Coffee review

Selection and storage of coffee beans _ how to read coffee packaging _ what brand of coffee beans are delicious and inexpensive

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more information about coffee beans Please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) before brewing coffee, at least go through these two steps: purchase and storage. If you buy coffee beans in a professional place, you will get many of the ancillary benefits of coffee beans. If the coffee beans are properly stored, you will taste all the flavors of the coffee beans. ●, are you sure you want

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Before brewing coffee, go through at least two steps: buying and storing.

If you buy coffee beans in a professional place, you will get many of the ancillary benefits of coffee beans. If the coffee beans are properly stored, you will taste all the flavors of the coffee beans.

●, are you sure you want to buy coffee beans at the supermarket?

Coffee is getting closer and closer to people's lives, and many retail outlets, such as supermarkets and convenience stores, begin to sell coffee beans. If you are new to coffee, you might as well start to learn about coffee from these channels.

But if you want to learn more about the richer world of coffee, a more professional coffee shop is where you go.

There are knowledgeable baristas in the coffee shop who know coffee beans and can choose coffee beans for you according to your preferences.

Some stores also offer free tasting, drink and then buy to avoid buying things you don't like.

●, can you read coffee packaging?

Product information and coffee bean packaging are the stories a bag of coffee beans do everything they can to tell you. In recent years, the coffee industry has a consensus on the "transparency and traceability" of coffee production.

On the packaging of some individual coffee beans, you will "see" the store's efforts: the beans are grown on which estate in which country, how they are treated, and what the final grading is, which will be clearly written on the package. it's easy for consumers to understand.

So when you choose and buy, you might as well study the information on the packaging to help you know more about coffee beans.

In addition to origin information, the date of production is also important. Freshly roasted coffee beans have a "bean-raising" procedure, so you don't know how to keep them until you know the date of production. Don't buy too much at one time. It's best to drink the coffee beans before they lose their flavor.

On the other hand, the bags you touch are also fastidious. The bags of coffee beans need to be both exhaust and prevent aging. At present, stores usually use these two kinds of packaging to achieve their goals.

Sealed aluminum foil packaging. The bag has three layers. The coffee beans are sealed after they are put in, and the air cannot go in. There is also an one-way breathable valve on the package to discharge carbon dioxide.

When unopened, the coffee beans in the package do not age easily; after opening, the aging rate of coffee beans becomes faster.

This kind of packaging cannot be recycled, but it has done a good job in maintaining freshness and reducing environmental impact, and many coffee shops choose it.

Another more advanced packaging is the inflatable sealed aluminum foil bag. In order to drain the oxygen in the bag, the coffee shop will fill it with nitrogen in the process of sealing the bag.

This can slow down the aging of coffee beans. However, nitrogen equipment is expensive and takes time to inflate, so there are fewer stores using this method at present.

How to store ●

Coffee beans that have been roasted have two problems: exhaust and aging.

Roasted coffee beans emit large amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2), which weakens or masks the flavor of coffee beans.

So freshly roasted coffee beans generally do not grind and boil, but "raise beans". To raise beans is to leave the coffee beans in a cool and open place for about four to seven days, waiting for all the carbon dioxide to be discharged.

At the same time, coffee beans will face the problem of "aging".

Unsealed coffee beans gradually aging due to exposure to moisture and oxygen, aging coffee beans are easy to lose their flavor.

So pay attention to the production date and taste its best flavor at the right time.

If you want to avoid the trouble of growing beans, you can try to buy coffee beans a week after the production date. At this time, the coffee beans run out of carbon dioxide, and it is time for the flavor to appear.

The opened coffee beans can be placed in a cool and dry position in a sealed jar. Knowing how to buy and store is a kind of respect for coffee beans.

END Qianjie Coffee: Guangzhou bakery, small storefront but a wide variety of beans, you can find a variety of unknown beans, but also provide online store services. Https://