Coffee review

Daily cooking | what is one-size-fits-all flow? What is the three-knife stream? The difference between one-knife flow and three-knife flow

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information Please pay attention to the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) the difference between one-size-fits-all and three-knife flow simply, one-size-fits-all flow: after steaming, only one continuous injection of water is done: after steaming, put a section of water into three stages. What is the situation of using one-knife flow or three-knife flow? Personal experience: look at altitude: sea

Professional coffee knowledge exchange More coffee bean information Please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style)

The difference between one knife flow and three knife flow

Simply put,

A knife flow: after steaming, only one uninterrupted water injection

Three-knife flow: After steaming, inject a section of water into three sections

When should I use one blade flow or three blade flow?

Personal experience:

Look at altitude: relatively low altitude, beans loose texture, not resistant to extraction, usually this kind of beans can be used for one-knife flow, such as Brazil, Montana; high-altitude beans hard texture, resistant to extraction, usually used for three-knife flow, such as Panama, Costa Rica, Yega Shefi, Kenya.

See baking degree: baking degree deep use one knife flow, baking degree light, or medium light, use three knife flow.

See date: Usually, the bean cultivation period is about 7 - 14 days, and 3 knife flows are used, and more than 1 month, 1 knife flow is used.

(See also specific parameters of beans)

[One Knife Flow] This method mainly controls the amount of water injected and the flow rate. It is necessary to know when to inject water to achieve the full section without losing the sense of balance. This method is mainly to maintain a peaceful flavor and balance. The bad thing is that because the water injection method is not well controlled, the water falls through the filter paper at the edge of the upper layer without coffee powder, so that the coffee made may be mixed with water flavor.

For example:

Average medium deep roast mantinen, brazil,

He would always choose [High Water Temperature + One Knife Flow] to brew.

Key points of technique:

Soft (water flow should be soft)

Gentle water flow injection reduces the impact of water flow on the powder bed. To control the level of water in the filter cup, slowly fill the water at a lower level after steaming, and then let the coffee grounds in the filter cup soak as if they were soaking. This slows down the pace of extraction and tends to produce soft, solid coffee.

slow (circle slowly)

Slowly pour water over the bed from the inside out and then from the outside to the inside. Too fast a circle will increase the stirring effect of the water on the coffee and tend to make the bitter taste of the medium and dark roasted beans heavier. Minimize agitation of the powder bed and try to extract the flavor of the coffee by immersion. This can effectively control bitterness and astringency.

Brazil Queen Estate Yellow Bourbon, 4.5 grind-92 degrees water temperature

filter bowl

aggressiveness number

Powder and water content


water temperature

brew ratio



4.5 Kofuji

15g, 250ml water

30g ,40s



2 minutes and 30

The resulting liquid is more balanced, the entrance herbal flavor, the middle part of the nut, but the end of the honey slightly sweet, caramel, but more layered.

[Three-knife flow] Three stages of water injection, at least reduce the instability of the edge of the filter paper flow, can clearly distinguish the flavor residue in the front, middle and rear stages, adjust the extraction. After steaming, increase the amount of water each time, usually use three stages of V60, when the retentate is about to drop to the powder level, inject water, with small, medium and large water flow to do three stages of extraction, the specific situation also depends on the state of soybean powder.

This practice can mainly be segmented, which is convenient to identify the residual amount of residual aromatic substances, and can also make a richer layered feeling than a knife flow. The bad thing is that the requirements for grasping the flow rate and controlling the water volume are relatively high, and it is easy to over-extract if the control is not good.

For example:

Light Roast Kenya, Light to Medium Roast Rosedale, Yega, Sidamo, Use [Three-stage Water Injection Method]+ V60 Filter Cup

Hand washing points:

The first water injection uses a thin stream of water and cooks slowly.

The second injection of water with coarse water column for faster brewing, no matter how thick, the flow rate must be stable for brewing In order not to weaken the powder layer support, it is necessary to grasp the strength of the water column, the position of the injection, in order to make the penetration of the water column can be concentrated, the circle movement range should be small, about the size of a dollar coin, and then go out. At the beginning of the second water supply, pay attention to the amount of water, try not to exceed the height of the powder layer, that is, when the water column is close to the filter paper, you can stop the water supply.

With stable circling method, the amount of water injected should not be too high with V60 water injection. If the water is cut off too many times, it is equivalent to letting the coffee powder particles soak in the water all the time, which will cause the coffee extraction at the end to produce astringency and miscellaneous taste.

Blue standard rose summer, 3.5 grind-90 degrees water temperature

grinder dosers

aggressiveness number

powder quantity

filter bowl





water temperature


Second stage water volume

Third stage water

Total time 2:08

90 degrees

40g water 32s

100g 1:00


Total water: 225

Sweetness: † † † †

Acidity: ☆☆

Bitterness: ☆

Taste Description: Good sweetness, comfortable in the mouth, strong taste but not as strong as above, acid is a little softer, wrapped in fruit taste, bitterness here is much weaker, the aftertaste is very sweet.