Coffee review

Coffee Hero talking about Contemporary Yemeni Coffee what's so special about Yemeni coffee beans

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow Coffee Workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Moktar, a second-generation Yemeni immigrant who grew up in San Francisco in the United States, returned to his hometown to lead local coffee farmers to improve the quality of his coffee, while he was also under fire during the war. now he travels to various countries to share this coffee exploration journey. Moktar (Mokhtar Alkhanshali) wants to borrow

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Moktar, a second-generation Yemeni immigrant who grew up in San Francisco, returned home to lead local coffee farmers to improve the quality of his coffee. now he travels to various countries to share this coffee exploration journey.

Moktar (Mokhtar Alkhanshali) hopes to let you know about Yemen, the ancient birthplace of coffee around the world.

Moktar was invited to the European Cafe in Taichung City today to share his coffee exploration story. Operator Wang Xinjun was full of praise after tasting Yemeni coffee that was highly rated by the American Fine Coffee Association (SCAA). While Moktar narrowly left war-torn Yemen and went around to share the ancient legend of Yemeni coffee, it became the subject of international media reports and was even referred to as the "contemporary coffee revival legend."

Moktar said that coffee is a journey of exploration for him. I hope to share it with you and let you know the special features of Yemeni coffee. When I was a child, I often went back to my hometown to pick coffee with my elders in my hometown. Moktar, 30, did not like coffee very much six or seven years ago, until one day he walked into a boutique cafe, drank a cup of coffee for $5, and tasted the blueberry flavor of the coffee. From then on, we embarked on a trip to the world cafe.

Moktar found that Yemen was once the birthplace of the world coffee, but the quality has declined sharply. He said that he is determined to return to his hometown and spend three years visiting more than 30 producing areas in Yemen to educate farmers to work together to improve the quality of raw coffee beans. When the harvest was about to be shared with the outside world in 2015, war broke out in Yemen and the airport was bombed. He hastily fled with a fishing boat with two suitcases containing coffee samples.

Moktar said that when he returned to the United States from Africa and Europe, these coffee samples got a high score of 90% in the highest blind test of the American Fine Coffee Association that year, and even a high score of 97 in the Coffee Evaluation (coffee Review) in February 2017. since then, he has become famous in the world of coffee boutique, and his breathtaking departure from Yemen has also become the focus of international media reports.

Moktar visited countries around the world to share the story of Yemeni coffee and came to Taiwan. He said that Taiwan is a very special country. He feels that Taiwan has a high demand for coffee, its taste is very sensitive, and Taiwan's food is also very good. Taiwan's cities are very modern, but Taiwanese maintain a good tradition, unlike some countries that abandon the traditions of the past.

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