Coffee review

Coffee making fancy coffee berry love monte rosa-

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Berries love introduction: wonderful name collocation into a natural flavor of fancy coffee monte rosa. The faint coffee smell stimulated the taste buds along with the fruit fragrance and sweet and sour taste, and the mood also rose in an instant. The most natural taste brings a different kind of enjoyment. Friends who like it can also check out its good brother: how to make a berry chocolate mousse cup.

Introduction to Berry Love:

The wonderful name is paired with the natural fancy coffee monte rosa. The faint smell of coffee stimulates the taste buds with the fragrance of the fruit and the sweet and sour taste, and the mood also flies in an instant. The most natural flavor brings a different kind of enjoyment.

Friends who like it can also go to see its good brother: the method of making berry chocolate mousse cup.

Berry Love material:

Espresso 25CC

Milk sauce

Spray the right amount of cream

Several berries (blueberries, raspberries, cherries or assorted ones will do)

Production of Berry Love:

The production method is very simple.

Add Espresso and milk sauce in order

Sprinkle with cream and garnish with berries.