Coffee review

Teach you to make a perfect ESPRESSO.

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, What is the perfect ESPRESSO? This question is very deep! In fact, to put it simply, no matter what theory is used to support the ESPRESSO, it is not necessarily perfect! After all, coffee is for people to drink! As long as it is a person, everyone in this world is different! So we can only learn from many theories in the world and learn to make a cup of our own favorite.

What is the perfect ESPRESSO? This question is very deep! In fact, to put it simply, no matter what theory is used to support the ESPRESSO, it is not necessarily perfect! After all, coffee is for people to drink! As long as it is a person, everyone in this world is different! So we can only learn from many theories in the world to learn how to make a cup of our favorite flavor ESPRESSO. ESPRESSO in line with their own aesthetic and taste is really perfect! Apart from the process of selecting beans, the way of making is basically the same, but if you want to improve your level, you must have an intuitive understanding of the various elements that can affect the quality of ESPRESSO products. The purpose of this article is to take a look at my progress in the process of toy coffee from my personal perspective.

Before and after playing coffee for more than 10 years, from the original HARIO siphon Taiwan to produce hand-grinding drink products. To later start Cankun 1826 plus bean chopping machine to play, to imitate S with ENCORE to the current Aibao E61 with MAJOR. I finally have some personal opinions on the Italian ESPRESSO! Although the usual products can not guarantee that they are 100% high-quality products, but they can also guarantee that most of them are their favorite flavor, and try their best to make all kinds of beans into their favorite balanced flavor. I have seen people burn machines and grind them, but very few people have published the process of how to improve the level of ESP production. I would like to give back to my friends for their help, and I will also write a little bit of my own humble opinion on improving my own production of ESP. If you are wrong, please correct the master's axe! Just don't hit the brick.

ESPRESSO looks very simple, but in fact, it is really difficult to produce a cup of boutique! A cup of fine ESP contains the understanding and expression of beans by bakers and baristas. As far as I am concerned, no matter what kind of beans they are, it is very important to find their favorite balance between taste and flavor! No matter what beans I buy, I buy at least a pound. Some people will say, can you finish it by buying so much? The answer is yes! And the first pound of any bean will be consumed very quickly! Because I will use 5-15 cups of ESP to adjust the strength of the grinder and coffee machine as well as my own cloth powder according to different beans to find out the most satisfactory combination. The beans in the back are completely copied every time they are produced!

At this point, we have to mention equipment! At first, my bean chopper plus Cankun 1826 has been used for almost 6 years (from these 6 years can prove the excellent quality of Cankun), these 6 years can be said to have no opinions at all, just simply drink coffee, and only make lattes but not ESPRESSO. The real insight into ESPRESSO starts from imitating S. 1826 suddenly smoke one day, and then stroll around Taobao, under the recommendation of Taobao shopkeeper directly into the imitation S and ENCORE. Because the imitation S uses a pressure-free powder bowl, the way ESP is made is completely different from that of 1826. The ESP made according to the previous method cannot be imported at all! So he began to learn how to make ESP everywhere. Finally in the imitation S can make a good cup of ESP, but also found the biggest weakness of imitation S. The product is very unstable, the ESP produced when you are lucky is not bad, when you are unlucky, the same powder, the same cloth powder and the same pressed powder can not be imported. The final summary is caused by the instability of water temperature and pressure output! At the same time, I feel that ENCORE is really not easy to use for unpressed powder bowls! Often adjust the scale to fine the flow rate is too slow, how to adjust the thickness of the grid to press the flow rate is still too fast. So decisively cut out the ENCORE and replaced the mill with MAZZR MAJOR. If you are a beginner who has not yet acquired the equipment, there is no doubt if you see this! Be sure to buy a bean grinder with fine tuning! Otherwise, you will catch chickens on the machine without pressing powder bowl! After just a month of service in my hand, I finally found a buyer to sell at a discount, and got Aibao E61. After using Aibao E61, my understanding of ESP really began to sublimate! Realize that it takes a lot of effort to produce a cup of ESP! In the final analysis, these improvements can be summed up as one thing-because E61 can steadily guarantee the boiling water temperature and pressure of each cup of ESP. So the adjustment of your bean grinder, the method of powder distribution and the adjustment of powder pressing strength will be shown most directly from the final ESP product! Seeing here, I believe many friends have understood that if you want to make a really good ESP, the importance of equipment is very critical! To put it simply, there are two points: 1, the powder production of the mill must be stable, and the scale can be fine-adjusted; 2, a coffee machine that can stably output water temperature and pressure. We can't do without one of them!

Having said so much above, the following is a formal introduction to the methods to improve the level of ESPRESSO production! To put it bluntly, if you want to get the perfect ESP you like, you must first know some basic knowledge. After the water temperature, water pressure, cloth powder, powder pressing strength and the golden rule (the state of the 30ML ESP produced in about 25 seconds), you can begin the following exercises.

Prepare a pound of beans and an electronic scale with a 0.1g precision range. Try to make a few cups of ESP, and record the strength of the powder and the scale of the bean grinder, and record the time of production. Through adjustment, the final state of the product meets the golden ratio. At this point, if your beans are of good quality and fresh enough, you should get a thick ESPRESSO with dark brown fat. (please limit the amount of powder in a single powder bowl to about 10g, and it is the same every time.) but such a cup of ESP is not perfect! Due to the different styles and personal preferences of beans, this ESP can only be said to be a qualified ESP. The following exercise steps are very important! Please finish it in three steps!

1. Prepare a glass of ice water (for gargling), a notebook, a pencil, and a stopwatch that keeps time. Adjust your bean grinder and start to adjust in a coarse direction with a scale of 1 stroke and 2 frames. (the scale that may be adjusted according to the brand model of the mill also needs to be changed accordingly.) use which cup you just made to press the powder according to the golden rule of ESP and press the powder and feel the thickness of the coffee powder with your hands, and make a cup of ESP. You can't be idle during the production process, recording the production time of 30ML coffee with a stopwatch. And observe the coffee effluent state, and oil color and record. When done, first observe the state of the oil, then smell the aroma of the coffee, take a sip to feel the acidity, bitterness, fragrance of the cup of coffee and record it. Then take a sip of the coffee after it cools slightly, and write down how you feel. Follow the above steps to thicken the mill and repeat the work just now. Please rinse your mouth with ice water before each taste. After making 5 cups of ESP according to this process, you can recall the effects of thickening coffee powder on coffee acidity, bitterness, fragrance, flavor, CREAM and BODY according to your own records. After 5 cups, you should be able to reach the 30ML status in 5-8 seconds, and you can make adjustments according to your own equipment. After completing the roughing exercise, take a rest. Go through your records carefully, recall and sum up your feelings. This will be of great help to the following exercises! If you have a certain understanding of coffee in this process, you should already have a sense of enlightenment. Then once again adjust the bean grinder back to the burning of the product in accordance with the golden rule, and begin to adjust to the fine direction, and the specific process is the same as the thickening to make another 5 cups! The fifth cup should be the state of 30ML produced in 60-90 seconds. After this step, I believe you have a very deep understanding of the impact of the size of coffee powder on ESP flavor and taste. At the same time, it can also support my previous theory that you must buy a mill with fine-tuning function.

2. Adjust the mill back to the scale that conforms to the golden rule again, this time I change the taste of ESP by adjusting the strength of pressing powder. First of all, make an ESP that conforms to the golden rule and write down your strength. Then use the same amount of powder to change the strength of the powder, first reduce. Make two cups in two gears. Or record the many items of the previous practice (because the adjustment range of powder strength is not large, so only make two cups of powder strength to understand the effect of powder strength on the product), and then increase the powder strength to make two cups of ESP. Congratulations when you finish this exercise! You can already calmly find the best ESP coffee that suits your taste in front of most coffee machines and beans.

3. (attention! This step can only be done on a machine with adjustable water temperature! Or adjust the mill back to the golden rule scale to make a cup of ESP first! Try it and remember the taste. Then adjust the temperature on the machine PID 3 degrees lower. Make an ESP! You don't need to record the flow rate and effluent status this time. After 25 seconds of 30ML ESP, you still gargle with ice, and then observe the state and color of the grease. If your machine is temperature-controlled and you are very sensitive to color, you should be able to notice a very slight change in the color of the grease. At this time, the flavor of ESP will also change slightly! After feeling it, of course, you still need to put these on record. Then lower the temperature on the PID by 5 degrees again and repeat the previous steps, then lower the temperature by 5 degrees and do it again! After you finish this, take a break and raise the water temperature! Follow the same steps as before. The process of raising is simpler, using only 2 cups. Because the water temperature can reach 100 degrees in 2 cups. After these three steps have been completed, turn over your notes completely and go through them in your head from beginning to end! Congratulations! You can graduate! You already know the impact of the three factors that can be adjusted arbitrarily on the ordinary semi-automatic coffee machine on the quality of ESPRESSO products. After receiving any kind of new beans, you can first adjust these contents to find your favorite flavor and balance! Get one of your most satisfied and perfect ESPs!

PS: some masters will point out that water pressure can also change the product of ESP extraction. Of course, that's for sure! But now in the machines used by the general public, the parameters that can be easily adjusted are the above 3 people! In the case of Aibao E61, adjusting the extraction water pressure requires a complex process to disassemble the chassis. Therefore, if it is not for the variable pressure version of the machines used by the local tycoons, most machines can only be adjusted through the above three points.

There is an old saying that children can't bear to bear wolves. From the perspective of improving their skills and feelings about coffee, it is quite cost-effective to spend a pound of beans and a little bit of water and electricity to complete this exercise! Some friends may be a little slow, which and claim to go through the above process should have a deeper understanding.

Having said so much, I just expressed my opinion on the production of ESPRESSO! I hope you can go one step further after reading this article!