Coffee review

The artificial production method of Kopi Luwak how to increase the output of Kopi Luwak

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) what is the in vitro fermentation of Kopi Luwak? 2013-04-19 News-exclusive masked palm civet Coffee in Vitro fermentation performance 30 times. 2013-07-22 News-Coffee value added by in Vitro Hot fermentation 2015-04-22 News-Biotechnology (Technology) civet Coffee

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

What is Kopi Luwak fermented in vitro?

2013-04-19 News-exclusive masked palm civet Coffee in Vitro fermentation performance 30 times.

2013-07-22 News-Coffee ​​ value added by in vitro hot fermentation

2015-04-22 News-Biotechnology (Technology) Musk Coffee screen University of Science and Technology

2016-04-01 News-Musk Coffee can be made scientifically without the need for captive musk cat culture.

2016-11-29 news-fermented bacteria flourish and develop Kopi Luwak successfully

After 8 years of research and development, Xingda Fungi has raised the top civet coffee.

Through "in vitro hot fermentation technology", ITRI has successfully developed masked palm civet Coffee with a unique taste in Taiwan, which is also a pioneer for coffee farmers in Taitung.

New value of industry. It's "in vitro hot fermentation technology", not "excretion bean"!

Both Indonesian and Vietnamese civet coffee are musk cats that eat coffee beans into their stomachs and then take them out through excreted feces.

However, for conservation, safety and health considerations, the ITRI research team coached coffee farmers in Taitung to develop masked palm civet coffee with an innovative technology of "in vitro hot fermentation." this is different from the traditional way of feeding coffee beans to civets and then removing coffee beans from cat excretion products.

The research team isolated and cultured lactic acid bacteria, yeasts, B bacteria, F bacteria and other bacteria from the intestines of masked palm civet (also a member of the civet family) in Taiwan.

Beneficial intestinal lactic acid bacteria, and then these high-purity lactic acid bacteria and fresh coffee beans were fermented in vitro, and then made into safe,

Sanitary masked palm civet coffee beans.

And how did Taiwan develop Kopi Luwak?

The applied microbiology team of the Food Science Department of the University of Science and Technology first went to Indonesia to take 30 native civet faeces to analyze the internal bacteria.

Artificial way to raise civet coffee beans!

But the ideal is that there are more than 1000 kinds of bacteria extracted from cat feces alone.

Common bacteria, these bacteria get along with the civets' gastrointestinal tract for a period of time before finding the most suitable 16 intestinal bacteria to carry out.

Artificially cultured civet coffee beans!

So start selling "science and technology Kopi Luwak" in 2014.