Coffee review

Hand in hand to teach you how to make cold extraction coffee at home introduction to the proportion process of cold extraction coffee production

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more information about coffee beans Please follow the coffee workshop (official Wechat account cafe_style) as the weather is getting hotter, ice products in coffee shops and dessert shops are getting better and better. Even coffee, which we used to drink while it was hot, started the ice business. All kinds of cold coffee and iced coffee are becoming.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

As the weather gets hotter and hotter, "ice products" in coffee shops and dessert shops are becoming more and more popular. Even coffee, which used to drink while it is hot, has started the "ice" business. All kinds of cold coffee and iced coffee are becoming the new favorite of the market.

Ahem ~ be serious! This is a practical information post!

Many well-known brand coffee shops have launched summer exclusive "iced coffee" new products.

Among them, Starbucks' main "air-cooled extracted coffee" has been launched a long time ago, using the unique method of low-temperature and slow extraction and adding nitrogen to produce "iced coffee" with fresh taste and taste. In addition, there are popcorn flavor, coconut and strawberry mixed flavor star ice music, and so on, have also been on the market.

™Cold extract Coffee is the star product of Starbucks Seattle Coffee Roaster.

And COSTA, who has always been slow to respond, has finally "awakened" and recently announced that COSTA China will keep pace with the UK by launching a new coffee series-- Cold Brew cold-extracted iced coffee.

However, just a few days ago, there was a scandal that "the ice cubes used by the three major coffee chains in the UK were found to have fecal E. coli". For more information, please click to see that this is really not Black Starbucks! There are shit-shit bacteria in iced coffee!

For a moment, people were in a panic, although it would not be greatly affected, but everyone always had a little concern about going to the coffee shop to drink iced coffee.

Today, the editor is here to teach you how to make your own "cold extract coffee" so that you can drink it at ease.

What is cold coffee?

Cold extracted coffee, known as Cold Brew Coffee in English, is made of ground coffee beans soaked in cold water for at least 12 hours and filtered by professional utensils. If the alcohol thickness is higher, the time can also be extended to 24-48 hours.

Low temperature and long extraction time are the two main characteristics of cold-extracted coffee and the two main differences between cold-extracted coffee and hot-extracted coffee. Hot-extracted coffee is extracted by hot water, the temperature is between 82-95 ℃, generally no more than 5 minutes. The fastest espresso (Espresso) lasts only 18-23 seconds, while cold-extracted coffee takes much longer than hot-extracted coffee. When it comes to the problem of cold-extracted coffee extraction for a long time, with a more poetic sentence, "what you drink is not only a cup of coffee, but also a long wait."

Can't you tell the difference between cold extract, cold bubble and ice drop?

Those chemical instrument-like ice drop utensils in boutique coffee shops are a common method of cold extraction, and the coffee extracted with this instrument is usually called "ice drop coffee". Generally speaking, the process of extracting coffee at low temperature belongs to cold extraction. Therefore, "ice drop coffee" is actually one of the cold extracted coffee.

In addition to ice droplets, another way to make cold coffee is to make cold bubbles. Like the cold-brewed tea that became popular in Taiwan a few years ago, cold-brewed coffee is produced by slow extraction after mixing coffee powder and ice water in a certain proportion. No coffee machine, no brewing technology, relying entirely on ice water and time for coffee extraction.

Characteristics of Cold extracted Coffee

In terms of flavor, high temperature will make the tannic acid in coffee decompose into pyrowu acid, resulting in a sense of acidity and bitterness. Studies have shown that the acidity in cold-extracted coffee is 67% lower than that in hot-extracted coffee. Therefore, compared with hot extraction coffee and iced coffee with ice after hot extraction, the coffee made by cold extraction process has a lower acidity and is generally welcomed by people.

In addition, due to the conditions of low temperature and long contact with coffee powder, only small molecular flavor substances, such as flower and fruit flavor, are extracted, while those with larger molecules, such as smoky flavor, baking flavor, etc., are difficult to extract. This is why the cold extract coffee does not smell very shocking to the senses, but it tastes smoother, fragrant, hierarchical, obvious and without greasy feeling.

The problem with caffeine

In fact, in terms of caffeine content, there is little difference between cold-extracted coffee and hot-extracted coffee. The solubility of caffeine is mainly determined by temperature. If the ratio of coffee beans to water is constant, that cold-extracted coffee will have less caffeine than hot-extracted coffee. But in general, the bean-to-water ratio of cold-extracted coffee may be 2 to 2.5 times that of regular coffee, which means that cold-extracted coffee will theoretically have more caffeine than coffee produced by traditional processes and proportions. However, cold-extracted coffee generally needs milk or water to dilute, so the concentration of caffeine is diluted.

So! The biggest difference between cold and hot coffee should be the difference in taste, not in caffeine content and nutrients.

Self-made cold extract (cold brewed) coffee

No nonsense, let's introduce the cold soaking method of cold extracted coffee:

The basic material is a bag of hanging ear coffee, or freshly ground coffee powder, with light to moderate baked sun beans (such as sun Yega, sun Sidamo). The reasons will be explained below.

The tools are mixing rods, glass bottles and cups, and the steps are as follows:

1. Put the weighing earbag (coffee powder) in a sealable empty glass bottle. Mix the coffee powder with water and ice at 1:4:8, first with ice, then with coffee powder, and finally with pure water.

two。 Fully stir the above mixture with a stirring rod to make it uniform and seal.

3. Refrigerate for at least 12 hours in a refrigerator of 0-5 ℃ (it is recommended to extend the time for lightly roasted beans).

4. Put the ear filter paper on the cup like hot coffee and pour it into the coffee liquid in the glass bottle to filter. Or filter with hand-washed filter cup filter paper.

5. According to your preference, add sugar, milk or ice cubes, it is recommended to taste the original first, wonderful moment immediately open!

Lazy people's practice

If you are really lazy, you can tear open the earbag with a piece of paper supported by expenses, throw the whole earbag into a bottle filled with ice water, and soak it in the refrigerator, just like a tea bag, as long as you shake the bottle once in a while. let it extract evenly and completely, take it out and drink it directly when the time is enough. This is also the exclusive cool techs of lazy people's cold coffee.

Guide to the making of ice drop coffee

The production of iced coffee will be a little more complicated, because first of all, you have to have a curling kettle. However, the wisdom of the working people (cool techs) is endless.

Hey, hey, hey, hey! digress!

A good tutorial paste, how has it become a cool techs exhibition?

Ahem ~ I'm not kidding you ~

This is our regular ice drop kettle.

Cool techs, don't ask why!

I) utensils for making ice drop coffee

1) ice drop coffee maker 2) ice drop coffee beans 3) bean grinder 4) pellet filter paper 5) styling glass

II) items for the use of ice-drop coffee

1. Be sure to rinse all glassware, filter cloth and filters with clean water before and after use.

two。 Please discard the pellet filter paper immediately after use and do not reuse it.

III) usage of ice drop coffee

1. According to the number of users, pour an appropriate amount of drinking cold water into the water bottle and put it back on the top cover. The standard amount of water per person is about 120cc (if ice is added, the same amount of water should be deducted to avoid excessive amount of water and over-extraction).

Because of the long dripping time, it is recommended that the appropriate amount of ice should be put in batches to keep the low temperature extraction flavor better.

two。 First close the droplet adjustment valve and open the top cover of the water bottle

3. Put the water on the pot and place it carefully and gently to the position.

4. Wet the filter cloth filter with water, then put it into the coffee powder cup

5. Grind fresh coffee powder

6. Put the right amount of coffee powder into the coffee powder cup and gently pat the edge of the coffee powder cup to flatten the surface. The standard amount of coffee powder per person is about 10-12g coffee powder, and medium-fine grinding is better (slightly finer than hand pulping).

7. Finally, put the pill filter paper on the central surface of the coffee powder (this step is very important).

8. Place the coffee powder filter cup in the lower pot.

9. Slowly open the droplet adjustment valve to let water droplets flow out of the water bottle, and adjust the speed of water droplets. * the standard droplet speed is 35-40 drops per minute, adjusted every 2 hours.

The flow rate of water droplets is too fast, and there is stagnant water on the coffee powder, which is easy to overflow and affect the insufficient extraction of caffeine, resulting in a light taste.

When the water droplet velocity is too slow, the temperature is high, and the dripping time is long, the coffee will ferment and produce sour taste and wine taste.

10. Waiting for extraction

11. After dripping all the prepared water, put it in a bottle and put it in the refrigerator. * do not take it halfway in the process of dripping, otherwise the concentration is uneven and can not be placed at room temperature after dripping, which will affect the taste and flavor.

What kind of beans are suitable for cold extract coffee?

As mentioned earlier, Yega or Sidamo in the sun is recommended for cold-extracted coffee, not because these two beans have discounts and are particularly cost-effective, but because, as mentioned earlier, cold-extracted coffee has a low sense of acidity. Low-temperature extraction makes only small molecular flavor substances, such as flower and fruit flavor, are extracted, while those with large molecules, such as smoked flavor, roasted flavor, etc., are difficult to extract.

The common characteristics of African beans are strong aroma and charming acidity, its sour brightness lively and exciting, but the mellow African beans are often slightly thin, sweet taste is not very prominent. The long-term extraction of cold-extracted coffee brings fragrance and distinct layers, and Huigan obviously just makes up for the thinness of African beans and suppresses the sharp sour taste of African beans at low temperatures.

The sun-dried coffee beans can bring a natural light fermented aroma to the cold-extracted coffee, and the rich flavor of the sun-dried beans can also well correspond to the hierarchical sense of the cold-extracted coffee, so that the cold-extracted coffee will not appear monotonous because of the lack of extracted substances.

So, sun-dried African beans and cold extract are a perfect match.

Of course, as a balanced flavor of American beans, such as Panama and Costa Rica, these flowers and fruits with obvious aroma or superior acid, while mellow beans, especially the honey-treated beans with more fermented flavor, is also a perfect match for cold-extracted coffee.

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