Coffee review

Coffee steaming effect coffee steaming release what gas coffee steaming pour how much water

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Professional coffee knowledge exchange More coffee bean information Please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style) What is steaming? Steaming is one of the steps in making hand-brewed coffee, and when we add water for the first time, we steam it, and we pour twice the weight of the ground coffee in hot water, and then we stop, so to brew 15 grams of ground coffee, we

Professional coffee knowledge exchange More coffee bean information Please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style)

What's steamed-in? Steaming is a step in making hand-brewed coffee

When we add water for the first time, we will carry out "stewing" We will first pour twice the weight of coffee powder hot water, and then stop, that is to say, if you want to brew 15 grams of coffee powder, we will pour 30 ml of hot water, if your coffee powder is fresh enough, you will find a large number of coffee powder bubbles, and then these bubbles will gradually dissipate; when you find that the surface of the water slowly dried, the surface is no longer shiny, it is a good time to add water again.

The principle and purpose of steaming What is the principle of steaming?

what is the purpose?

In fact, steaming is the exchange of gas and water. If you put the ground coffee powder under the microscope, you will find cells like honeycombs. These holes are the cell walls of the coffee powder. Each hole contains a lot of air, mainly carbon dioxide. At the same time, the cell walls also contain a lot of water-soluble aromatic substances, that is, the aroma of coffee beans. When we inject hot water, the air in the holes is discharged due to heat expansion and contraction. Bubbles form on the surface of the coffee powder, and the hot water surrounding the coffee powder enters the cell wall due to osmosis, and a large number of water-soluble aromatic substances in the cell wall are dissolved in water.

When we steam, we have to stop and wait, so that the above effect has enough time to carry out, the aromatic substances can be truly dissolved in the water, and then when we add water for the second time, the aromatic substances dissolved in the water will move from the higher concentration cell wall to the lower concentration cell wall. At this time, we can control the concentration and flavor of the hand-brewed coffee through the water. However, remember that the waiting time for steaming should not be too long, because if you wait too long, the temperature will drop and air will enter the cell wall again.

To explain in one sentence-

Steaming is the exchange of air and water and brings out the flavor of coffee in the process.

If you prefer a more poetic expression:

Steaming is a kind of breath, between inhalation and exhalation, releasing unique flavor

Steaming time varies according to the beans. For example, deep-baked beans, exhaust is more vigorous, generally steamed to 25 seconds on the same. And shallow baked beans steamed for 30 seconds are not afraid! For example, the gold mantinin in the former street was steamed for about 25 seconds. You could see that the surface of the steamed surface changed from wet to matte. At this time, it represented the end of the steamed surface.

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