, what roasting degree, these are the basics of knowledge.

Therefore, coffee beans are generally not blended in a ratio of 1:1. First of all, it is necessary to determine which coffee beans are most prominent, whether the outstanding flavor is suitable or not, how to reduce the outstanding coffee flavor, in addition, efforts must be made in the selection of beans, hardness, moisture content, roasting, etc. of each bean. This requires careful barista, and constantly trying, to get a good cup of Italian coffee.

At present, the Italian coffee drink on the front street uses sunflower warm sun blend. This blend uses Honduras Shirley and Esseye Jia Shefei's red cherry coffee. Through the continuous blending of the front street barista, a perfect blending ratio of 6:4 has been obtained. The produced espresso coffee has obvious fruit acid, berry flavor aroma and wine aroma, sweet aftertaste comfortable.

Espresso coffee can also be made into single-origin coffee, if a single origin coffee beans are used, the coffee can be simply called SOE coffee. Coffee made in this way can taste the most basic flavor of the region.

In the front street view, Italian coffee blend characteristics can amplify the advantages of a coffee bean, cover up its own shortcomings, make full use of each coffee bean, why not? Of course, it is not that the more coffee flavor is better, the more coffee beans are put into consideration, it is difficult to consider every detail, and the flavor will be more messy. So, in front of the street, it looks like two to six kinds of coffee beans are about the same.

Blended beans can be complemented by different coffee beans. If the coffee beans are blended well, the flavor of this blended bean will combine the advantages of the coffee beans to extract a very balanced taste and unusually fragrant thick fat. However, poor blending can amplify the characteristics of beans, especially light baked beans, which have a strong aroma and a pungent sour taste. Front Street found that many coffee shops will like to use Ye Jia Xue Fei to make blended coffee, the extracted flower fragrance will be very obvious, the taste will also be a little sour, very suitable for lovers who like sour taste. Therefore, if you like to mix, you can often come to Qianjie Coffee to exchange coffee experience.

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