Coffee review

The reason why American coffee is popular _ how many coffee beans do American coffee need? what kind of American coffee beans are good?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, More information on coffee beans Please pay attention to Coffee Workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) American Coffee (English: Americano, Italian: Caff Americano) is black coffee made from a trickle coffee pot, because the extraction time is usually relatively long (about four or five minutes), so the caffeine content is high. American coffee

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

"American Coffee" (English: Americano, Italian: Caff è Americano) is black coffee made from a drip coffee pot. Because the extraction time is relatively long (about four or five minutes), the caffeine content is high. American coffee is easy to make, convenient and fast, free and casual. Compared with Italian coffee, American coffee mouth is more refreshing and can restore the original taste of coffee beans.

● taste characteristics:

The taste of the coffee extracted from American coffee beans is mainly bitter, and the purity of such black coffee is the highest. If you want to taste the flavor of different kinds of coffee beans, American coffee is a good choice.

● production method:

With an American coffee machine, making American coffee is easier than you think: add 1 degree of water-pour in 1 flat spoonful of coffee powder-start-in about two minutes, a cup of fragrant American coffee will be made.

● 's American Coffee Culture without taboos

When Americans drink coffee, it is like playing a game without rules, laissez-faire without taboos. Americans are dismissive of all kinds of exquisite coffee made by Europeans. Americans drink coffee freely, and at the same time, coffee goes deep into their lives and is difficult to separate, and the influence is so deep that it is not considered a life without coffee.

It is said that the Apollo 13 spaceship, which carried a man to the moon for the first time, had a life-and-death failure on its way home. At that time, the ground crew comforted the three astronauts with a word: come on! Delicious hot coffee is waiting for your return. Americans can't do without coffee almost 24 hours a day, whether at home, in the office, in public, or at a roadside vending machine. This consumes 1/3 of the world's coffee production and is the country with the largest coffee consumption in the world.

Generally speaking, life in the United States is relatively busy and tense, unlike people in Europe and the Middle East who are able to enjoy life in a leisurely mood. When drinking coffee, it is often a large pot of electrothermal filtered coffee (DripCoffeeMarker). From morning to night, because there is too much water, there is less coffee (10 grams of coffee in a cup versus 200 CC of water), and the taste is particularly weak. Therefore, many people criticize American coffee for being really bad.

In fact, in all parts of the United States, coffee lovers can still taste their favorite coffee taste with a little more effort. If pure American coffee is divided into two categories, the east coast of the United States is stronger than the west coast, and the south is stronger than the north. Ethnically speaking, immigrants from southern Europe and Latinos prefer strong coffee to those from Britain, Germany and northern Europe.

In addition, although the United States is the largest exporter of instant coffee, not many people in the United States drink instant coffee. In recent years, they pay more and more attention to the results of a healthy diet, the market for caffeine is increasing, and coffee without sugar is becoming more and more common.

● 's casual and free American coffee culture

American coffee originated in Italy but has its own unique taste, just like a game with no rules, random and free. The fast-paced lifestyle makes American coffee more simple and capable. Any form of culture in this vibrant country, like itself, is free and casual, and the coffee culture of the United States is no exception, free and casual.

Before World War I, Americans were treated as British boys and were not liked by continental Europe because of its short history and shallow cultural heritage. But it was not until after World War II that the world began to find that because of its unique inclusiveness and strong comprehensive national strength, the United States has a unique and trend-leading strength in the field of culture.

In this context, the American coffee culture began to be more and more recognized and recognized by people, and it was only after that that people found that American coffee is not just imitating Europe or Arabia.

Simple American coffee is divided into two categories: the east coast of the United States is stronger than the west coast, and the south is stronger than the north. Ethnically speaking, immigrants from southern Europe and Latinos prefer strong coffee to those from Britain, Germany and northern Europe. Americans don't care about all kinds of exquisite coffee made by Europeans. Americans drink coffee freely, at the same time, coffee is so deep in their lives that it is difficult to separate, and the influence is so deep that it is not considered a life without coffee.

Americans can't do without coffee almost 24 hours a day, whether at home, in the office, in public, or at a roadside vending machine. In this way, it drinks 1/3 of the world's coffee production, making it the largest coffee consumer in the world.

● Americans drink coffee like a casual impromptu speech, without much purpose and preparation, but can infect people because they are "all the same". The unrestrained character of Americans and the pursuit of freedom, so that as long as they speak, they can win a large audience for themselves.

Subsequently, this kind of casual coffee brewing method became popular quietly, and even led the trend of American coffee.

In fact, what Americans like most and are most accustomed to is trickle-filter coffee, which is low-cost, fast-speed and high-volume, so it is very suitable for a fast-paced life.

During the war, American soldiers diluted American coffee with water in espresso just to get a concentration similar to drip coffee.

The most authentic traditional American coffee, in fact, is extracted from the American (drip filter) coffee pot for a long time, containing a lot of caffeine but less Italian coffee, so much so that Italians despise it.

●, let's officially talk about Korea.

The Korean Peninsula War, a local war after World War II, began to popularize coffee, which is called "foreign medicine soup" by South Koreans.

Coffee beans and instant coffee from the US military, illegal but still flowing into the South Korean market, began to be implanted into South Koreans by Western coffee culture.

Espresso is also too strong for most Koreans, and of course, American coffee made by American soldiers has become a national coffee and the default option for "a cup of coffee" when ordering in South Korea.

A kind of social and cultural popularity needs to be closely integrated with all kinds of life scenes and grows from the scenes.

Before coffee culture was introduced into Korea, Korean tea drinking culture has a history of thousands of years, and tea drinking has spread all over the country. In daily life, when Koreans meet, they usually choose places such as teahouses; after eating, Koreans generally choose to drink tea to remove oil, relieve greasy and help digestion. (it is also said that South Koreans have the habit of drinking pot water after meals, which also helps digestion. )

After the Western coffee culture was gradually implanted in South Korea, Koreans who drank tea had one more choice. At that time, cafes were still called "Korean houses" or "teahouses", and then cafes gradually replaced teahouses. After all, there are always a few people who go to cafes like Mr. Lu Xun and bring their own Chinese tea.

As a result, South Koreans now choose cafes, whether they meet with clients, get together with friends, study or go on a blind date. Even if you don't want to do anything and be in a daze, you will choose a cafe.

The habit of having a cup of tea after a meal has also become a cup of coffee after a meal. Even in the hot summer, office workers will choose cold American coffee to quench their thirst after lunch instead of ice cream.

American coffee gradually captures the taste buds of Koreans, which naturally has its own factors.

American coffee is actually a very neutral coffee, and its popularity is basically the same between male and female guests.

This is not just because of the approachable taste of American coffee. As for pure coffee, its coffee concentration (which can also be simply understood as bitter for most consumers) is suitable for popular taste and retains the deep-roasted aroma and bitter taste of espresso, refreshing and comfortable. Big fish and meat later a cup of American style, can play a role in clearing the mouth.

On the other hand, it is also important because American coffee has a very high performance-to-price ratio. There is usually more American coffee, and the price is only slightly higher than that of espresso, or about the same price as cappuccino. If you meet a good-tempered shopkeeper, you can even get a free refill!

The last point is tempting, and that is the magical effect of "American coffee to lose weight".

The calorie of American coffee depends on the espresso as the base. A cup of 100 grams of American coffee has only 2.55 kilocalorie, which is completely negligible.

Drinking a cup of American coffee after a meal can effectively break down fat and release fat in the bloodstream. Generally speaking, drinking four cups of American coffee a day can achieve the desired weight loss effect. Of course, the premise is no partner, no sugar, no milk!

Now you know why the physique of Koreans is almost thinner as a whole, and supermodels also like to drink American style.

● American coffee machine, no pressure, only black coffee, that is, American coffee. You can't make any other fancy coffee.

Usually divided into upper and lower layers, the pre-ground powdered coffee beans are placed in an upper funnel-shaped container equipped with filter paper or metal filters, and the lower layer is a coffee pot made of glass or ceramic, pouring cold water into another separate interval. When starting, heat the cold water to about 90 degrees Celsius and gradually introduce it into the funnel-shaped container, so that the hot water passes through the coffee powder and flows into the coffee pot below.

In fact, the beans needed for espresso and American coffee are also different. The beans needed for espresso are finely ground and roasted, and the pressed coffee will be mellow and mellow, so it is better to choose commercial or Italian beans. On the other hand, American coffee uses an American trickling filter, which is extracted with hot water, which can better highlight the original flavor and aroma of coffee beans, and the grinding degree is thicker than that of Italian coffee. At this time, we can choose some high-quality coffee beans from a single production area, in order to better feel the different regional amorous feelings!

Commonly used: Italian beans, Mantenin, Honduras, Colombia, Brazil beans can make delicious American coffee.

● American coffee bean brand recommendation

The best-selling American coffee beans roasted on Qianjie Coffee: Yega Chuefei Coffee, Golden Manning Coffee, Brazilian Coffee and so on are fully guaranteed in terms of brand and quality. And more importantly, the performance-to-price ratio is extremely high, a pack of half a pound 227 grams, the price is only about 70-90 yuan. According to the calculation of 15 grams of powder per cup of hand-brewed coffee, 15 cups of coffee can be made in a bag, and each cup of American coffee costs only about 5 or 6 yuan, which is very cost-effective for cafes to sell dozens of yuan a cup.

END Qianjie Coffee: Guangzhou bakery, small storefront but a wide variety of beans, you can find a variety of unknown beans, but also provide online store services. Https://