Coffee review

Iced American coffee, de-iced! "No ice. Take the ice and leave half a glass! "

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Although iced American coffee is the most common iced coffee, it is not as simple as concentrated + water + ice as you think Why? Because the order is out of order! It has been mentioned before that adding water to concentrate is Americano, adding concentration to water is Long Black, and direct long extraction is called lungo in the United States. According to espresso, there is only one way to make iced American coffee, which is concentrated on ice or on ice.

Iced Americano

Although it is the most common iced coffee, it is not as simple as concentrated + water + ice as you think.

Why? Because the order is out of order!

It has been mentioned before that adding water to concentrate is Americano, adding concentration to water is Long Black, and direct long extraction is called lungo in the United States.

According to espresso, there is only one way to make iced American coffee, which is concentrated on ice or added to ice water.

Like an ordinary American machine, or iced American coffee made by a smart cup, it is suitable to be made at home!

This unique flavor, which is produced only when the temperature drops rapidly, is the real taste of a cup of iced American coffee. Customers usually order iced American coffee like this:

How icy it is!

Water will dilute the concentration of coffee, iced American coffee with more ice and less water is stronger than ordinary iced American coffee.

Get some water!

Pour the concentrate directly on the ice cubes, which is stronger than iced American coffee. I heard that a little brother surnamed Lu's favorite way to drink is this, double condensed water. Yes, it's very cold American coffee.

Iced American coffee, de-iced.

The ice-water mixture picks out the ice and condenses it. This will greatly reduce the taste, and the ice may only be half a cup.

In general, if you go to a chain coffee shop and order a cup of iced American coffee with ice, there will be only half a cup left. "it's normal! "(the concentration from the coffee machine is fixed, and the rest is filled with ice and water.)

"waiter, give me a hot American style, no water, no sugar, no milk." how can it be broken?

It is said that a cup of iced American coffee in the morning is good for facial swelling. I like iced American coffee very much!