Coffee review

What do you mean by "powder-water ratio" and "powder-to-liquid ratio"? Which is better to make coffee by hand?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) I believe that most hand-brewed coffee lovers will pay attention to every detail of hand brewing, powder / water ratio. In a recent review, I saw the experience of the World Cooking Competition. The specified cooking formula will use 15 grams of powder and 250 grams of water, resulting in 220 grams of body.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

I believe that most hand-brewed coffee lovers will pay attention to every detail of hand-brewing, powder-water ratio. Recently, I reviewed the experience of the World Brewing Competition and found that the specified brewing formula will use 15g of powder and 250g of water, and get 220g of body. this ratio is calculated. Here, the ratio of powder to water is 16.7 and the ratio of powder to liquid is 1:15. I wonder why contestants use this ratio. In the process of learning, I need to drink and test the concentration repeatedly. I found that the best proportion of hand brewing is, what should be the ratio of water to powder in hand brewing pot coffee?

Ratio of powder to water = coffee powder: total water injection

Some beginners will ask, what is 1:15? to put it simply, our most commonly used hand-brewing ratio is 1:15.

If the amount of a serving of coffee powder is 15 grams and the ratio of water to powder is 1:15, multiplied by a factor of 15, you know how many grams of water you need, and you need 225g of water.

Ratio of powder to liquid = coffee powder: amount of extracted coffee liquid

Coffee powder absorbs a lot of water, filter paper absorbs some of it, and sometimes we remove the filter cup before dripping the liquid.

For example, the hobby of espresso often uses 20 grams of coffee beans to brew 200hao liter black coffee, and the proportion of powder and liquid water is 1:10, which is simple and clear.

Actual experience

Which tastes better, powdered water compared at 1:15 or powdered liquid at 1:15?

Today, we use a bean to do an experiment, under a fixed amount of powder, with the same degree of grinding, is the 1:15 powder better to drink, or 1:15 powder to drink better?

Objectively, we use Yunnan Huaguo Mountain:

Coffee beans: 15 grams, roasting date is 2018.04.30

Degree of grinding: BG 4D (about Fuji 3.5)

Water temperature: 90 degrees

Stew for 25 seconds

Experiment 1 (powder / water ratio 1:15): 15g beans, injected 225ml of water, completely filtered, and got 200ml coffee liquid.

Experiment 2 (powder to liquid ratio 1:15): 15g beans, injected 250ml of water, completely filtered, and got 220ml coffee liquid.

Taste comparison:

Experiment 1: the liquid is rich, the taste of imported herbs, nuts in the middle, tea at the end, and balance.

Experiment 2: the liquid is relatively fresh, imported herbaceous flavor, middle nuts, but slightly sweet honey at the end, less tea, but more layered.


The relationship between concentration and extraction rate: under the fixed amount of powder, the more water, that is, the lower the ratio of powder to water, the lower the concentration, the easier it is to increase the extraction rate.

There are 25 grams of water to extract, which can be understood as a little more water to dissolve coffee, extract more extracts, improve the efficiency of extraction, you may feel that the concentration is low, but it is precisely that the extraction filter is high, but if the grinding degree is not sure, it may also be over-extracted.

In fact, when you feel that the taste of coffee is not enough, you only need to increase the water temperature and replenish the amount of water or prolong the extraction time, and increase the extraction rate from less than 18% to 18% of the 22% range, so that you can enjoy the normal brewing ratio, that is, the more economical coffee powder, and you can also make good coffee that is mellow and more layered.

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