Coffee review

A technical term for tasting individual coffee.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Dry aroma-dry fragrance refers to the aroma of roasted or ground coffee; wet fragrance-wet fragrance refers to the aroma of coffee extract; acidity-acidity refers to the sour taste of coffee, the combination of rich acidity and sugar can increase the sweetness of coffee liquid; alcohol thickness-alcohol thickness refers to the concentration and weight of coffee liquid; afterrhyme refers to the evaluation of coffee flavor after drinking or spitting.

Dry fragrance-the so-called dry fragrance refers to the aroma of roasted or ground coffee

Wet fragrance-wet fragrance refers to the aroma of coffee extract

Acidity-acidity refers to the sour taste of coffee. The combination of rich acidity and sugar can increase the sweetness of the coffee liquid.

Alcohol thickness-Alcohol thickness refers to the concentration and weight sense of coffee liquid.

Yu Yun-Yu Yun refers to the evaluation based on the flavor of coffee after drinking or spitting.

Flavor-Flavor refers to the aroma and taste of coffee liquid felt on the palate.