Coffee review

Get to know the new concept of coffee [important knowledge]

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Many people like to drink coffee, but they may not have the right idea of coffee. Recently, I received an article from Xinguang, which I think is very good. It also reflects the intention of Xinguang Medical Information and Xinguang to the publication. Take a look at this article! Today, I would like to introduce the relevant information about "Coffee New ideas". Let's go, let's go!

[new idea of coffee]

"have a cup of coffee" has become the most popular and common way of communication. Too many Westerners regard it as a part of daily life. In Taiwan, especially in recent years, all kinds of coffee shops have sprung up on the streets of Taipei. It can be seen that coffee culture has been deeply rooted in the hearts of Taipei people.

In the end, what is the charm of coffee, many people stay among them, in addition to tasting a good cup of coffee, but also add a lot of interesting life. But you know what? Enjoy a delicious cup of coffee at the same time, it is even more unexpected to your health benefits! In your next taste, you might as well have the following health knowledge about coffee.

[when was the earliest source of coffee]

The legend about the discovery of coffee varies from family to school, and there is a saying: according to legend, there is a shepherd who one day found the sheep he usually sleeps bouncing there. He thought it was very meaningful, and the young man examined it, and then he realized that the sheep was chewing a sweet fruit (small coffee beans), so he also tried this kind of fruit, and he forgot about it. Get rid of the heavy sorrow in your heart and become the fastest person.

Later, he took the fruit and distributed it to the brothers in the monastery. after eating it, everyone felt refreshed, and then it was used as a food consumption one by one, so the coffee was brought to the continent from Arabia to Egypt and Turkey. By the 17th century, coffee was already the most important non-alcoholic ingredient in Asia and the Americas.

[coffee temperature value]

Modern medical studies have pointed out that coffee beans contain sugars, protein, fat, nicotinic acid, vitamin, crude fat, water and other dietary ingredients. In addition, coffee also contains caffeine, monosodium acid, biologics and other ingredients that are good for human health.

[effects of coffee on human health]

Coffee is currently the longest-used and most widely understood ingredient by human beings. many of the latest research reports show that in many ways, caffeine is not as harmful to human health as previously imagined; on the contrary, some ingredients in coffee have many health effects on the human body, which have been found by chronic scientists. At present, it is known that the physiological responses of the special ingredients of coffee to humans are as follows. "

The effect of antioxidation "

Coffee contains rich caffeine, caffeic acid, tryptopenic acid and other ingredients, which can effectively resist the free radicals that affect our health. Free radicals are the main cause of many diseases (such as cardiomyopathy, animal sclerosis, stroke, lung disease, Parkinson's disease). Too much free radicals will affect the body, break down the cells and make the organs and tissues affected.

Protect the function of the heart and blood vessels. "

Coffee contains high-ingredient polyphenol compounds, which are powerful antioxidants, which can delay the oxidation of LDL by up to three times, dissolve blood clots and prevent the formation of blood clots. Coffee can also strengthen blood vessels and avoid pain caused by vascular strength. In addition, a small amount of coffee can also enhance myocardial capacity, promote blood circulation, and achieve the role of preventing cardiovascular disease.

Refresh yourself. "

The caffeine contained in coffee stimulates the central nervous system of the brain, prolongs the waking time, makes the mind clear, sensitive, and focused, and improves the efficiency of work and study.

Anti-malaise. "

A small amount of coffee can lift one's spirits, make one feel happy, and help people understand the symptoms of pain.

Control weight "

Caffeine can increase the rate of human consumption. A study found that 100mg of caffeine (about 1 cup of coffee) can accelerate fat decomposition, increase the body's new generation rate, increase energy consumption by 3% to 4%, and increase energy consumption. Heavy effect.

Promote digestion. "

Caffeine stimulates sympathetic nerves and increases gastric juice secretion, which, if consumed later, helps digestion.

Diuresis. "

Coffee has a diuretic effect, which can increase the amount of urination, thus increasing the number of upper stools.

Improve constipation. "

Coffee can stimulate stomach hormone or peristaltic hormone, produce laxative effect, can quickly defecate.

Reduce the risk of cancer or direct cancer. "

Coffee contains natural antioxidants.

To relieve the pain. "

When caffeine is used as a supplement, it can enhance the effects of some pain relievers.

Enhance physical agility. "

Caffeine also helps to increase the value of entertainment, increase the agility of the body, and make people feel better.

Reduce the chances of getting a result. "

A new study from the school of public health at Harvard university found that people who drank 2-3 cups of coffee a day were on average 40% less likely to get results than those who never drank it. In addition, the monosulfonic acid contained in coffee has the functions of collecting, stopping bleeding and preventing odor.

The harm of coffee to the body. "

At present, there is no direct evidence that caffeine can lead to osteoporosis, and some studies have found that caffeine can increase the excretion of osteoporosis, but it is not a high risk factor for osteoporosis. Inadequate intake is the main cause, so it is still recommended that attention should be paid to adequate intake.

The incidence of coffee on blood fat, blood fat, heart disease and cancer has not been shown to be associated with caffeine. Drinking too much coffee may hinder the development of fetuses, but it does not prove whether it will lead to preterm labor or low birth weight. However, it is still better to drink less coffee during pregnancy, because many studies have pointed out that caffeine can reduce women's chances of conception, increase the risk of abortion, and hinder the development of fetuses.

Who should drink less coffee? "

When you have the following conditions or diseases, you should drink less coffee

A child in development

During pregnancy

A woman who is breastfeeding

The elderly

Before fasting (or before fasting)

Abdomen sufferer

People with excessive stomach acidity

Patients with stomach and twelve fingers with "stomach disease"

People with hypersensitivity syndrome

A person with convulsions.

After drinking

People who are prone to insomnia

People with mental illness

People who are taking verapamil

The number of unwanted patients should be restricted.

The Health Science of Coffee

Medical research points out that the best time to drink coffee every day is from 3 pm to 5 pm in spring and winter, and from 4 pm to 6 pm in summer and autumn, because this is the most tiring time for people.

In addition, to enjoy the delicious coffee healthily, you must pay attention to the following things:

1. Drinking more than five cups of coffee a day (about 150cc per cup) is easy to cause diarrhea and endanger your health.

two。 Drinking coffee in the morning does help you wake up and feel refreshed. Is it lame to plant a crooked mantle? Do you want to take a picture of Zhu? It is easy to damage the function of the stomach. People with stomach and 12-fat stomach cramps should especially avoid drinking coffee on an empty stomach.

3. Do not drink coffee after drinking, otherwise it will stimulate the blood vessels, accelerate the blood circulation and increase the cardiovascular disease.

4. Drink coffee for about 10 to 15 minutes, that is, it has a refreshing effect, so don't drink coffee before going to bed to avoid insomnia.

5. Don't drink too much coffee, or it will make people impatient and weak in comprehension.

6. After drinking coffee, do not smoke, otherwise it is easy to cause harm to the heart.

7. Do not drink coffee at the same time when taking antibiotics and stomach supplements, so as not to irritate the stomach and cause pain.

8. When drinking coffee, it is best to add some cream to stimulate the stomach, but there are plenty of cream and sugar, so you must control the amount of cream to avoid getting fat.

A large amount of coffee should be free to people, and all food is a gift from heaven. So the next time you enjoy a cup of coffee in your leisure time, in addition to letting you enjoy a relaxing and relaxing atmosphere, relieving energy, relaxing body and mind, and relieving fatigue, this small cup of coffee is providing a strong defense for your physical health. Protect you carefully, as long as you don't drink too much!