Coffee review

How long is the freshly ground coffee powder kept? where is the freshly ground coffee powder sold? the shelf life of the freshly ground coffee powder

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) if you have bought fresh coffee cooked beans, open the package must be able to smell his aroma, but actually smell the coffee aroma, it shows that he is volatilizing, the essence of the coffee is decreasing. If the diameter of coffee is doubled, the volume of a single particle is reduced by 1 / 8.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

If you have bought fresh coffee and ripe beans, you can smell it when you open the package, but when you smell the coffee, it shows that it is volatilizing and the essence of the coffee is decreasing.

If the diameter of coffee is doubled, the volume of a single particle is reduced by 1 / 8, and the surface area of the corresponding total coffee powder is doubled. After the coffee bean is ground into freshly ground coffee powder, its surface area increases exponentially, and the area in contact with air increases by hundreds of times. The rate of volatilization increases many times.

The extremely important acidic and volatile fats in ●-roasted coffee beans change chemically when they come into contact with the air. The esters and aldehydes in the aromatization table of coffee are the most volatile, and the volatilization will make the coffee taste worse.

Not only is the volatile loss of aromatic substances, the oxygen in the air will also oxidize aromatic components, especially the oxidation of fat, resulting in the smell of decay. Freshly ground coffee powder quickly absorbs moisture from the air, increases weight and reduces the effectiveness of extracting coffee ingredients, complicating matters under internal molecular pressure.

The freshly ground coffee powder bought by ● can only be used as coffee mummy fragments for a few days, because the flavor of coffee powder loses a lot. For a good cup of coffee, do not buy coffee powder conveniently. Grinding is the best way to use it.

Therefore, the first thing is to buy coffee beans instead of freshly ground coffee powder. Second, the purchase of coffee beans must look at the baking date, although the shelf life of packaged beans is 1 year or more, it is only the time to ensure that the food is free from food hazards, not the shelf life of coffee with good taste. Under good storage conditions, the best flavor of coffee beans is 3 months.

● finally, the way to preserve coffee is to buy coffee beans are generally standard sealed bags with one-way breathable valve, this is a good storage container, as long as stored in a dry environment at room temperature, take the beans and seal them. Of course, you should finish the beans as soon as possible and don't store them for too long.

Finally: freshly ground coffee powder is very common abroad, because the packaging is small, usually about 100-227 grams, vacuum preservation, foreign household users buy coffee powder, the first is because they use up in 3 days in a week at most. However, for many families or individuals who have just started drinking coffee in China, a bag of coffee powder can be unpacked and used for a month or even once, and then they don't know when to drink it again. In this case, it is not suitable to use coffee powder. As mentioned above, once the coffee beans are ground to increase the area of contact with the air, the fragrance will volatilize. Therefore, for beginners, coffee powder is not recommended for the time being.

Qianjie coffee: Guangzhou bakery, the store is small but a variety of beans, you can find a variety of unknown beans, but also provide online store services. Https://