Coffee review

A Brief Talk on the Origin of Cafe and Degas's Famous Work Cafe

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Coffee shops are also called coffee shops. The earliest cafes were called Kaveh Kanes, built in Mecca. Although originally intended for religious purposes, these places soon became centres for chess, small talk, singing, dancing and music. From Mecca, cafes spread throughout Asia.


A coffee shop is also called a coffee shop. The earliest cafe, called Kaveh Kanes, was built in Mecca. Although originally for a religious purpose, these places soon became centers for playing chess, chatting, singing, dancing and listening to music. Since Mecca, cafes have spread throughout Aden, Medina (Medina) and Cairo (Cairo).

Now the cafe is a place for people to communicate with each other for leisure and business.

It is widely believed that coffee has been found in Africa for the first time. The story is recorded in the Monastery without Sleeping by Faustus Neroni, an Asian: a young shepherd in Ethiopia excitedly refuses to go home after finding that his sheep have eaten the red fruit on the bushes. He thought the sheep had been poisoned, but after a few hours, the sheep returned to normal. The teenager tasted the fruit by himself, and his tiredness disappeared immediately. He told people around him that Christian monks who needed a long retreat at night began to use it as a refreshing food for daily consumption.


Degas's masterpiece Cafe

A real artist has a unique vision. Edgar Degas (1834-1917) has not only the vision of an artist, but sometimes more like a keen photojournalist. He is good at capturing all kinds of life in the city, but also with the meaning of criticism and ridicule, beyond the simple visual aesthetics.

This picture "Cafe", also known as "vermouth". At the end of the 19th century, the city cafe was so familiar to artists that it even became the theme of their works. The "Cafe" painted by Degas has a different angle. He posed a problem for himself: the characters in the painting were stunned and almost expressionless; the composition was also steep, with the woman sitting straight at the top of the middle of the picture, with a man dressed in black on the right, and a small part of the picture appeared. The left half of the picture is supported entirely by the collocation of two tables. The abrupt composition, coupled with the woman's lost, sad, confused expression, the coarse and tired face of the smoking man is so touching that it is difficult to forget from memory after seeing it. It seems that the strokes are extensive, but in fact, great efforts are made at the key and subtle points. Take a closer look at the portraits of women and men's eyes, wings of nose and corners of mouth, which vividly shows the identity and situation of the characters. It is impossible to draw without keen observation, profound experience of life and superb skill.

Degas likes to use black in the picture very much. he outlines the image in black, which is a bit like Chinese painting, with black as the background and often mixed with black in other colors. This makes some of his paintings seem resolute, calm, heavy and contrasting.