Coffee review

What coffee beans are recommended for Philharmonic pressure?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information Please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Philharmonic pressure Coffee beans recommend which coffee beans are suitable for Philharmonic pressure as a way of coffee extraction, it is between hand-brewed coffee and Italian style, but it is simpler and more approachable than both. In terms of how easy it is to get started, the most difficult thing is Italian concentration.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

What coffee beans are recommended for Philharmonic pressure?

As a way of extracting coffee, Philadelphia is between hand-brewed coffee and Italian coffee, but it is simpler and more approachable than both.

In terms of the difficulty of getting started, the most difficult thing is espresso. There are high requirements for professional skills, the performance control and stability of the coffee machine, the accumulation of experience of the operator, and so on. If you are not a practitioner, it is difficult to "get into the wood".

The second difficult thing to use is hand-brewed coffee, the accurate understanding of coffee beans, the selection of extraction tools, the robustness of water control, extraction time and extraction techniques, and so on, all of which take time to accumulate experience. In retrospect, the author has properly experienced the stage of "xjbc".

Philharmonic pressure coffee is relatively easy to use, and the most commendable advantage of this extraction method is the stability of the product. But there are still some essentials of extraction, which I'd like to share with you:

Selection and Grinding degree of Philharmonic pressed Coffee beans

Ailo pressure coffee extract, taste light, aroma obvious but not strong, taste, acidity and sweetness is prominent, especially sweetness will be particularly obvious, these are precisely the advantages of light-baked beans and micro-medium-roasted beans, so the extract is more suitable for light-roasted and slightly moderately roasted coffee beans.

For example, high-quality Ethiopian Yega (water washing or sun exposure), Kenyan coffee beans, rose summer, and some high-quality Central and South American honey-treated beans are very suitable for extraction with Philharmonic pressure.

In terms of grinding degree of Philharmonic pressed coffee beans, if light roasting and mild to moderate roasting coffee beans are used, it is best to use a finer grinding degree (between Italian grinding and hand grinding).

Why is medium baking and deep baking not suitable? Mainly because the biggest weakness of Philharmonic pressure is the poor thickness of alcohol produced, that is, the so-called "body", so it is difficult to give play to the taste advantage of heavy baking.