Coffee review

How to reduce the bitterness in Yega Xuefei? The correction method of strong or weak hand-brewed coffee

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Generally speaking, the baking treatment of Yega is used to a medium to shallow degree. For the medium and shallow Yega, my preparation for brewing is generally medium grinding + a low water temperature of 89-90 degrees. During extraction, the following factors affect the taste of coffee: water temperature (water temperature when in contact with coffee powder) time (contact time between water and coffee powder)

Yega snow coffee this bean, generally used to the baking treatment of Yega is used to a medium to shallow degree.

For medium-to-light baked Yega snow coffee, my preparation for brewing is generally medium-fine grinding + a lower water temperature of 89-90 degrees.

During extraction, the following factors affect the taste of coffee:

Water temperature (water temperature when in contact with coffee powder)

Time (contact time between water and coffee powder)

The size of coffee powder particles

Some fans asked whether Yega would taste bitter and whether it was overbaked (it is also possible that today it is the beans, which is 1-2 degrees below the normal range). There are the following factors that may lead to the extraction of Yega bitterness:

1. Some of the small particles (fine powder) are extracted from beginning to end.

2, the whole is too thin, so that the water can not be discharged quickly, and a certain part of the coffee is repeatedly extracted. for example, how the fine water goes around is only around the diameter of an one-dollar coin, and then the one on the edge is not extracted.

3. Water temperature

The temperature of coffee extraction water can change the taste of coffee.

When it comes to water temperature, people will immediately think of the temperature of the water poured into the extraction, but in fact, the water temperature here refers to the temperature of the water when in contact with coffee powder.

If the water temperature is too high (above 94 degrees), it will speed up the dissolution rate of coffee powder.

The sour taste itself dissolves very quickly, and no matter how high the water temperature is, the total amount of it dissolved in water will not change much.

The bitterness dissolves slowly. If the water temperature is too high, the bitterness will move faster from the center of the coffee powder to the surface, the total amount of bitterness dissolved into the water will be more, and the proportion of bitterness in the coffee will increase.

On the other hand, if the water temperature is low (below 83 degrees), the bitterness in the coffee will be reduced.

[give an example]

Yega Shifeiwaka, Ethiopia

Grade division: G1

Variety: Heirloom

Planting height: 1650 m ~ 1800 m

Treatment: washing

The first time to cook:

V60 filter cup, 15g powder, water temperature 90 degrees, grinding 4 (ghost teeth), water powder ratio close to 1:16

35 grams of water steaming, steaming time is 35s

Segment: water injection to 110ml cut off, slow water injection to 230ml

The taste is a little light, and the flavor is weak.

Other practices remain the same, as long as you adjust your grinding degree to increase the number of particles that absorb water and keep the hot water longer, the concentration of coffee liquid will naturally increase.

Second cooking (revised):

V60 filter cup, 15g powder, water temperature 88.9 degrees, grinding 3.5 (ghost teeth)

The ratio of water to powder is close to 1:15

35 grams of water is steamed for 32 seconds.

Segment: water injection to 110ml cut off, slow water injection to 228ml

The taste is smooth and the flavor is much thicker.

Coffee extraction time can change the taste of coffee

The dissolving rate of sour taste is already fast, so there is not much difference between the amount of acid dissolved in water in 3 minutes and that in 5 minutes.

The dissolution rate of bitterness is slow, so the amount of bitterness dissolved in water in 3 minutes is quite different from that in 5 minutes. In short, if you increase the extraction time, the longer the time, the more bitter the coffee.

The condition of powder layer in hand flushing can not be ignored, which must be emphasized! The powder layer plays a subtle role, and one of its functions is to provide resistance so that the hot water can stay in the filter cup long enough to ensure that enough flavor components are dissolved, and the powder layer must also have a certain degree of support. in order to play the "blocking" function. In order not to weaken the supporting force of the powder layer, it is necessary to grasp [the strength of the water column], [the position of water injection], and [stable circle], which is a complete set of [water injection skills].

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Correction of strong or light hand-made coffee:

(note that the taste here does not refer to the three situations of light, strong and unpleasant flavor of hand-made coffee.)

First, the correction method for the weak taste of hand-brewed coffee:

1. Other practices remain the same, as long as you adjust your grinding degree to increase the number of particles that absorb water and keep the hot water longer, the concentration of coffee liquid will naturally increase.

two。 Other things remain the same, try to increase your coffee powder (as before) by 3 to 5 grams, which will increase the thickness of the powder layer, increase its water absorption, and the concentration can also be increased.

3. Other practices remain the same. Replace coffee beans with beans with deeper baking degrees. Generally speaking, beans with deeper roasting degrees have better swelling ability and water absorption. Hot water can be retained in the powder layer to extract more ingredients to achieve the purpose of increasing the concentration. But it should be noted that the flavor of coffee will become slightly different due to the change of roasting degree of coffee beans. In general, small players are not recommended to make such an adjustment.

4. Other methods remain the same, at this time, you can make adjustments from yourself, slow down the frequency of water injection, the original one minute 45 seconds out of 240g coffee liquid, can be adjusted to two minutes or two minutes ten seconds to finish. If it's not strong enough, and so on.

5. Other methods remain the same, when you can make the hot water in your hand-flushing pot a little hotter than before, and the higher-temperature water has a relatively higher extraction ability, which will give you more flavor. However, this method must not be used in over-roasted coffee beans, high temperature + deep-baked beans = traditional Chinese medicine!

Second, the correction method for the strong flavor of hand-brewed coffee:

1. Add some water directly to the thick 1:8-1:10 coffee liquid, and the ratio to 1:15-1:16 will be clearer.

2.. Other methods remain the same, as long as you thicken your grinding degree, reduce the number of coffee particles that absorb water, and shorten the time for hot water to pass through the powder layer, you can reduce the concentration of coffee liquid.

3. Other methods remain the same, reduce your coffee powder (and the same grinding degree as before) by 3 to 5 grams, make the powder layer thinner, reduce its water absorption, and the concentration will be reduced.

4. Other methods remain the same, replacing coffee beans with beans with slightly roasted degree, and beans with medium and shallow roasting degree, their swelling ability and water absorption are relatively weak, and the extraction time for hot water staying in the powder layer becomes shorter, and the concentration of coffee liquid naturally decreases.

5. Other methods remain the same, only to speed up the frequency of water injection, originally two minutes after 240 grams of coffee liquid, you can adjust to one minute and 50 seconds, try the coffee taste, and so on.

6. Other methods remain the same, only reduce the extraction temperature, so that the extraction ability of water weakens, the taste will become lighter and weaker. But this method will also make your coffee lose the flavor that can only be extracted at relatively high temperatures, depending on your choice.

Third, the correction method when the coffee is washed out too much unpleasant taste.

1. Other methods remain the same, lower the extraction temperature and lower the extraction rate, so that the unpleasant flavors in the coffee will not be extracted too much.

3. Other methods remain the same, change the brewing water source, the poor water quality will also make your coffee taste a lot of strange mess. To make a good cup of coffee, try a more common Fushan spring, Jingtian.

4. All the steps remain the same, if the bean grinder can not be replaced, sift through the fine powder, so that the taste will not be too miscellaneous.