Coffee review

Distinguishing between authentic Blue Mountain Coffee and authentic Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee beans

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information Please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) to Jamaica, there are two things you must experience: one is Bob Marley's reggae, and the other is Jamaican coffee Blue Mountain Coffee. The former satisfies the soul, while the latter satisfies the soul by satisfying the body. Blue Mountain Coffee is like a Rolls-Royce in a car.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

There are two things you have to experience when you go to Jamaica: Bob Marley's reggae and Jamaican coffee Blue Mountain Coffee. The former satisfies the soul, while the latter satisfies the soul by satisfying the body. The status of Blue Mountain Coffee in the coffee world is like the Rolls-Royce in the car, known as the "black jewel". People who love Blue Mountain Coffee are called "coffee beauties" who combine all the advantages of good coffee.

However, everyone knows that Blue Mountain Coffee is the best coffee in the world. Do you know why it is so good? What's good about it? The answer is: Jamaica's weather, geological structure and topography together provide a unique ideal place. The Blue Mountain Mountains have an average elevation of 2100 meters, with fertile volcanic soil, fresh air, no pollution, humid climate, foggy and rainy all the year round (the average precipitation is 1980 mm and the temperature is about 27 degrees). The unique environment and climate have created the world-famous Blue Mountain Coffee, which has the characteristics of all the world's high-quality coffee: not only has a rich and mellow taste, but also because of the perfect combination of sweet, sour and bitter coffee. So there is no bitterness at all, only a moderate but perfect sour taste.

Once upon a time, some people tried to plant the seeds of Blue Mountain coffee trees in other countries, such as Hawaii, Kenya, Papua New Guinea, etc., but once they left the Blue Mountains, the black gemstone completely changed.

Finally, I would like to remind you that only coffee produced on land above sea level 9-1700 meters above sea level can be called Blue Mountain Coffee.

On January 2, 2013, we visited Mavisban Coffee Manor, the Blue Mountain Coffee Paradise. In Jamaica, the best coffee plantations are Wallenford, Mavis Bank and Old Travern. M.B.C.F. Mavis Bank Central Factory, founded in 1885, is a private coffee farm with a history of nearly 130 years.

The minibus we took soon entered the intricate valleys of the Blue Mountains. with the slow rise of the altitude, the road became more and more zigzag and narrow, making the meeting look particularly dangerous. The vegetation in the blue mountain area is well protected, and tropical trees grow vigorously according to the mountain, full of vitality. The air in the mountains is so fresh that every breath feels a little sweet-maybe it's psychological? I always feel the graceful aroma of coffee in the air.

Mavis Bank, the blue mountain coffee factory surrounded by mountains, is no stranger to coffee fans, but at first glance she is a little too low-key and simple: small, with several low-rise blue factories brightly colored in the Blue Mountain Valley, with a flat coffee bean drying field in the middle, and the office area opposite the factory building. We can't help feeling that this is the representative of the coffee industry?

The picture shows a panoramic view of the coffee factory. It is estimated that the blue dyeing of the factory is related to the "Blue Mountain".

We checked in at the gate and went to the reception desk. A woman in her 50s charged us $8 each for the visit, then tasted the already brewed Blue Mountain Coffee (only half a cup) in a disposable paper cup of about 200ml-their standard movement. and then let us wait.

Tickets for the tour are for receipts.

The receptionist is making coffee for us. Unexpectedly, the absolutely high-end Blue Mountain Coffee in the domestic cafe is so grounded here.

The real Jamaican coffee Blue Mountain Coffee has all the advantages of coffee, and its unique taste characteristics can be summarized as follows:

1) mellow, smooth and fruity

2) the sweet, sour and bitter tastes are perfectly reconciled, and it is almost impossible to drink bitterness.

3) it has a long aftertaste and a long mouth.

It is precisely because the taste of Blue Mountain Coffee is moderate and perfect, so Blue Mountain Coffee is generally drunk in the form of black coffee. Its liquid is golden in the sun, and micro-acid is the touch that must not be missed in tasting the best quality connotation of Blue Mountain Coffee. Even if more water is used to brew, the thickness of alcohol will not be diluted by water, but mild and outstanding.

The picture shows two cups of Blue Mountain coffee we drank at the scene, one with sugar and milk, and the other with only sugar.

Like tea, brewing coffee has its own set of etiquette. Like wine, good coffee needs to be identified and defined by people of good taste. It is said that when tasting coffee, you need to sip your mouth to make an O-shape, take a sudden breath, and make a great noise in the mouth-this is caused by inhaling air at the same time. Because only the participation of the air can make the aroma of coffee instantly fill the whole mouth.

After the product, we said that the purpose of today's visit is to visit, and the second is to buy some coffee to take home. Hearing this, the female receptionist immediately replied in an incontrovertible tone: today, you can only go back to the supermarket in Kingston or go to the airport to buy.

However, no matter in terms of price, quality assurance or historical sense, there is no way for manufacturers to buy at the airport instead of buying it. The emperor asked: when will the stocktaking end? We can wait.

A: I don't know.

The woman looks a little cocky, and no wonder his coffee is too famous.

After waiting for a while, a male tour guide came. To be more arrogant, just say: I have to have lunch first (it's 12:00 in the afternoon) and I'll show you around at one o'clock in the afternoon.

We had to visit in the reception room first. In the reception room, there is a variety display of Jamaican coffee Blue Mountain Coffee, as well as a brief introduction to Blue Mountain Coffee. Tasting coffee, overlooking the misty rain and fog in the valley, I have a preliminary understanding of the difference of Blue Mountain Coffee. JABLUM is the famous brand of Mavisban Manor, and it is also the most common brand we sell on the market every day.

The emperor told the village women that we would entertain them. Maybe as soon as they were happy, they could sell it to us. The woman in the village immediately hummed while drinking coffee. When the receptionist heard this, she exclaimed, "are you singing?" It's so beautiful. The emperor took out his flute and asked, "do you like music?" Everyone answered: of course! So he played three or four songs in a row. The sound of the empty mountain flute is particularly fascinating, attracting a large crowd of onlookers, workers who can not leave their posts are also standing not far away to listen, a 50-year-old female worker named Maria can not help dancing to the music! At the end of each song, everyone will respond with warm applause. The receptionist pointed to the village woman and said, "sing, too!" The village woman thought for a moment and performed with the emperor Teresa Teng's "Sweet Honey" and Tan Jing's "on the Top of Dongshan Mountain", which was still warm applause.

As a result, the situation suddenly changed dramatically: the receptionist, who was unable to pull at first, suddenly became so enthusiastic that she offered to bring up two more cups of coffee, and then took us for a group photo.

Maria came up and asked us if we had lunch. When she got a negative answer, she immediately asked someone to ride her motorcycle to the village a few kilometers away to buy takeout for us. During the meal, the female receptionist sent the third full cup of Blue Mountain coffee.

After that, we did a simple calculation: we had to drink at least one hundred cups of True Blue Mountain coffee in China, and we each drank three cups. Wouldn't it be a big profit?

During this period, I chatted with Maria, who is 53 years old and has four daughters. When we praised that "a woman is a mother's little cotton-padded jacket", she said with disdain: only when a daughter is kind to her father does her son miss her mother. Maria's four daughters are all very successful. Two are in New York, one is an accountant and the other is a nurse; the youngest daughter, a 29-year-old doctor in England, runs a farm in Jamaica to grow coffee. Her husband is a coffee farmer. They live in a village about 5 kilometers away from here. They walk to and from work every day and occasionally get a ride. She has worked in this factory for 17 years. The emperor said, your daughters are doing well, so just let them do their filial piety and stop working so hard. Maria replied, I don't want my daughters to support me. I want to be independent.

How honorable!

After lunch, the male guide showed us the whole process of coffee production. Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee is harvested every year from June to November. It is generally picked by hand. After picking, it goes through the processes of washing, peeling, fermentation, dehydration, drying, shelling, and baking in order to get a ripe blue mountain coffee bean.

Jamaican coffee is sorted manually, from which coffee beans of different quality are separated.

Traditional artificial drying

Unbaked coffee beans are called "green" beans (green beans). A large number of exported beans are basically mung beans, which can only be exported after being bagged and stored in the warehouse for three months.

The traditional baking technology of Mavisban Manor can be called a unique art. JABLUM Blue Mountain Coffee is carefully baked by experienced roasters under the supervision of the Chief licensed appraiser (Certified Cup Taster). Mature technology is the guarantee of quality.