Coffee review

Output of Brazilian coffee producing areas what kinds of coffee are produced in the main producing areas of Brazilian coffee and which flavors are there?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Brazil coffee production area introduction: Brazil is the largest coffee production country, providing nearly 45% of the world's coffee raw beans. The length of the country's dry season may even affect coffee prices around the world. The main producing areas in Brazil are Minas Gerais Minas Gerais and Saint.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Introduction of Brazilian coffee producing areas:

Brazil is the largest coffee producer in the world, providing nearly 45% of the world's coffee raw beans. The length of the country's dry season may even affect coffee prices around the world. Brazil's main producing areas are Minas Gerais Minas Gerais, S ã o Paulo Sao Paulo, Bahia Bahia and Esp í rito Santo Espirito Santo, which account for 90% of the country's exports. Our common Brazilian coffee producing areas Santos Santos and Mochiana Mogiana are from S ã o Paulo. Sirado Cerrado and South Minas Sul de Minas in Minas Gerais are located on the west side of Minas Gerais because of their high altitude and high production of fine Brazilian coffee beans. For a flat plateau, 750m~1200m above sea level. The hilly woodland where South Minas is 700m-1200m above sea level is the earliest production area of Brazilian coffee. Due to the increase in labor costs, it is now mostly harvested by machinery, and it is also the earliest commercialized area of coffee. We can see that many large exporters are also standing here. Bahia, located in the north of Brazil, mainly produces washing in Brazil, and Espiritu Santo, near the sea, is the main export area of Brazilian Robusta varieties. In Brazil, there are water washing, honey treatment and sun treatment, but the most common is the sun treatment.

The grading system of coffee producing areas in Brazil, which scores the proportion, size, flavor and taste of defects, is its own independent grading system, which is more complex than that from other countries. For example, the "Brasil Santos NY2 SC17/18 SS FC" NY2 classifies the proportion of defects: the higher the number, the greater the proportion of defects. The order is 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4... NY says it is based on the New York rating standard. SC 17A 18 represents the number of coffee beans. While SS FC (Strictly Soft and Fine Cup) represents flavor and taste, it is divided into two groups: first Strictly Soft, Soft, Softish, Hard, Hardish, Rioy/Rioysh, Rio second is Fine Cup and Good cup. Brazilian coffee is widely loved because of its high sweetness, cleanliness, softness, low acid value and wide use.

Brazil Syracuse Brasil Cerrado NY2 Sc 17 SS FC 18

■ countries: Brazil

■ producing area: Minas Gerais, Hirado

■: 750-1200 m above sea level

■ treatment: insolation

■ level: NY2 SS FC

■ size: 17Compact 18 mesh

■ variety: Arabica

■ flavor description: nuts, almonds, cream, balance

Brazil Mojiana Brasil Mogiana NY2 Sc 17 shock 18 SS FC

■ countries: Brazil

■ producing area: Mojiana, S ã o Paulo

■: 750-1100 m above sea level

■ treatment: insolation

■ level: NY2 SS FC

■ size: 17Compact 18 mesh

■ variety: Arabica

■ flavor description: cream, walnut, chocolate, taste solid and balanced