Coffee review

Why not recommend pre-grinding powder _ freshly ground coffee powder how long it is best to drink _ what freshly ground coffee powder tastes good

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information Please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) sometimes, customers ask me: I have a bag of coffee beans from where and where at home, can you grind them for me? Me: sorry, I can't. But you can tell me what kind of coffee utensils you use at home, and I'll tell you what kind of bean grinding tools you should buy.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Sometimes, customers ask me: I have a bag of coffee beans from where and where at home. Can you grind them into powder for me? Me: sorry, I can't. But you can tell me what coffee utensils are used in your home, and I'll tell you what kind of bean grinding tools to buy and how to grind them.

Why can't you grind a bag of coffee powder for customers? & # 153 investors 153

We know that the Flavor of coffee beans refers to the overall feeling of coffee in the mouth.

Flavor consists of smell (Aroma), taste (taste) and taste (mouth-feeling). As shown below:

Mainly focus on the experience of sour, sweet, bitter, spicy and salty. For example, we often say that this coffee is sour and this coffee is a little bitter. In addition, there are also two flavors that can be taste: fresh taste and metallic taste.

& # 153 words: mainly focus on feeling stickiness, temperature, object size, pain, tingling, touch and so on. For example, we often say: mellow (Body), this is thicker and that is smoother.

& # 153 ownership Aroma: things that can be smelled by our noses are usually volatile. When we describe the flavor of coffee, we often say: floral, fruity, earthy, nutty. Wait. & # 153 investors 153

Among them, the aroma of coffee beans, the aromatic compounds released by these freshly crushed coffee cells, such as esters and aldehydes, evaporate quickly after grinding-compared with coffee beans, the contact surface area with air increases by hundreds of times. Not only does the volatilization of aromatic substances lose, but the oxygen in the air also oxidizes aroma components: for example, it oxidizes fat and produces a rotten smell. Freshly ground coffee powder quickly absorbs moisture from the air, & # 153; increases weight and reduces the extraction rate of coffee. & # 153 investors 153

So, in order not to waste good coffee, please insist on drinking freshly ground coffee powder. If you have good ready-made coffee beans at home and you want to save money, you can buy a manual grinder; slow is slow, but this freshly ground coffee powder can better maintain the original flavor, so you can live up to this bag of coffee beans.

Qianjie coffee: Guangzhou bakery, the store is small but a variety of beans, you can find a variety of unknown beans, but also provide online store services. Https://