Coffee review

Espresso is a way to use technology to make coffee.

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, In Italy, Espresso has a close relationship with local people, and it has become a habit of life for people to drink Espresso in cafes.

To cook a perfect cup of Espresso, we must pay attention to the following key points: the temperature of water, too low water temperature will affect the extraction of coffee, easy to cause insufficient extraction, coffee itself can not fully release the substances, so, the boiled Espresso flavor is slightly insufficient, and the taste is easy to sour; on the contrary, too high water temperature, easy to cause coffee over-extraction, but let the coffee taste bitter. The pressure of water, the general way of brewing coffee, can only release water-soluble substances inside the coffee, while Espress can extract the insoluble substances from the coffee itself through high pressure extraction. High pressure completely emulsifies the lipids inside the coffee, making it into the water. This is the main source of coffee taste. Emulsification will make the Espresso more sticky, making people taste like velvet. Moreover, because stickiness forms a lower surface tension, it can invade the taste buds, allowing the aroma of coffee to reverberate in the mouth for a long time. Filtration time, a cup of coffee flavor extracted by high-pressure hot water Espresso, about 25 seconds to complete, after this period of time, the coffee liquid is basically no flavor, will only dilute the Espresso.

Espresso is a way of life:

To cook a perfect cup of Espresso, we must pay attention to the following key points: the temperature of water, too low water temperature will affect the extraction of coffee, easy to cause insufficient extraction, coffee itself can not fully release the substances, so, the boiled Espresso flavor is slightly insufficient, and the taste is easy to sour; on the contrary, too high water temperature, easy to cause coffee over-extraction, but let the coffee taste bitter. The pressure of water, the general way of brewing coffee, can only release water-soluble substances inside the coffee, while Espress can extract the insoluble substances from the coffee itself through high pressure extraction. High pressure completely emulsifies the lipids inside the coffee, making it into the water. This is the main source of coffee taste. Emulsification will make the Espresso more sticky, making people taste like velvet. Moreover, because stickiness forms a lower surface tension, it can invade the taste buds, allowing the aroma of coffee to reverberate in the mouth for a long time. Filtration time, a cup of coffee flavor extracted by high-pressure hot water Espresso, about 25 seconds to complete, after this period of time, the coffee liquid is basically no flavor, will only dilute the Espresso.

Espresso is a way of life:

In Italy, Espresso has a close relationship with local people, and it has become a habit of life for people to drink Espresso in cafes.