Coffee review

Coffee pull tutorial | how do coffee pull flowers make a Chinese-style "Hua Dan Facebook"?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Today, share a cup of competition-grade coffee pull + carving, Chinese style "Huadan Facebook" every creator is a painter, a cup of espresso plus a cup of milk, can make an ordinary cup of coffee with extremely exquisite patterns. 2018CLAC finals Art bar, this video course is from @ Sanshen baking college, original pull flower: Liu Qiang many beginners

Today, share a cup of competition-grade coffee pull + carving, Chinese style "Huadan Facebook"

Every creator is a painter, a cup of espresso and a portion of milk can make a mediocre cup of coffee with extremely exquisite patterns.

2018CLAC finals Art bar, this video course is from @ Sanshen baking college, original pull flower: Liu Qiang

Many beginners learn to pull flowers by comparing videos from the very beginning.

Carefully analyze and find out the key points of the pattern