Coffee review

Preservation method of household coffee beans _ how much are household coffee beans? how to buy household coffee beans

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more information about coffee beans Please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) how to save coffee when you buy it home? Is it better to put a bag or a bottle? Can coffee beans be put in the fridge or not? Here are several common preservation methods for household coffee beans: ● original bags are preserved. Now most coffee beans are lined with food contact grade aluminum foil.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

How should I save the coffee when I buy it home? Is it better to put a bag or a bottle? Can coffee beans be put in the fridge or not? Here are several common ways to preserve household coffee beans:

Preservation of ● original packing bag

Nowadays, most coffee beans use one-way exhaust valve bags lined with food contact grade aluminum foil. Aluminum foil can block light and air. The function of the one-way exhaust valve is to discharge too much carbon dioxide so that the bag will not burst without opening.

Seal the mouth of the bag immediately after taking out the coffee beans, and squeeze out the excess air in the bag as far as possible to minimize the contact between the coffee beans and the air (there is an one-way exhaust valve on the bag, which can only be out of air, not in air). After sealing, store in a cool and dry place at room temperature. In fact, the preservation effect of the original bag is very good, it is recommended to use the original bag in the case of household use.

● sealed pot preservation

Using sealed cans to preserve household coffee beans is also a good way, but it should be noted that the quality of sealed cans must be good, if the quality is too poor, it is better to use the original packaging bag, there is another point, do not buy transparent cans for the so-called beauty, light can improve the speed of coffee oxidation, it is recommended not to buy transparent ones. Some commercial coffee shops and other use environment, many people will use large transparent sealed cans, this specific treatment, because transparent cans can directly see baked beans, the business environment helps consumers to choose, in addition, coffee shops use a large amount of beans, so this is determined according to the usage, and there is no consideration for prolonging the shelf life if one can be used up in a few days.

● vacuum canister preservation

The vacuum tank can pump out the air in the tank to form a vacuum, which is a good way to store coffee beans without oxygen and water vapor, but it should be noted that this method can only delay the shelf life of coffee beans. It does not guarantee that the coffee beans are fresh for a long time. There are more and more vacuum cans on the market, and the price is getting cheaper and cheaper. The quality is mixed, but the quality is reliable. The one of poor quality is not as good as that of the original package. This is recommended for household use. If you drink slowly, you can consider a bag that takes more than two months to finish.

● refrigerator preservation

The low temperature in the refrigerator can slow down the oxidation of coffee, which is a good place to store, but there are many conditions in the refrigerator, try to eliminate it in order to effectively preserve coffee beans, otherwise it will be counterproductive. Using the refrigerator to save coffee beans is not necessary and troublesome. If you have to use the refrigerator to save coffee beans, please pay attention to the following points:

1. Don't put it in the fresh-keeping layer, put it in the frozen layer. Although the fresh-keeping layer is also low temperature, but the humidity is too high, which is not conducive to the preservation of beans, the frozen area has a lower temperature and very low humidity, moisture has a greater impact on the quality of coffee than temperature.

two。 Seal well, if the sealing is not good, the moisture in the refrigerator will enter the packaging, affecting the preservation of coffee beans; another thing, we know, coffee beans are very easy to absorb taste, if the seal is not good, the smell in the refrigerator is absorbed by coffee beans, then these coffee beans can also be said to be waste. Therefore, some people use discarded coffee beans to absorb the miscellaneous smell in the refrigerator, and the effect is quite good.

3. When coffee beans are just taken out of the refrigerator, because the temperature of the beans is too low, they will condense water vapor in the air and form small water droplets on the surface. After grinding, these water droplets will turn the coffee powder into lumps, resulting in uneven brewing. So, after the coffee beans are taken out of the refrigerator, take out some of the rapid grinding and brewing coffee, and put the rest back in the refrigerator immediately.

4. After the coffee is roasted, its internal development is still in progress. if the beans are too fresh in the refrigerator, they will stop the development of flavor. It is recommended that your coffee beans be preserved in a proper environment for a few days until the flavor is developed. Put it in the fridge.

We do not recommend putting coffee beans in the refrigerator unless you are sure to travel for a long time or not to drink them for a short time.

Some of the above methods can only appropriately prolong the shelf life of coffee, and are not suitable for keeping for too long, so it is suggested that you should not buy too many coffee beans at one time, and buy them after drinking or almost finished. Drink fresh beans within a month, try not to exceed two months, ah, fresh is the life of coffee beans.

● household coffee bean brand recommendation

Qianjie Coffee roasted individual household coffee beans: washed Yega Chuefei Coffee, Kenya AA Coffee, Panamanian Flower Butterfly Coffee, etc., are fully guaranteed in brand and quality, suitable for brewing all kinds of utensils. And more importantly, the performance-to-price ratio is extremely high, a pack of half a pound 227 grams, the price is only 80-90 yuan. According to the calculation of 15 grams of powder per cup of hand-brewed coffee, 15 cups of coffee can be made in a bag, and each cup of coffee costs only about 6 yuan, which is very cost-effective for coffee shops to sell dozens of yuan a cup.

Qianjie coffee: Guangzhou bakery, the store is small but a variety of beans, you can find a variety of unknown beans, but also provide online store services. Https://