Coffee review

Water injection techniques and techniques for hand-brewed coffee explain how to inject water into hand-brewed coffee

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information Please pay attention to the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) handmade coffee is probably the most common method of brewing it is one-size-fits-all and segmented extraction. The name "one knife flow" sounds very interesting, very much like a martial arts move in a martial arts novel. The secret meaning of this method of brewing coffee by hand is steaming.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

The most common brewing technique for hand-brewing coffee is probably one-size-fits-all and segmented extraction.

One knife stream

The name sounds interesting, much like a martial arts move in a martial arts novel. The essence of this method of brewing coffee by hand is to make a continuous injection of water only once after steaming.

The coffee powder can be continuously soaked in water, the retention liquid can fully release the aromatic substances in the coffee powder, the flow velocity increases continuously, and the water flow is reduced before the water overflows the filter cup.

The main control of one-cut flow is the amount of water injection and flow rate, can achieve the whole section without losing the sense of balance, inappropriate water injection, will destroy the overall sense of balance of coffee.

The main purpose of this method is to maintain a peaceful flavor and a sense of balance. What is not so good is that, because the water injection technique is not well controlled, the water falls through the filter paper on the edge of the upper position where there is no coffee powder, so that the hand-brewed coffee may be underextracted.

Segmented extraction

As the name implies, it is filled with water in several stages when making hand-brewed coffee. Inject a section of water into two or three stages after steaming.

Segmented extraction can get richer layers than one-knife flow, and can clarify the flavor of the front, middle and back stages of coffee. The practice is to increase the amount of water each time after steaming, usually when the coffee liquid is about to drop to the surface of the powder layer, and use small, medium and large water flow to do three-stage extraction. However, segmented extraction will have higher requirements for the flow rate and flow rate of water.

A few days ago, a friend asked whether it was necessary to raise the water temperature or fine grind when using one-size-fits-all to make hand-made coffee. So the editor thought about it and simply took the parameters of segmented extraction to use an one-size-fits-all method to cook and see what it would be like if the parameters were basically the same and only the technique was changed.

Segmented extraction + [Polsa, Guatemala]

The palate has obvious aromas of plum and passion fruit, sour and sweet and soft, with chocolate aromas of raisins, plums and almonds in the middle, with plum fruit and biscuit aromas in the mouth.

One-stop flow + [Polsa, Guatemala]

The entrance is as sour as plum, with nutty, chocolate-like sweetness in the middle, and a touch of Chinese fir and cut tobacco in the finish.

Through this comparison of the two methods, in the case of basically the same parameters, the coffee extracted by one-knife flow will be more balanced, and the level change will not be too great, while the method of segmented extraction can get a cup of coffee with rich layers and varied flavors.

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