Coffee review

Coffee. We'll have something fresh.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Fruit, we want to eat fresh and more delicious! Vegetables, we should eat fresh and healthier! Seafood, we have to eat fresh to be delicious! Coffee, we have to drink fresh only fresh to ensure the aroma and taste of coffee, can be better, healthier. Because once the coffee bean is roasted, its aroma begins to volatilize, and the taste is lost and deteriorated by volatilization and oxidation.

Fruit, we want to eat fresh-more delicious!

Vegetables, we should eat fresh-healthier!

Seafood, we have to eat fresh-only delicious!

Coffee, we have to drink fresh-only fresh to ensure the aroma and taste of coffee, can be better, healthier.

Because once the coffee beans are roasted, their aroma begins to volatilize, and the taste is lost and deteriorated by volatilization and oxidation, so it is fresher and tastes better. No matter how high-quality raw beans, no matter how good specialty coffee, once the loss of freshness-it has lost the soul of boutique coffee.

Therefore, with the pursuit of coffee freshness, in foreign countries, more and more coffee shops choose their own baking.

In our Xiumen coffee, in order to pursue the freshness and richness of the coffee, we have different coffee baked every week, where all the coffee is fresh. Every cup of coffee in the shop is ground and extracted with freshly roasted coffee beans and delivered to the guests at the first time, while those who buy coffee beans go home and make their own friends. The aroma of the coffee bean after opening will tell you how fresh it is.

Freshness-the soul of coffee!

For those who like coffee, while paying attention to the quality of coffee, please pay attention to the freshness of coffee.

Please pay attention to the roasting date of coffee beans. Only beans within two weeks after roasting can be called fresh.

Please grind and make the coffee before making it. Once coffee is ground into powder, its contact area with air becomes larger, the degree of oxidation will be rapidly deepened, and the taste will change rapidly.

Please drink it as soon as possible after the coffee is extracted. The freshly extracted coffee will be more fresh in aroma and taste, while the cool coffee will not only greatly reduce the aroma and taste, but also lose the warm and comfortable taste, what's more, the taste will become sour and strong.