Coffee review

How to make coffee beans by hand _ how to make coffee beans by hand _ Melitta filter cup method

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) hand coffee brewing method: prepare 600-700 ml of water, then heat. Weigh 25-30g coffee beans. At this time, while the water is still heating, use a bean grinder to grind the coffee beans into powder, which is about the same thickness as unprocessed sea salt. Filter paper (applicable)

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

The method of making coffee by hand:

Prepare 600-700 ml of water and heat it.

Weigh 25-30g coffee beans.

At this time, while the water is still heating, use a bean grinder to grind the coffee beans into powder, which is about the same thickness as unprocessed sea salt.

Fold the edge of the filter paper (suitable for Merica cup).

Put the tapered filter paper into the filter cup and connect the glass at the bottom.

First go to some hot water to soak the filter paper, heat the filter cup (the filter cup in the picture is Merita), and heat the glass as the hot water drips down. At this time, you can wait for the water temperature in the kettle to drop to about 90 degrees (the brewing water temperature is adjusted according to the coffee beans from different places and different roasting degrees, and the taste will change, usually between 85 and 92 degrees). The waiting process is about 1 minute. The water in the kettle under the filter cup is poured out.

Pour the coffee powder that has just been ground into the filter paper, then shake it gently to make it fill more smoothly.

Water it in two stages. For the first time, start gently watering the circle from the center, slowly circle out, the amount of water is twice as much as coffee powder, for example, if the coffee powder is 25g, then the water is 50g. Be careful not to let the water pour to the very edge! ]

Then wait for about 30-45 seconds to make the coffee powder swell. We usually call this "steaming" expand or bloom in English. Whether the water is evenly watered will affect the final flavor of the coffee.

The second watering is also gently drawing a circle from the middle to the outside. Roughly control the speed to 2 minutes 30 seconds to 3 minutes to complete watering.

You can enjoy your own hand-made coffee!