Coffee review

How about freshly baked coffee beans _ how to cook freshly baked coffee beans at home _ freshly baked small coffee beans

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, For more information on coffee beans, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style). Seeing the solicitation articles on coffee in the experience topic, I can't help but recall my experience of drinking coffee in the past few years: from the black history of drinking McDonald's coffee in the middle of the night when I was in primary school, to a later period of European life, reporting to the cafe every day.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Seeing the solicitation of coffee in the topic of experience, I can't help but recall my experiences of drinking coffee in the past few years: from the black history of drinking McDonald's coffee in the middle of the night when I was in primary school, to report to the cafe every day for a period of European life, and then to start messing with all kinds of coffee at home, and finally I can no longer drink too strong coffee because of my health. The memories of coffee are entangled as if they had experienced a relationship: first acquaintance-- like glue-- is a stranger.

I am not a professional barista, just an ordinary person who likes coffee. I only have some superficial understanding of coffee, so I would like to ask you Haihan, the great god, for advice on what I have said wrong.

● now gets to the point: how to cook freshly baked coffee beans at home? --

I don't know how many people like me feel that drinking freshly ground coffee at home is an extremely high-end thing: it takes all kinds of dazzling utensils and complicated processes to get such a small cup of coffee. It is true that coffee is more complicated than tea, but in fact, when operating at home, you will find that it is not as complicated as you think. In addition to the high equipment requirements of Espresso and the relatively cumbersome process, other kinds of coffee are still easy to operate at home. Philharmonic pressure and hand brewing can still make a good cup of coffee.

What I said above is just to tell you that you don't have to worry about buying all kinds of coffee equipment in the first place. in my opinion, what is essential at the beginning is high-quality beans, a better grinder and a love of coffee. Later, the utensils used to make coffee can be purchased according to their own needs. I will mention the equipment requirements of different production methods in the later experience.

●, as the first article in the series, of course mentions the most important part of a cup of coffee.

Coffee beans are not born like this. Let's briefly talk about the production process of coffee beans.

First of all, there must be a coffee tree.

Then the coffee tree bears coffee fruit.

The picked coffee fruit is treated by sun or water washing, and the peel and pulp are peeled off to get raw coffee beans.

When raw beans are roasted, they become beautiful freshly roasted coffee beans.

Grind into coffee powder

● what everyone can buy on the market is the last three forms of coffee: raw beans, cooked beans and coffee powder. It is recommended to buy coffee beans, and the fresher the better! Because raw beans don't have much coffee flavor, they need to be roasted to stimulate their flavor, but after baking, all kinds of flavors will disappear with the volatilization of moisture and carbon dioxide. so it is recommended that you buy freshly baked coffee beans in local cafes or online, and do not buy too many at a time, about two weeks. In addition, because the coffee beans are ground into powder and the contact surface with the air is increased, the flavor will soon be lost, and the fine powder needed for espresso can lose half of its flavor in two minutes. Therefore, it is recommended to buy cooked beans and drink them now. As for raw beans, although the preservation time is much longer than cooked beans, but their own baking at home also need to prepare a special roaster, the price is also very high technical requirements, so it is also not recommended.

Brand recommendation of ● freshly baked coffee beans

Qianjie coffee roasted single freshly baked coffee beans: Yega Chuefei Coffee, Kenya AA Coffee, Panamanian Flower Butterfly Coffee, etc., are fully guaranteed in brand and quality, suitable for all kinds of utensils. And more importantly, the performance-to-price ratio is extremely high, a pack of half a pound 227 grams, the price is only 80-90 yuan. According to the calculation of 15 grams of powder per cup of hand-brewed coffee, 15 cups of coffee can be made in a bag, and each cup of coffee costs only about 6 yuan, which is very cost-effective for coffee shops to sell dozens of yuan a cup.

Qianjie coffee: Guangzhou bakery, the store is small but a variety of beans, you can find a variety of unknown beans, but also provide online store services. Https://